>study history
>become centrist
did this happen to anyone else?
>study history
>become centrist
did this happen to anyone else?
Yeah. Life's complex
If you never risk or stand for anything you never have anything to lose
Who would've thought
>study history
> become anarchist.
No, not on this board OP, because nobody here has studied history.
You either pick a side or disappear. The lukewarm are useless.
>study history
>become ayy
No it just means that you are a shallow person who has no desire to make the world a better place but would rather interact with it as an observer.
Best pic ever, shall take.
You’ve made this thread a few times. I think you don’t even have authorities to appeal to.
How do you figure
>study history
>become a divine monarchist
Anyone else?
The only thing poeple here knows is that hitler exists, but they have never seen any of his speeches or read the Mein Kampf beyond the third page
unironically yes
Centrist is an arbitrary and meaningless term. Centrism today is yesterday's far-left and tomorrow's center-right.
Not really. I did a lot of research and because a commie.
Then there was a controversial speaker at my campus and all the antifa people showed up and basically silenced the person.
It was that event and that event alone that made me question my beliefs.
Communism is great, but the people who support it are garbage.
Everyone has a different definition of centrist
>study history
>start to see the patterns
>become far-right reactionary
Maybe the idea of communism sure but I feel human nature will never allow it to be effectively implemented
>Communism is great, but the people who support it are garbage.
people in-general are garbage
He cute but doesn't feel so good
i take da picture also
This is the final redpill
>I did a lot of research and because a commie
Imagine being stupid enough to become a commie AFTER actually reading about it.
Because being "center" is thought as being pseudoneutral and those "no ones enemy". So they can go about their life not sacrificing to make the world a better place or being apart of a minority (political group) that is getting the short end of the stick. They can go about the world in hopes of it not effecting them while observing from the short-bus version of the ivory tower.
America is socially liberal and fiscally conservative by nature
Other opinions change with age ,not education
Centrism and especially radical centrism is not about sitting atop an ivory tower and judging people it's about using pragmatic and rational solutions to solve problems and reform institutions. I find this much preferable to the reactionary and emotional nature of extreme politics weather it be far right or left often leaving millions dead in pointless ideological pursuits
The problem with most extreme ideologies is they look beautiful on paper but in practice go full fucking retard and belong in a garbage can.
Great example is communism, it could lead to world peace, but human nature makes Maoism happen and a despot inevitably reaches for power and 100 million people die.
Another Answer is National Socialism, or Nazi's as it were. People want a mix of government taking care of people where capitalism is held in a limited practice so people can go up social classes and people feel security due to an extremely strong government with a all powerful leader, but once again human nature kicks in, the guy in power gets power hungry and WWII happens because the guy wants an entire continent to himself. Shits honestly best in moderation because extremism leads to fucking stupid shit because humans are a disgusting greedy terrible lot that can't be assed to govern themselves without millions of people dying because some guy wants more fucking gold.
>study something that (for the most part) is not open to ideological interpretation
>wash your brain over with fresh waters of truth
>only want to seek the truth
I'd say over 80% of Jow Forums users are living in a bubble and have not read anything from across the aisle. A small amount of biased evidence points to their theory. The truth is, the alt right is starting to lose (yes altright is a stupid term but these niggers have even started to call themselves that). It's a purification process.
May we burn and clean away degeneracy and laziness. May we burn pessimism and non action. May we burn those who choose to ignore the truth.
>study history
>become sissy trap with shaved boipucci
did this happen to anyone else?
people who live their lives and align their ideology along party lines and talking points are fucking retards who cannot and do not think for themselves. by definition.
what counts as "extreme" is arbitrary and changes from year to year. The average views of the american men who went to war to fight against the nazis would have views that would today be considered "extremely far right".
>study history
>move further and further to libertarian right
what did i do wrong?
>it's about using pragmatic and rational solutions to solve problems and reform institutions
But that isnt centrist. "Being" centrist is attempting to get your cake and eating too. The irony in this is that the idiom exist because the fact is that normally you CANT get your cake and eat it. Thus centristism is defined by non-action because action means you pick a side.
sage for talking to an idiot
damn bro you're so redpilled I bet you've read every unsourced JPG on this site
based and robust
>Being" centrist is attempting to get your cake and eating too. The irony in this is that the idiom exist because the fact is that normally you CANT get your cake and eat it. Thus centristism is defined by non-action because action means you pick a side.
You should read the actual definition faggot instead of picking some starwman bullshit to dismiss it
m8 anything left of communism these days is far right, that term means diddly shit these days, i'm talking about stupid fuckers who hold views that will end up leading down a path of a fuckton of dead people through sheer assholery.
I meant reading about it theoretically. Yeah, USSR and all that is garbage.
However, I feel like Stalin was really what fucked it up. Lenin seemed more interested in the working class.
Plus, my beliefs are that the poor and working class are oppressed by bosses and managers. There is a huge profit gap. My whole thing is employers not offering full time work, and raises being at most 25c a year for low skilled workers. And I don't buy the "low skill, low wage" because those folks are still providing a service, and everyone needs to start somewhere. The current model keeps poor people poor and rich people rich. And fuck that.
I couldn't care less about if someone wants to be calls xer or xim or whatever the fuck.
fuck your cuck sarcasm and speak your mind like a man you fucking fat burger
>The current model keeps poor people poor and rich people rich. And fuck that
why is that bad?
