Why does this website attract so many men that are losers with women?

Why does this website attract so many men that are losers with women?
Do the views of this website make men losers with women or do men that are losers with women gravitate towards these views?

This board is non stop littered with threads about women. Some of you are the biggest losers I've ever seen.

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Other urls found in this thread:


And that's a good thing

>Some of you are the biggest losers I've ever seen.
You shouldnt meet people from Jow Forums dude, thats not healthy

What do you expect from a popular edgy forum

Big if true.

The nature of this website attracts people of low character who—while developing right-wing views—do nothing to better themselves or their people. So they just sit around and complain, because why should they do anything when "muh ancestors" have accomplished great things? They're the "black-pilled", the "incels", and so on.

Because society only values men that are a utility to women or the state.

It's not that I'm a loser with women, it's that women are losers.

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This site is anonymous, so that's one of the few communities they can go.

It also seems implied in phrasing of OP that you are a loser if you cannot attract women. You are only worth something if you can get pussy. So you are reinforcing exactly the mental distortions that drives incels to go on rampages.

If they just went MGTOW and did not care about women, and saw the language around "losers" and "betas" and "alphas" for the pathetic bullshit that it is, they wouldn't feel the need to go full retard.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?
It's a question pondered by many philosophers throughout the ages.

Q predicted this

The blackpill is a stage on the path toward transcendence desu. If you don't reach that point then you've never correctly assessed what's wrong.


Why do women always act like sluts and then demand respect?

Much better question.




I want to publicly apologise for the Canadians on this board. Most of us are very stupid and do not know how to behave.


Why don't you want a slut?
I'd be bored as fuck if my gf wasn't slutty in bed.


do men that are losers with women gravitate towards these views?

This. There is nothing wrong with being a loser with women, they are dumb as fuck and shouldn't be allowed to vote.

That's almost all sites online. Lots of guys larp to get e-validation.

Definitely not Reddit, but is has a few elements that ensure higher quality content not present on imageboard websites. Voat or Gab would do if you actually want to accomplish something.


Yes, it's
>do men that are losers with women gravitate towards these views

It's being frustrated with live, with relationships, jobs, living conditions and probable mental health aspects, that lets these men embrace this shortsighted and hateful ideology presented in a lot of threads.

Instead of trying to change something about themselves and working towards a more fullfiled life, they give up, blame women and descend deeper into their isolating circumstances.

But since the board is anonymous it's also an outlet.
Because working to improve one's circumstances when the hand that one has been delt is extremely shitty (and the parameters society is built on are not helping at all), is exhausting.

There are not that many men here, most are bots or shilldren, a few are even women that are bad with men.

Take your meds.

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Calm down




Giving Women voting rights and access to social media was the worst thing the human race did in the last 2,000 years.

It took women barely 60 years to destroy the world via democracy and voting. Incelism/Mgtow/Escapism/neetdom is the symptom of hypergamy

>generation of men die in WWI
>women get vote
>women become majority electorate
>women institute welfare state
>men pay most taxes over lifetime
>mens taxes support welfare state
>welfare state supports single mothers
>single mothers raise criminals and drug addicts
>spike in crime and druggies
>men die in WWII
>feminism kicks in
>women demand no fault divorce
>state becomes husband
>divorce rates rise
>Men still pay most taxes
>Women receive most tax benefits
>men taxes supporting single mothers and nanny state
>women demand more
>women vote open borders
>women vote diversiy quotas
>women vote antimale pro women legislation
>all supported by mens taxes
>women can't stop themseves
>infrastructure decays
>education decays
>healthcare decays
>economy decays
>relationshps decay
>women double down on feminism
>men lose incentive to support system
>men say fuck off to society
>women shame/blame men for this
>men don't care
>shit society burns out

"According to the National Center for Health Statistics 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Of the marriages that end in divorce, 80 percent of the divorces are initiated (filed) by women."

"Belgium & Portugal have the highest rates of divorce in this data set at a staggering 70%"



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>Why does this website attract so many men that are losers with women?

Well, tell us your story, OP.

Maybe go hug a tree?

that was a PSYOP

Fuck off, retard.

I've been with no less than 50 women.
None of them overweight or ugly.
I've never been single but by choice as I look for the right one.
Been in a monogamous relationship for 4 years. She wants kids and marriage.


Ps: OP is a faggot.

>Giving Women voting rights and access to social media was the worst thing the human race did in the last 2,000 years.
Post pics. Let's see how fat and disgusting you look mate.


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I act as mentor to several younger men, teenagers and girls.

Everyone I've worked with, my classmates, and my family, think I'm a great guy, honest, helpful, sipportive, and the hardest worker everywhere I go.

This is how I define myself.
Not by word, but by action.

You're generalizing.
Jow Forums is not one person.
Jow Forums is not a monolith.
Jow Forums is not a mono-culture.
If you can't grasp this, you need to re-evaluate your life.

