Attached: we-mexicans_o_517692.jpg (850x567, 80K)

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>how people think we "drive"

Lets be honest the vast majority of actual mexicans are nacos and chilangos that resemble the stereotype because after all the "urbanized globalized" mexican is just a minority.

>trying to debate an absolute retarded pic

there is nothing wrong with chilangos or nacos
yea, i will pass

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Mexico City Slum

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>80 KB
Dios mio

I hate Mexican people with a passion, playing their annoying retarded music so damn loud, having tattoos all over their bodes, they don't know how to drive, they are so ill-mannered, why can't they just all die.

>there is nothing wrong with chilangos


they are the best of us
objectively speaking

so, act acordingly

Attached: participaciónporestado.jpg (500x773, 162K)

>what people think we are like
>interesting with our own unique culture and habits
>what we actually are like
>jewish golems like you but dumber and more violent

pretty depressing desu

I know this is an elitist board, but to be quite honest, the average chilango is a very chill and relatable person for any latino.

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vivia en el df por un ano y objetivamente son una raza de indios que huelen a la mierda, siempre estan gritando para que compren la basura que venden y se piensan cultos por vivir en esa ciudad sucia que debe de ser la estrella de mexico pero nadie puede respirar ni caminar por la calle sin problemas. me cago en todos los putos tercermundistas mexicanos.

>no entiendo que es la centralizacion

Those are very unimportant reasons to desire death upping other people, you're either a retarded white nigger or some edgy 12 year old

its ok fren
i forgive you

>centralization in 2017
seriously nigger? the mexican version of the jew boogieman
chilangos didnt force you to vote for your retarded gov btw

i am from jalisco btw

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Vivi un tiempo en varias ciudades de estados unidos, y si no son un poco de negros, son una sarta de rednecks campiranos, o una partida de citadinos engreidos, estados unidos es mas parte del tercer mundo y lo único que los separa de ser un paisucho es su sector privado que les paga esa milicia gigante, poco de arrogantes hijosdeputa me alegra que se haga mierda su país de verga.

Attached: angrysun.jpg (299x169, 5K)

>American flag
Time to go back Juan

I honestly prefer the Mexicans in the top desu

>being this new

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go choke on a burrito you stupid drug dealer

> you're a retard for believing that centralization would have a role in the development of the state running things
Tell me more reasonable arguments

I think I'll just live a plentiful and long life knowing fully well that my mere existence causes you a great deal of distress and shortens your lifespan, all this without putting a single effort, you can't get a better deal than this.