Daily reminder of the meaning of the old Jow Forums

Specially for you, the skinhead nazi and the mestizo "nazbol".

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i dont need you to define the chan for me

ive been here since 1958 when we memed jimmy carter into office

I miss the flah bearer threads, they were funny as hell.

>rexist party


>Trad worker

>American nazi party

>League of the south

>Iron guard

why must pol obsess over shit and failed organizations

>All these gay ass tra and cap organisations
baka, its like you enjoy making the same mistakes over and over again


>Traditionalist Worker Party
Literally doesn't exist anymore because the fat fuck decided to engage in incest cucking
Led by a fat fuck who hasn't done anything despite existing for decades
>League of the South
Fat racist boomers who all used to be in the KKK

There you go. Stop circulating this shitty version.

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Rexist was great, and confronted the establishment just like Trump did, and Degrelle was much more based than Drumpf was. An incredible story since the start.

So was Mosley.