Jews go public: World Jewish Congress Twitter account puts (((echoes))) around its own name

So the World Jewish Congress's official twitter account has put echoes around its name.

Edgar Bronfman, tied to Clintons/Rothschilds and NXIVM, was president of World Jewish Congress.

Why are they doing this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Twitter link:

>The World Jewish Congress is the international organization representing Jewish communities in 100 countries around the world. (RTs are not endorsements)

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they're overcompensating for the truth coming out about their evil deeds.

Because there's no Jewish conspiracy and you're all idiots.

After WW3 they will say they where forced to do this for harassment.

There is no Jewish conspiracy per se, but there are many powerful Jews that are numbered with gentiles in the conspiracy to subvert and fundamentally alter our culture, demographics, and religion.

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>Why are they doing this?
We won.

Like every religion and special interest group ever.

But good job using memes as ideologies.

fuck jews

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