Share right wing/classical art

Last thread got nuked, let's make another one. If someone wants to discuss about philosophy, he's more than welcome.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll post some art I have

Attached: mountain-sunset-c-steele.jpg (900x664, 150K)

Attached: painting15.png (450x337, 231K)

Attached: 1525324554596.jpg (743x797, 152K)

It's Bob Ross of anyone was wondering.

Attached: b441469eff595e8383dacb5af0f98769.jpg (700x525, 82K)

Thanks for the bump and the nice painting.

Attached: northern_winter_lights-324507-1262422177.jpg (1024x768, 356K)


Attached: Albert Bierstadt.jpg (3993x2387, 2.96M)

This has been my wallpaper for about a year now

Attached: 1515011624963.jpg (1280x875, 160K)


Attached: 1491372493753.jpg (2000x1000, 643K)

Pretty nice
That is one of the best paintings I've ever seen and one of my favourites.

Did not saw the last thread, but I'll dump some of my folder.

Attached: Knud Baade - Scene from the Era of Norwegian Sagas (1850).jpg (3307x2419, 2.46M)

Thread theme:

Attached: Caspar David Friedrich - Schiffe auf Reede (ca.1816-17).jpg (2407x1799, 1.09M)

Attached: Marcus Larson - Norwegian Fjord in Moonlight. Motif from the Sogne-Fjord.jpg (3248x2360, 2.49M)

these are all Bob Ross paintings.

Attached: Johan Christian Dahl - Eruption of the Volcano Vesuvius.jpg (4319x3026, 3.41M)

Attached: Joseph Wright of Derby - Virgil's Tomb by Moonlight, with Silius Italicus Declaiming.jpg (3915x3156, 2.77M)

Have some Goya.

Attached: Goya.jpg (430x636, 481K)

Attached: Frederik Marinus Kruseman - Monk Meditating near a Ruin by Moonlight.jpg (5144x6340, 3.87M)

Anybody know who did this and where I can find more like it?

Also what does it mean?

Attached: 624BE3E4-7A54-4B8E-A33D-237F3E315DA0.jpg (1024x989, 296K)

Attached: Johan Christian Dahl - Winter at the Sognefjord.jpg (3264x2629, 3.29M)

Attached: Carl Blechen - Gothic Church Ruins.jpg (3120x4399, 3.04M)

Attached: Johannes_Vermeer_Het_melkmeisje_.jpg (799x897, 206K)

Attached: Ivan Aivazovsky - The brig Mercury encounter after defeating two Turkish ships of the Russian squadr (4645x2995, 2.91M)

Have a higher res

Attached: Johannes Vermeer – The milk maid.jpg (4226x4762, 3.71M)

Bob Ross

Attached: Marcus Larson - Rocky Landscape with Waterfall.jpg (3923x2445, 2.61M)

Attached: Joseph Wright of Derby - Firework Display at the Castel Sant' Angelo in Rome.jpg (3840x2910, 1.54M)

Jakub Rozalski circa 1920

Attached: Mechs.jpg (1280x781, 285K)

Attached: Andreas Achenbach - Sunset after a Storm on the Coast of Sicily.jpg (3811x2920, 2.69M)

Attached: Jean-Honoré Fragonard - A Shaded Avenue.jpg (2859x3658, 2.42M)

More Jakub

Attached: jakub-rozalski-become-despised-warmongers.jpg (1920x958, 248K)

Not completely related but I'll post a couple from my favorite illustrator John Bauer, a Swede in the early 1900's infatuated with mythology and fantasy.

Attached: Sagoprinsessan_av_John_Bauer_1904.jpg (395x781, 246K)

Attached: 1526190167656.jpg (691x600, 132K)

Attached: Barend Cornelis Koekkoek - Sunset on the Rhine.jpg (3810x2911, 3.55M)

Attached: Princessa_i_skogen_by_John_Bauer_1915.jpg (709x678, 764K)

Attached: Josephus Augustus Knip - De golf van Napels met op de achtergrond het eiland Ischia.jpg (2475x2033, 3.22M)

good thread

Attached: 1513725448038.jpg (600x738, 64K)

Attached: Caspar David Friedrich - Greifswald in Moonlight.jpg (3517x2603, 3.89M)

Attached: Peter Paul Ruben - Old Woman with a Basket of Coal.jpg (3535x4416, 3.42M)

Carnation lily lily rose

Attached: 1497205498824.jpg (1200x1356, 568K)

flemish imagery

Attached: (1600) Kerstiaen de Keuninck - A Mountainous Landscape with a Waterfall.jpg (2000x1176, 677K)

Attached: 1510419151720.jpg (4429x2872, 3.28M)

Attached: August_Malmström_-_Dancing_Fairies_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (3511x2106, 3.34M)

Attached: 1491848400865.jpg (1522x2000, 1.71M)

