Forget the onions. If you eat this you will grow a third testicle.
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I enjoy looking like a girl. whats so wrong in that?
Dude alfafa is alpha as fuck
Not sure how I remember eating this but it was tasty, kind of like eating celery without all the stuff between your teeth
I guess I’m getting alfalfa on all my sammies from now on.
> Alfalfa, like other leguminous crops, is a known source of phytoestrogens,[102] including spinasterol,[103] coumestrol, and coumestan.[104] Because of this, grazing on alfalfa has caused reduced fertility in sheep and in dairy cattle.[104]
>Large amounts of alfalfa might have some of the same effects as estrogen
This is what it says in the wiki, nice try jew, not turning me into a $oyboy yet!
I only wanted help you be an alfaboy
Was going to post this desu
are you a cow?
Dandelion Flower Tea no joke try it.
can i eat this off the ground?
Yea you Europeans you eat your own taraxa cum. ''?'' withcraft''?''
Haha... OP is serious faggot, because alfalfa sprouts are poison.
Brocolli sprouts, which look like alfalfa sprouts, are the real deal tho.
Mm round up
Yes and literally everyone who grew up in the countryside knows this.
You have to keep in mind what soil it came from to avoid toxicins. you could look it up most of the plant is eatable thats why it was planted here by europeans.
Thinking that man made plants and fiber is healthy
if you don't know what your doing start with tea the boiling water will kill of the stuff in the dog shit from where your dumass picked them.
Some people really get into to it you can use the roots too.
It's legit
Improvement of andropause symptoms by dandelion and rooibos extract complex
CRS-10 in aging male
k thanks for checking.
this + brussels sprouts in butter is the BEST shit ever.