>implying using pragmatism puts you above the left right paradigm
>implying that the left or right doesnt use pragmatism
stop being a stupid nigger
>my specific brand of centrism is correct
Looks like your not very centrist on this topic at all. You are very extreme.
Why have poor people and rich people when we can switch to communism and have everyone be poor?
Where did this pepe in a suit come from?
Praise the emperor
You want to know the truth? I can't stand faggots who've seen greatest meme never told and read some unsourced JPGs and claim to know the truth while outright dismissing any scholarly research on history as "jewish propaganda" or whatever it may be. It's intellectually lazy and a sign of ignorance
>>implying that the left or right doesnt use pragmatism
Yes extremist ideologies tend to avoid pragmentism due to their narrow ideological stances.
Literally never said that
I became a national socialist
Also known as the radical centrist
No, but I joined pol and became a libertarian on the political map instead of a leftist. Even though I believe in government providing roads and shit.
Mussolini fascism is much more based
Thing is communism has been tried multiple times and failed due to human nature, such as china, where hundreds of millions of people literally died and got buried in nameless graves.
Glad to see another user with excellent taste
Damn Germans ruin every ideology they touch.
National Socialistic Workers party, does that sounds center or right wing to you?
>the Catholic Centre and other democratic parties united to support the Centre's Wilhelm Marx, who had twice served as chancellor and was now Minister President of Prussia. The Communists insisted on running their own candidate. The parties on the right established a committee to select their strongest candidate. After a week's indecision they decided on Hindenburg
>Paul von Hindenburg, first elected in 1925, was re-elected to a second seven-year term of office. His major opponent in the election was Adolf Hitler of the Nazi Party (NSDAP).
Hitler was on the left and Catholic Christian Democrats of Weimar Republic were right wing. Communists were also on left and Hitler allied with them to invade Poland.
>Yes extremist ideologies tend to avoid pragmentism due to their narrow ideological stances.
But realistic most people are center left or center right which isnt ideologically possessed. Democracies wouldnt work AT ALL if the left and/or right didnt use pragmatism (either consciously or unconsciously) because you cannot compromise without the ability to see the positive of an idea.
>hey guys i find a wikipage on an ideology that isnt an "ideology" so cool rite
grow up
>not becoming a Singularitarian
Because some people(me) really hate that I have to work 10x harder than the people around me, just to get to the level they were born into.
Especially now that I'll be graduating and will have zero people show up to my graduation while all the kids around me who spent their college years drinking and doing drugs will be surrounded by their wealthy families.
Explain how that is fair or just? When I had to work 2 or 3 jobs to do something that those dandies were able to waltz through?
I basically was robbed of my youth and early adulthood so my kids can have a better shot at life. I'd much rather have spent my early twenties crashing an Audi and fucking college sluts.
>still using the left-right false dichotomy
It's literally a poisoned Jewish construct
>study history
>become ancap that wants to help and manipulate natsocs into fighting my enemies for me, without having to violate the NAP myself
Studying history made me a lot more conservative in outlook. Revolutions tend to fail, and the modern world seems to bring more problems than we can ever hope to solve.
>But realistic most people are center left or center right which isnt ideologically possessed. Democracies wouldnt work AT ALL if the left and/or right didnt use pragmatism
Your right, they just mostly don't work especially in America. All the gridlock you see in washington is almost always due to ideological differences that could be solved with a bit of pragmatism. Advocating this tribal mentality in politics only creates greater polarization
Mussolini despite all his flaws gave a shit about his people, the fact Hitler would imprison and liquidite former Jewish WW1 vets is despicable
Mussolini said they are both left and right, both. People don't seem to understand until this day what Fascism tried to accomplish, basically if you had logic you would understand, they wanted everybody to be a Fascist, so they needed everybody.
like classical liberal centrism?
A superintelligent AI would make a far better monarch than a human king.
>zero people show up to my graduation
that's sad
t. Juden Peterstein
truth hurts
>invests into stocks he's being told by banks and their newspapers
>takes loans as being told by banks
>agrees to every international trade
>learns every international corporation in school and pays for it, literally limiting own competition
You do realize people work in bank and somebody is going rich with your money you individualist.
I used to be somewhat leftist until I actually watched his speeches.
>implying international trade is inherently a bad thing
modern capitalism has lifted millions of people out of poverty
As always, thanks for that intellectually stimulating insight into how the world doesn't work, Russia carbon copy.
fucking this
>study history and philosophy
>become Catholic traditionalist with neo-reactionary tendencies
> study history
> become black pilled classical liberal
Pretty standard I assume
I didn't notice, but i will just have to take bank's word for it, because their GDP increased when they inflated everything besides salaries.
>muh bank economy grew and now i can get even more loans and be an individualist until end of life when i finally be able to buy a house i can sell because i get divorced from my Asian shemale hooker in 8 years
Here's the truth: groups always win against individuals.
>one thinks it already happened
>another thinks it will never happened
>it’s all fucking guesses by retards
Gee, what a useful graph.
>Communism is great, but the people who support it are garbage.
The absolute state of communist posters
>spinning the uplift of millions of people worldwide as a bad thing
this is your brain of ideology. sure society may not be perfect but humans enjoy the highest standard of living in history for a reason. Much preferable to the goose stepping militarism and total war rationing of old