Attached: d92a1356905751a7aa4934eb5b9ef0d1.jpg (1000x1008, 281K)

Attached: wgTo9RPjsm.jpg (700x367, 72K)

seriously and unironically caspar is king

Attached: Caspar_David_Friedrich_020.jpg (800x542, 75K)

fuck you nazis

Attached: Aert van der Neer - Riviergezicht bij maanlicht.jpg (5960x3208, 3.04M)

100% this. Reading up on the religious significance of his paintings showed me the importance of god

Attached: Caspar David Friedrich - Morning mist in the mountains.jpg (5857x3949, 2.94M)

Attached: 1497459527082.jpg (960x960, 168K)

Nothing to contribute, but I will turn some of these into propaganda soon for others to use.

Attached: Riddaren_Rider_(2)_by_John_Bauer_1914.jpg (575x508, 460K)

Attached: Joseph Wright of Derby - Cottage on fire at night.jpg (4195x2992, 2.3M)

Attached: Carl Gustav Carus - Blick auf Dresden bei Sonnenuntergang.jpg (3969x2835, 3.37M)

flemish art is really good

... elaborate, color me interested.

Attached: 1496947966199.jpg (1000x642, 148K)

Attached: (1515) Joachim Patinir - Triptych.jpg (3811x2818, 2.64M)

I didn't know about that aspect, it's just that every pic I saw stood out like a sore thumb in a good way. way ahead. They have that painting I posted in a museum not far from here, entry is even pics don't do it justice, same as the ones you posted.
What did you read and what was your conclusion?

Attached: Wijnand Nuijen - A busy port in Normandy.jpg (2461x1825, 2.94M)

Attached: 6767fg.jpg (720x504, 92K)

let me fix that quality

Attached: (1524) Joachim Patinir - Crossing the River Styx.jpg (2056x1272, 1.09M)

Attached: (1647) David Teniers the Younger - Guardroom with the Deliverance of Saint Peter.jpg (1809x1324, 407K)

is there a way to download an image in such a way it automatically downloads the title?

not necessarily

Attached: (1630) Peter Paul Rubens - The Glorification of the Eucharist.jpg (1007x1500, 476K)

Attached: (1581) Hans Ruckers the Elder - Double Virginal.jpg (2000x1500, 493K)

Attached: (1635) Peter Paul Rubens - The Garden of Love (left portion).jpg (2000x1354, 1.11M)

Love threads like this.

Attached: 1513643997649.jpg (1092x813, 89K)

Attached: (1634) Bartholomeus Breenbergh - The Preaching of John the Baptist.jpg (2000x1460, 516K)

Attached: 1511061075387.jpg (1920x1200, 774K)

Attached: (1615) Peter Paul Rubens & Jan Brueghel the Elder - The Feast of Acheloüs.jpg (2000x1308, 754K)

Attached: ALXl2D2.jpg (800x564, 178K)

Attached: 1513640435881.jpg (1024x819, 206K)

Wow, that one is really good

If only Hitler had been a better artist.

Attached: (1650) Jan Couchet the Elder - Harpsichord.jpg (1231x1500, 238K)

Thats a modern mock-up painting of an old etching (I guess its etching, those images printed with plates of carved metal). Original had jesus banishing a bunch of horn-headed traditional demons. That modern version is actually more interesting because of the trippy and abstract design of the demons


Attached: 1513640823974.jpg (1280x765, 313K)

Are you serious? What he did was incredible artwork. He used a nation as his canvas and people as paint. And all memeflag niggers will hang first on the DOTR.

Attached: 1510305668052.jpg (1400x935, 256K)

Attached: 1503530968423.jpg (2187x1300, 2.29M)

Attached: (1630) Geroges de La Tour - The Fortune-Teller.jpg (1818x1500, 646K)

interesting. saved.

Attached: 1513639061251.jpg (1997x1521, 506K)

Attached: 1503529775592.jpg (2000x1278, 3.74M)

Attached: 1503530061551.jpg (4298x3165, 3.35M)

Attached: 59a95eab.jpg (702x854, 158K)

Attached: 1513638510285.jpg (3000x2102, 1.78M)

Attached: (1683) Charles Le Brun - Seasons and Elements (Air) (set of four, silk tapestry).jpg (986x1500, 686K)

Attached: 1503528660119.jpg (1920x1135, 786K)

Spot the jew

Attached: 1503530682836.jpg (1920x1080, 729K)

Well, he did die for his 'art'.

this one is also really nice... ;__; never again

Attached: (1495) The Unicorn is Found (from the Unicorn Tapestries).jpg (1538x1500, 927K)

Attached: Morning_in_a_Pine_Forest.jpg (2000x1283, 1.35M)

Attached: 1513639435565.jpg (1400x904, 491K)

Norman rockwell was a leftist ...

Attached: 1526205906448m.jpg (1024x512, 90K)