Finally got banned on twitter. I had several accounts, all troll/pepe accounts. Never got caught until last night...

Finally got banned on twitter. I had several accounts, all troll/pepe accounts. Never got caught until last night. All accounts banned and now I have a perma ban. Any tips on ban evasion? I did have a serious main account, that I used to follow my friends and news. Kinda sucks honestly. From what I have researched its probably an IP ban.

Heres my plan of attack:
>Wipe cellphone
>Change cell number
>Change IP address
>Clear pc cache, and identifying temp files
>Potentially reformatting my pc? (Idk how deep twitter digs)

If anyone has advice, and or experience it would be greatly appreciated, thanks boys.

Attached: twitter-logo-final.png (600x600, 25K)

Don't be a twit.

How do you guys evade bans, so we can stop you? K, thanx
t. twitter nigger

Or you could just not use twitter since there's nothing but trash

>troll/pepe accounts
fuck off retard

Attached: well.png (548x615, 517K)

Twitter is for fags

You obviously were here during the election new fag. Twitter was one of the most valuable tools during that period. If it wasnt for twitter, Hillary might of been president.

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Twitter has become the most disgusting SJW filth. It's even worse than Tumblr. I remember the golden days of twitter when everyone could post and talk shit about anything or anyone. Now you get banned for calling a faggot a faggot.

This completely. I was banned for literally a unrelated tweet on a serious account. Some fag was defending Warlords of Draenor. Called him a retard, and I guess he reported the tweet.

>hey this is totally not Twitter, how do you fellow alt right russian trolls avoid bans? lol (laughing out loud)

>You obviously were here during the election
Yeah I was. It's obvious you're from reddit.


Just do what Nasim would have done

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This. OP go fuck yourself.

I lost all mine too. I don't want to buy burners as I am a poor fag

I also got permabanned for calling someone a retard. Changing IPs and clearing cache didn't work for me and neither did the burner app. Open to suggestions.

you have use a cleaner app
go in setting and clear twitter app data
n use vpn...

Consider it a favor, faggot

i basically make limitless shitpost accounts using throwaway emails... n other 3 steps

Your phone & IP address is what they banned. Every phone has a unique device ID that can't be changed & your IP hardly ever changes.

You'd need to sign up with another phone via data connection & new email address.

Bro just drop all of it. If we just let the sjw lefty liberal niggers have these places the values will drop and the monopoly's will fall. Many pro conservative replicas will appear. Just leave it all! Encourage family and friends to do the same. If somehow we could make it faggy and lame to use social media it wouldbetter us in all aspects. I dropped it all December 11th 2016. Don't even think about it. I mock people openly because Facebook is their topic of conversation

You can't use any of the same images you used before.. Even just zooming in one of your old profile images... or like, edititing it whatsoever will prevent them from catching this.. But if they catch you using the exact same file then that's one way they know it's you... SO yah.. for banner and profile pics cant use old images


>using real phone number
I cannot tell if this is a troll or you're retarded also all you need is a new ip and new burner cells

Also you didn't mention it in the OP but you obviously can't use the same email for any new accounts

And honestly Ive been banned like 5 times so you might be right when you say deleting your entire computer...

Stay away from twatter.

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I was banned for saying "look at these crybabies whining about cultural appropriation. I bet they used a dozen things invented or produced by white men and women before lunch today". It was on that prom dress girls post a week or two ago

Neck yourself.

>Twitter was one of the most valuable tools during that period. If it wasnt for twitter, Hillary might of been president.

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I've found out long ago that I'm too abrasive and antisocial for these kinds of things, I mean I got banned off facebook BEFORE it got all PC, and dodging bans is beneath me so now I just don't do the whole internet thing the same way others do.

It's not a bad way to live, honestly.

You're such a retard for investing your time on this

clear cache AND cookies
change IP
use new account
Do ALL of these things or you risk getting the new IP/account banned

and yes, you don't belong here and should leave
reddit spacing + LE PEPE + twitter is not good rap

Took you a while.

I got the b& during the election mania. They even backdated tweets on an account i created in 2018.

Yeah, im surprised I lasted this long honestly. Had several 12/24 hour suspensions. Any tips on ban evasion?


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