Is Trump a criminal?

Is Trump a criminal?

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fuck white supremacy

Yep, he is a Russian spy.

why was roy cohn so obsessed with frogs?

Probably, but no worse than any other president.

He used to hang out with Epstein what the Fuck do you think?

Yes, he stole my heart

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Nah. Jew puppet? Yes.

at this point, funding and abetting the police state, sure

More importantly, is trump juden?

>Is Trump a criminal?
Yes, he should be jailed for murdering Hillary's dreams.

Came to say this


Here is a pic of him meeting with a member of the Hambino crime syndicate.

Attached: trumpgrimace.jpg (620x415, 25K)

It's just weird how everytime you shake a tree a other Russian pops out 8snt it?

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How many dicks did this guy ride in his life? 100? 200?


Probably, but white collar crime is only ever used as a tool against people bucking the system and/or outside the club, if it were applied fairly across the board, you'd have the prisons filled with white people instead of niggers.


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he trained the donald well

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/our/ criminal

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