It's pretty official now, Jow Forums are the new SJWs. You are not allowed to like anyone here unless they are "red pilled" according to Jow Forums
>Not allowed to like Jordan Peterson >Not allowed to like Le Pen >Not allowed to like Eurovision >Not allowed to like Trump
Yes isolate yourself from society. Read only Kevin Macdonald. Watch only Triumph of the Will. Wear only Hitler t-shirts. Use only Nazi flag wallpaper. Do the Hitler salute before every meal and inside the shower. Never touch anything by anyone who is "blue pilled" or you will be contaminated. Isolate yourself in a bubble and spend all your time on Jow Forums. Do this or you're a "blue pilled jew shill"
I like JP and Trump's pretty good. Don't have any clue about the other two.
Joseph Green
Overton window faggot.
Logan Scott
Le redditor spoken
Man, just fuck off
Connor Clark
You are the SJW through If you fight for free speech you are fighting for social justice >Everyone has right to talk, no matter who they are KYS schlomo
Aiden Baker
>>Not allowed to like Jordan Peterson (Cross-thread) >>Not allowed to like Le Pen (Cross-thread) >>Not allowed to like Eurovision (Cross-thread) >>Not allowed to like Trump (Cross-thread)