
Attached: JudenPeterstein1.jpg (992x975, 136K)

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jbp is a bitch

When Ms. Piggy confronted Kermit...

Why does Jow Forums hate Jordan?

He became popular with other groups sites that are not Jow Forums

>"oy vey, Hitlerâ„¢ was even more ebil than you think goys, I mean guys"
and because he's a bitch

We'll always have Hitler

he really got BTFO there

Jordan Peterson is a cowardly little bitch. All his posturing goes the straight out the window when someone asks him a difficult question. He literally runs to the other side of the stage and dodges the question.

pic related lmao
>Juden Peterstein

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It's sad that someone who prides himself on seeking the truth, refuses to address a question. Fucking fake ass """"""philosopher""""""

Fucking kike worshipper.

He doesn't want to say something controversial without the ability to back it up. He said he hadn't read the book yet.

>Fellow white people lets abandon identity politics and STOP working TOGETHER
Meanwhile, minorities continue to pursue what's in their group's best interest, hites are already the most individualistic people in the west. And at every given turn Mr. Juden deflects criticisms from god's chosen. He's a kike shill through and through.

All this talk about that silly forged book is making me sleepy.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

They don't, it's just leftist shills who dislike him trying to sway your opinion, and legit idiots who think he's a Zionist puppet because he doesn't openly "name the jew" and ruin his career/reputation etc. People here are fucking morons man.

>being a lefty shill

It's 1 am, aren't you getting tired?

It is time for all of Jow Forums to denounce this idiot. Radical toxic individualism is the root cause of all the ailments of western society. This shit needs to be stomped out with an iron fist and only when we come together as single collective entity can we undo the damage that has been done to the western mind since the enlightenment.

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He plays daddy to a bunch of weaklings who would benefit more from your average weightlifting video than any of his sage "advice". He has a vested interest in keeping them desperate and pathetic, if they ever actually did anything with their lives they wouldn't need their dad simulator anymore and the money would dry up.




doesnt even surprise me that a swedenigger never read the Traditionalists of the 20th century. They were unironically right about everything.

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Individualism is good. The problem is it was something created by white men for dealing with other white men. It obviously spirals out of control when women or non-whites try to hop on the bandwagon.

Same thing with firearms. White people can be trusted with firearms. Niggers can't. So niggers go around killing people and retards cry, "We have to ban guns! Ni- People can't handle them!"

I'm not swedish. Please shut the fuck up.

Who is white? Were the Irish treated as individuals? You undermine your own philosophy when you apply it based on collectives.

Then it is an inherently flawed way of thinking, if your mindset is immediately subverted, exploited, and conquered as soon as it comes into contact with an outside group, then it must be abandoned. We must go back to a pure, almost primal way of looking at ourselves, to simply view ourselves as totally good, united in purpose, who strive together for a common great goal and to view all other groups as totally evil, saboteurs who seek to undermine and destroy us. That is the ultimate bulwark against foreign encroachment and will allow Europeans to go forward, unabated and undeterred by the rest of the world. We must undo the damage that has been inflicted on our minds over the past three-hundred years. It may seem to some as an ideological step backwards, but it is the only way we can save ourselves and prosper in the centuries to come.

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Stormweenie cockroaches scurrying around after Exterminator Chad Peterson came to town

lol brainlet desu, presents no arguments in his criticism and as soon as he is called out for his ignorance, resorts to base insults like a nigger

what a weirdo

watch vox day takes on him. he sum up whats wrong with him pretty well.

Peterson admitted Ashkenazis hold disproportionate number of high positions. Other individuals would have ignored the question or called anyone talking about a "conspiracy theorist" and had them escorted from the building with police.

a lot of pol wants Peterson to go full autism and start screaming "1488! gas the kikes now" as he pulls off his shirt to reveal a swastika tattoo. Anything less is subversion. It's almost like no one here has read the Art of War, and can't see what Peterson is doing. Peterson made an excuse for an anomaly, and he knows most people won't buy it. Doesn't matter; it gets normies talking about something they're programmed not to talk about.

You don't slay a dragon by entering it's lair and screaming "HERE I AM DRAGON". You creep up on it. This is what Peterson is doing, and he even admits, in his own way, he's going probably going to die doing it.

He cant out the jews yet xd

This whole meme of "everyone's secretly on our side" needs to stop. Peterson "admitted" they hold disproportionate power because he genuinely reveres them and saw it as a compliment. That's why he's so baffled to be attacked over it.

