What went wrong?

How did Jow Forums become /incelpol/?

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Nice meme flag shill

Hello comrades
is this /comunism general/?

I am a leftist and I am an incel too. Women are cancer. All of us, White, Brown, Black, Yellow, Leftist, Right-Wing, Christian, Muslim or Jewish, we all need to unite to put women in line. We need Reproductive Communism.


Yes, we cannot have women activating their dormant DNA and taking over.

Greetings, human.

They have been leaders long before men. Our empire is precariously balanced on the last vestige of decency.

No one is saying that, but it's undeniable that the modern woman has become a cancerous whore and she needs to be put back in line for the betterment of Mankind. Humanity cannot progress while men are locked away wasting time chasing after whore women.

Greetings, mortal.

We cannot allow this sexual capitalism to continue
We, the fapping men, need a revolution to reclaim the means of reproduction

The revolution is near, moy drug

Well linking pornography with the Jews hasn't worked, man's willpower is weakened at this dark hour.

We could start a religious cult based on Persephone worship and reclaim Hades place among the planets?

Women emulate what they think men are attracted to. This is the problem.

I see pictures of scantily clad women on Jow Forums and I cannot help but think it's a multifaceted tactic of war.

Firstly sexual liberation is enslavement to the lower faculties of the mind and casual promiscuous behaviour is far removed from tantric engagement and spiritual participation within pair bonding.

Second of all I think it keeps people distracted and thinking with the senses and not the higher spheres of thought - which is where a true revolution can be sparked from.

Three monkey see monkey do

>Female mind readers and their tricks
Have they no shame?

It's like you want me to sage thi- SAGE.

Well the sexual culture of America has been born of televised titalation and obfuscation of sex in the most sexual way. Appealing to the subconscious drives and man's unruled passions.

Fuck you bourgeois pig. We will seize the pussy of the roastie.

epater la bourgeoisie

Do you think Plato would approve of the term Roastie?

Every day, ask yourself:

What if Plato could see me now

One time a total stranger told me "Watch your back"

So I tracked him down and executed him.

Nice job plebbit


>Hello comrades
>is this /comunism general/?

Seize the means of reproduction, gomrade XDDDDDD

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such term is redditful


Made me reply sage

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mfw its fucking reddit

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How's reddit guys?