Eurovision 2018: Netta wins for Israel with Toy

Ree, ouch, hey, hm, la

Look at me, I'm a beautiful creature
I don't care about your "modern time preachers"
Welcome boys, too much noise, I will teach ya
(Pam pam pa hoo, turram pam pa hoo)
Hey, I think you forgot how to play
My teddy bear's running away
The Barbie got something to say, hey, hey, hey
Hey! My "Simon says" leave me alone
I'm taking my Pikachu home
You're stupid just like your smartphone

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I'm not impressed with her music. Can you even call it music? Am I wrong?

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That was legitimately horrible. She's imitating a chicken for some reason half the song.

He ha - over 9000

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why are her eyes so close together lads?

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What a shocker Israel wins at a time when they're the biggest pieces of shit on Earth getting away with warcrimes

I wonder why do ((((they))) call the contest Eurovision if Israel can participate though? Each year the most degenerate wins.

What the fuck is that abomination? She should call the genre kike-pop

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The most jewish thing I've seen this week.

Is anyone surprised? They've been shilling this ogre across the (((BBC))) for days, I honestly thought she was the UK entry at first.

I bet its the same in most other countries too.

>Be degenerate landwhale
>Cluck like a chicken on stage
>Win Eurovision 2018
The absolute state of modern ''music''.

stupid goy

That's funny because her weight is over 9000

That song is fucking terrible even by pop standards

You made the mistake of having a conventionally attractive, straight, cisgendered female competitor.
It's Eurovision.

The UK performance got interrupted when a leftie rushed to the stage and grabbed the mic yelling something about nazis

Any link for this on Jewtube?

tbqh, I liked the French entry lot more.


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Yeah she's fat and ugly, and the lyrics are cringy as fuck...there's no "but" goyim, thanks for voting and i'll see you in jerusalem

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Guess they liked the whole chicken cuckling

>winner is a fat Israeli cunt singing about how being a fat hog is "beautiful"

This is why I'm a right-winger.

Bash your chick in the face with a sack of Oranges next time.
Guaranteed win.

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Research who's in charge of (((judging))) Eurovision contests.

I just heard from a friend that the kikes won. The whole thing reeks of affirmative action.

You won using a fat degenerate hambeast making animal noises, congrats jew.

the worse it gets the better the future will be

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This fucking bitch with the worst song won
fucking kikes they can't do anything of artistic only buy contest with their fucking money
Israel will be destroyed before the eurovision 2019 and the digits confirmed


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Can't think of a more annoying cunt rn. I hope she fades into oblivion within a month or so

Oh boy, who woulda thought that a song performed by a landwhale pucking about how stronk independent WYMYNZ are not toys would win. And by a kike non the less. The agenda is obvious here.

Europe is beyond salvation.

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clownworld is turning supercritical

I'm going to dive in here. I bet the votes were bought and paid for, pissed off Israeli anons are key to blowing this sham wide open.

I thought it was confirmed that Israel cheated with phone voting in the semifinals?

put a beard on her next year and you'll win.

So progressive. Much wow. Well done ruski hackers.

The best part is next year? It's held in the winner's country.

That's right. Eurovision 2019, Israel.

Also, while France was on, a Muslim was in Paris screaming ALLAH AKBAR and stabbing people. The song was dedicated to refugees, the Muslim to what will happen when enough of them are let in.

Oy Vey

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I don't watch Eurovision, but this loud hambeast is pretty much unavoidable in Israeli media. Like 90% of israelis find her hacky and repulsive


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god I hate it when people virtue-signal fat acceptance

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Really? This amuses me but I can't imagine what kinds of things they would write about her. Are the media praising her while ordinary people think she's retarded?


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Hmm, and that stage crasher on Britain's entry (Not like we ever win), but that's awfully suspect.

Did it win with 6 million votes?

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degeneracy is good

Fucking end me. I can't look at her disgusting face and whale size body. Why did we win?

Fucking kikes.

The comments are beautiful though
>turned off t.v. after 4 songs, this is rubbish, I can go outside and listen to my own chickens!!
>EWWW. Feminism won.
>Explain me how this girl won this? Cyprus was far better than this..this is not even a song...and also not europian country. Anw congratz
>How did this win the eurovision?
>She is a degeneracy.
Literally ourguy
>again, 12 points from KFC
Ourbot beep cyka blyat boop.

She's literally a jewess what did you mean by this?

> us embassy in jerusalem
> eurovision in jerusalem

how will muslimcucks ever recover?

>tfw Globalism is actually a carefully orchestrated plan to wake the Jews up about the Jews

Literally a better song then her shit god damn it Jews you're worse then Mexicans at this point.

Fortunately Israelis don't really get the progressive message here, the general opinion here is that we won cause "Europeans love this freakish stuff". Most Israel are disgusted by gay propaganda

1. You are not European
2. Your ""country"" is located NO WHERE close Europe
3. You are not white

Why isn't African countries and the US in Gayovision?

If America was allowed to join, who or what would they force upon our collective faces?

Absolutely disgusting....

Where do I sign in to help you, goyim?

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>winning well earned
>in 2018

you stupid goy

How will the Jews ever recover is the real question. One of your own sang some degenerate chicken song for the goyim and won a silly contest, but you're stuck with her and her friends living in Israel promoting the (((queer))) lifestyle.

Because we are obviously the chosen peoplez
Dont even question it goy

(((they))) want a eurovision songfestival in israel so muslims can bomb it

I love Netta now.

It's gonna be funny when a large number of the semi-normal ones start to get disillusioned.

That's haram hon
When was the last time the jews even put out a good song the 1800s?

Estonia should have won, Elina was the only singer with actual skills and talent

At least she fell down the stairs.

Wait doesnt Israel have mandatory military service? Was this hamplanet in the army? Is that what kind of standard the Israeli army has?

>When even God hates what you did

Opinion discarded nice try red kekistani

I think you mean G-d, stupid half cock.

Look at the security guy try and save her and be completely helpless in front of her fatalanche.

God. God. God.
אלוהים ישלח אותך חזרה לאוניות למצרים במסע שאמרתי שאתה לא צריך לעשות שוב. שם תציע את עצמכם למכירה לאויביכם כעבדים גברים ונשים, אבל אף אחד לא יקנה אתכם.

>tfw gayovision will be the start of WWIII

Well, see ya next year, lads

Your song was shit, Germany should've won

But you can still kill yourself and make this world better, kike.

The germany guy was pretty cute. I'd fuck him

>inb4 fag

Well, even australia was in the contest.

>generic twink-pop that sounds like every American pop song should have won
Off yourself pronto.

>God. God. God.
Yeah, keep deep-throating like that.

It's a Ramadan miracle!

Notice the Jews leave?
They just got unironically cursed.

Is that the new KFC commercial?

She was in the navy band. I doubt they even run during basic training.

Build the stage like the re-built temple pls.

Was I the only one suspecting she would win after passing the first round? I knew a song as horrible as this wouldn't even have passed the first round, they had a plan with it from the start.

You actually wanted an Albanian to win, cuck? You know the Albanians would claim the victory for themselves, right? Fucking nigger.

Fuck off. She looks like an obvious roastie/thot.

>muh single moms

She is not your toy, you stupid goy

so its going to be in israel next year. how conservative is israel? are all the hasidic jews going to chimp over the hosting of faggotvision?

Honestly i am embarrassed by her desu


She's the squads flotation device/rations.

We are based, we had only our own piece of shit advertised for 6 months in a row.