He's not slaying dragons and he's certainly not some sort of martyr. He's playing daddy to a bunch of neets in exchange for money. That's it.

>clean your room
>ignore jew history goyim
>ride on the coattails of sjw bashing
don't know

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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>He wont indulge in my crazy conspiracy

Peterstein worked at the UN for three years with JOHN PODESTA:

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>Adolf was suber evil, beware guise, you might be nazi guards
>Orderliness is the only way to cure the world, so clean your room
That being said, his psychology lectures are quite good tho.

Vox does a breddy gud job. The problem that all "rational" and "reasonable" commentators have: They ignore reality. The reality is that people do gravitate to their own race, and there are Communists in positions of power who are inciting race war, which only exacerbates the natural inclinations of people, rather than allow the races to live side by side peacefully. And the Communists are targeting white people. "Reasonable" people like Peterson are living in fantasy land where this is just a pesky minor issue that needs to be stamped out by simple debate with neighbors. But the Communists are teaching that debate is racist and anyone who tries to engage you in debate deserves to be destroyed. Being nice is overrated and rehabilitating criminals is overrated. Eye for an eye is underrated.

jealous hack doesn't say anything about jordans arguments, only calls him names based on absolutely nothing but feels

He's got like 20 videos about Peterson, or did you only watch the Jones interview?

Everyone acts like Jow Forums went shit after the recent election but truth is we got taken over by storm front way before.

Anyone on the right that isn't a nazi is basically thrown under the bus.

>crazy conspiracy

This is basic history outside of the public education system, dumbass. Whites hear about the Holocaust nonstop in these institutions, yet they never hear of the Holodomor, unless they do outside research. Why is that, I wonder?

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He takes Peterson's core philosophical positions apart on his youtube videos and blog.

You're just an assblasted Peterstein cultist.

>Don't use your ancestors to prop yourself up. Be successful as an individual.
>Antisemitism is bad.
Basic bitch hypocrisy

Juden Patronstein would have been even better

It's people like you who think only "nazis" would have a problem with JBP that ruined this board. Thanks gamergate, thanks t_d

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Order is very important though. Fascism itself is based on embracing orderliness over the chaos of degeneracy. Abstract art is degenerate; a beautiful painting with perfected technique is orderly and beautiful.


It's like his brain freezes when he's forced to confront the JQ. Unbelievable.

absolutely rekt oh my god
God bless the Poljew that asked the question.

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>Always tell the truth
>Intentionally dishonest about the JQ
Fucking fraud.

This really. He's a good man. They hate good men.

Reminder JBP buys hundreds of communist propaganda artworks.
Ironically of course. Haha.
Imagine someone saying they buy hundreds nazi artworks, that will totally fly under the radar.

He uses Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Gulag Archepelego for arguments.
He's not a fan of Marxism and Communism.

which is kind of odd don't you think? He claims to know a lot about TPTB, but when you ask him something simply about jews he just shuts down and says he is clueless. hm...

This is fact. His followers are even more pathetic.

>Everyone who doesn't want to genocide jews is my enemy

Antifa read a book ffs.
I was like you once

You can't have only order. Creating art with perfected technique requires a good amount of chaos before the beauty is found from the chaos of practicing and perfecting a brush stroke or a composition.
Cleaning your room and trying to be orderly is a decent advice for lost souls who a direction in their lives. It's not applicable to art tho. Art NEEDS both, order and chaos. Going only for order in art tends to be dull and uninspired. Art born only from chaos is unintelligible and usually pretentious.
Perfecting a basic rock beat or a jazz swing is beautiful, orderly, and requires an insane amount of discipline and time. But if you do nothing but the basic beat, there is no flair to it.
That being said, if there is a need for a state, I do like them orderly

It is not always one extreme or the other, nuance exists you know..
The fact that he is actively promoting individualism instead of tribalism is worrying as he mostly focuses on white men. (look at his audiences)
He seems to acknowledge that there are groups with lower IQ than others, and acknowledges that Islam is a dangerous religion. Both these things pose the biggest danger to Europe's future status.

Instead of saying whites need to stay together and keep their countries homogeneous and christian, he is basically saying; clean up your room, become productive, pay your taxes, be a good goy. So you pay your taxes to your pro multiculti, diverse, pc and pro islamic government, and thus you work to your on countries demise. How can you not see that??

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sven gets it
also this thread is cancer and OP is a faggot

Imagine being a product of the american education system