Attached: we-mexicans_o_517692.jpg (850x567, 80K)

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>how people think we "drive"

Lets be honest the vast majority of actual mexicans are nacos and chilangos that resemble the stereotype because after all the "urbanized globalized" mexican is just a minority.

>trying to debate an absolute retarded pic

there is nothing wrong with chilangos or nacos
yea, i will pass

Attached: 1525125856941.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

Mexico City Slum

Attached: 72365533.jpg (612x404, 70K)

>80 KB
Dios mio

I hate Mexican people with a passion, playing their annoying retarded music so damn loud, having tattoos all over their bodes, they don't know how to drive, they are so ill-mannered, why can't they just all die.

>there is nothing wrong with chilangos


they are the best of us
objectively speaking

so, act acordingly

Attached: participaciónporestado.jpg (500x773, 162K)

>what people think we are like
>interesting with our own unique culture and habits
>what we actually are like
>jewish golems like you but dumber and more violent

pretty depressing desu