MENA won’t be added to US census for another 12 years

US census won’t be adding the Middle East/North Africa to the us census for another 12 years because they don’t have enough people to mark there. For you autistic right wing fags that’s for marking when you do an application you have to state what race are you(white, black, Asian etc ). I am arab and I am fucking tried of putting myself as white. White people are a bunch of pedos and virgins. Red pill me.

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>I’m Arab and tired of marking myself white
I’m white and I’m tired of Arabs being alive

So does that mean the late resurgence of "white" births might be filthy arabs?

They want to avoid peoplr knowing about the demo shift perpetrated by the commies.



Yes. Your state doesn't work for you and it'll lie to you to keep you docile.

It sure is ironic that a dunecoon is calling someone a pedo. Your folk rape more children per capita than any other race that exists on this earth.

this prevents you from being a affirmative action higher. last thing they want is for you to crowd colleges and rape women. colleges are rape zones and you dont get the luxury of using them. those are for upper middle class whites and blacks who go into sports... or single black mothers thanks to obama because then need a HBI and some one isnt going to take no for a answer

Straight factz he is speaking the truth fuck those white fags who think that they r above everybody else and those arrogant fools who hate on every other culture in the world m.a.

I don’t think that Arabs what to race mix with blacked women.

The state does not work for me at all.

Will Jews mark that spot? After all they claim middle eastern origins.

Thank god, now we can stay Le 56% and no one will know we’re really Le 50%

Not only that but they have a huge problem with incest births in their so called communities. The stats are clear on that one... Worst is mummy wears a rag so ugly he will fuck his 9 year old daughter and impregnate her.. oh wait the Koran tells them that's fine.. nevermind!

The resurgence is white people realizing they have to outbreed the retards to make America great again

You can still get a decent approximation by counting the muslim percentage instead

America is not great ese. Get blacked. Matter of a fact you sister already is.

I know that feel user. I'm here for you

They should just put "Sand Nigger" instead of "MENA".

It's more encompassing and everyone would know what it means.

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I can't belive we don't mark arabs as niggers... They ARE niggers.

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Then tell me about your plan to leave? My sister is in no danger of being blacked or browned...she hates poor people

It probably is because I see Arabs all over the fucking place now here in Florida. They were non-existent here before Obama's presidency. He most have imported some 50 fucking million people.

>Minus number of Muslims in America by white people
>Real total white population
You're already counted in others ways by that Arab organization who has a head count of you fucks. And by poll of religions in the US. Just keep marking white so you don't raise red flags for yourself.

Good we don't want none of you sand niggers here.


The jews don't want us to know the true extent of camel jockey infestation.


This is being done for the same reason they mark mestizos y indios as 'White', to obscure just how many of you shitskins are in our country. They don't want the goyim to realize we are being invaded.

>I am arab and I am fucking tried of putting myself as white
Then say you're asian like the bongs

That’s not an Arab.

>White people are a bunch of pedos and virgins.

why is that bad? i thought arabs like virgins and pedophiles since your pedophile, 9 year old fucking prophet promised you 72 virgins if you blow yourselves up like the worthless faggot that you are?

you want more red-pills?

watch this, fuck face.

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Our history justifies its self. We have invaded many countries. But the time have passed we don’t want to repeat what happened.

I'm Egyptian and I'm pretty sure I got into my college by marking both Black/African and White on my application

Arabs are grouped with Asian in the UK. It's technically true.

I'd tell you to learn to speak English because you aren't making sense, but really you should just fuck off back to the middle east.

No they aren’t.

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Was in the NYPD applying to be a police officer. I marked the paper as Arab. Officer marked me as white. Fuck.

There's like twelve of you in America, just check white and shut the fuck up.

egyptians are nigger tier, regardless of their skin...

trash ass ppl

src: am one

Straight to the point. I know that feel bro.

>>white people are a bunch of pedos and virgins

and arabs are what then....most I know lost theirs late twenties early thirties, to their first cousin arranged marriage...

and do you know how old aisha was

if you're an arab you're fucking Asian not white.

Not according to the US census.

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translation: we don't want to show how many niggers were importing and how they vote democrat


I am born in this kekistan country

That’s obviously a paki idiot. These are Arabs.

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>afghans are white

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nigger faggot

Your arguments is not with the reading

these are for native populations nigger

We don't want you to be counted as white, either. In fact, we'd love to separate Indians and shit too, and we'd love to see "white" free of nonwhites. It's just what's statistically accurate, faggot.

your niggerdom is not with the humans

No, when we saw nonwhite babies now being the majority on the news, my mom told me to lose my virginity in a one night stand.

So it's very likely that there's a lot more white babies being born just because of that, yes.

Just write in 'goat fucker'

The right box for you is 'Semitic', same as your jewish cousins.

I'm white and I'm so sick of white sjws that I'm tired of arabs being alive. nothing against arabs. I just know that sjws will be sadder with you dead

desu, there is probably some white dna there due to alexanders army remnants, bactrian remnants, and the legacy of white persian dynasties of the old

That’s the whole point you dickhead. I have pride In who I am. White women is fucking everyone. And race mixing with shitskin eses and niggers. I don’t want to be white.

Time... to die.

I'm Arab and I rather be listed as white than have the government list me as Arab because of profiling

You don't have to mark yourself as White. You can instead classify yourself as Black.

Everyone think I’m white. I don’t know why. Is it my looks the way I move. I hate that shit.

Your Caucasian ass is getting drafted to the white side during the inevitable race war so get over it princess.

>arab calling anybody a pedo

Because in America you're just spicy white.

I checked pacific islander, when in the USA.

I know north Africa’s that is organic white and they still put African

Ironically spicy was my nickname in middle school.

People think I'm either Mexican or Italian

I'm Syrian/Greek mix too so I'm not that dark

they don't want the public to know the extent of the infestation

Arabs are less than 3% of the US population

White is not even a race. White is grouped in with kikes, sandniggers, spics, turkroaches, poos as caucasian. If you separate White from the other caucasians then we are truly a minority in the world

3% too many

I catch pedos. Have you heard of facebook

>56% white according to stats
>Arabs and a fuckton of browner than shit Hispanics are counted as white

So, how bad do you faggots reckon it really is? 45%? 35%?

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It seems to be common for people in America to give one another nicknames based on ethnic cuisine and hopefully it was well intended. In any case Syrians and Greeks are more than welcome in the neo Roman Caucasian power block.

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>tfw Mexican
>tfw gf is Arab
>tfw we both check white on the census

America is probably 40% white tops

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Zero percent if you exclude first generation immigrants of European decent. We are more like allied GMO abominations at this point.

Syrian food is not really spicy but they thought I was Mexican so there you go.

i hate spics so god damn much, why the hell can't you just stay in your own country you retarded shitskin?

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>3% too many
Lol most Arab Americans are Maronite Christians with anglicized names and are assimilated. You most likely wouldn’t even realized if you passed one, unless they were one of the minority Muslim women wearing a cloth on their head. The only significant Arab population that would stand out are probably Yemenis. They are brown and muzzies but still probably far less than even

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I unironically estimate our actual white population to be 15-20%

what is the muslim population of america
that will tell you how many fake white arabs there really are

no it's more like 40-50%
i've lived in predominantly white areas before, though i'm in a city now surrounded by darkies, the south and midwest is still predominantly white and the south is still racist if you're out in the mountains, most of the Northeast and west, and Texas(30% white according to the census) is doomed though, we will be 15-20% within the next 20-40 years though

That has to be hell.

Even fucking Sweden and Germany are 80-85% white.

I am Yemeni and I don’t even look like one. That hurts.

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I don't know, I live in Florida where it's supposedly 70% white and 8-9 out of 10 people here are not white. We are the third most populous state, mind you. California is not even remotely white. Texas is brown as fuck too. Those are the three most populous states.

>American flag

I rest my case:

Is that you? You look like one to me, but I guess idk really what Yemenis are supposed to look like, but the few I’ve seen don’t look too different from you.

Your hair is recognizably Arabic.

How white is France?

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Get out of our country then shitskin

i said texas is only 30% according to census so it's actually probably only 20%, i get what you're saying because i live in an area that is supposedly around 80% white even though i go entire days without even seeing another white person, and i don't even live in the hood, i'm sure the white population is lower than the census says i just very seriously doubt it is as low as 15-20%... yet

go back to the middle east you don't belong here

how original.white flight has hit /pol........long ago.
now just al queda kite running dick sucking beards and sjw interlopers.

hear hear.

also you're forgetting it is only the major cities that have so many shitskins, most rural and suburban areas and especially small towns are still almost exclusively white ESPECIALLY down south