>everyone is different
>you are wrong if you arent like me
The progressives would be proud that their training worked.
>in bed
Keep telling yourself that. It is like the smoker who thinks he doesnt smell like smoke.

>are dumb as fuck

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>are the biggest losers I've ever seen

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>It is often said, the toastier the roast, the bigger the beef. Something mysterious happens amidst a given roastie’s goring and boring, the punishing penetrations and serial prolapses. That once delicate, sliver of an innie blossoms like an angry meaty tulip, one that holds only gaping darkness as its pollen. Diving deeper into her labyrinthine labia, we peer into an incredible world beneath the beef and bologna, one ruled by a kind of ‘Rule of the Jungle,” only this empowered ecology spreads itself open to a new batch of invasive species almost every evening. Those Papilloma particles are pummeled and pulverized into her flesh, the same as the sticky spores of Gonorrhea, the motley lots of adenoviruses, amoebas and anaerobic fauna, many from vastly far away places. Driven through her epithelial layers and deep into her beef, they burrow and seek out nutrition, infection, and begin to terraform the vaginal tissues into a land suitable for the apocalyptic droves deposited throughout each cycle of the sun. Her immune system has long since grown into an abiding symbiosis with the invasive menagerie of bacteria, fungie and flagelating mystery monsters, even incorporating genes delivered by the various retroviruses and postules of microRNA sent throughout her blood stream at the behest of her vagina’s new tenants. Designed by nature to be a fertile pasture for reproduction, now her semen-soddened womb whistles hollow like a ghostly edifice remaining from a war. But she has become enhanced in other ways by her network of viral supporters. HPV has hacked her dopamine and serotonin circuitry, making her bolder and more brazen, more risk-seeking and even more sexually insatiable.

>Atop a new cock, the roastie must ride, and the plentiful organisms who have accelerated this behavior are more than happy to go along. Every knew cock that thunders into her caverns will emerge slick with generations of eager microbes, poised to pilfer whichever pussies await. With the advent of cock sharing apps on their phones, the roastie can spread her sexually transmitted spawn at a geometric rate, leading to a new pan-vaginal ecology that extends across the urbanized world. A splat of virii from Jakarta may pollinate the meat flowers of a swingers club in a sleepy British countryside, only to then appear in American college dorms before shipping itself inside travelers bound for Tokyo, Toronto and Taipei. The hyperactive sexual behaviors of the modern roastie ensure these rapid transmissions and go on to create a Darwinian cauldron in which entire continents' best sexually transmitted organisms vie for survival: Turkish syphilis must best a West African Chlamydia for control of a patch of pussy, and all of them fear the HIV, for it casts a great uncertainty over their continued access to unlimited penises. This ceaseless genetic warfare has weaved its way into the roastie’s genome, driving her near mad with compulsion for another go on the cock carousel, her own natural instincts having melded with the minge microbiome steering her. Obstruct or otherwise hinder her access to dick, and you will be met with incandescent feminine rage, albeit tinged by a mind soppy with yearning for yet another new protuberant phallus. The roastie can only think in terms of genitalia and sexual behavior, and so her opponent must obviously be a virgin, or a sexually impoverished beta male. Or his penis has the fault of being one of the few that have not cleaved her bunny bloody. Whatever the criticism, the rage is purely an expression of the busy biome sizzling away within the endless ravines of her rippling beef. She really cannot help herself.

I understand this, but it's a net negative on this website.

I'm 30, happily married, top 10 percent of earners. Don't take loud autistic posters positions on things fool you. This place has plenty of successful, powerful and attractive people.

(((Your))) opinions are flawed

The people here are pieces of shit who waste their time watching 'blood sports' and rejecting and shitposting about everyone except 2 or 3 e-celebs who have a dwindling revenue stream.

There's barely any coherent thought going on in any thread, just one off statements and shitposting/venting.

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Not really. They kill people occasionally and it's funny.

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The whole world is full of losers who are bad with women, most betas just pretend they're good at it and other betas believe them.

Also most people like to degrade men for their lack of succes with women which makes it hard for losers to talk openly about it.

>tehehe I've only been with one guy before you

>Jow Forums is not one person
I think you meant to say
>Jow Forums is not Jow Forums
Seriously, stop responding to this shit. Jesus fucking Christ.

Why is your existence governed by whoring around?

"Loser" are over represented in all kind of extremism. If your life sucks you start thinking and questioning life, you conclude that something is terribly wrong and you become radicalized.

>Why does this website attract so many men that are losers with women?

Most men are losers with women - I don't think Jow Forums is a particularly strong filter. You mostly just get men, and men are (parabolically speaking) mostly long term cucks or virgins.

This is true, women always advocates for degeneracy. Now we live their shitty world. What can you do about it? Cut off the life support, stop working.

People outside the middle of the bell curve have issues finding partners.

That explains why you have so many retarded posts juxtaposed with more intelligent and well thought-out posts.

We have to go somewhere to socialize.

>Why does this website attract so many men that are losers with women?

Citation needed.

i'm not too sure why the shills come either, they aren't accomplishing anything. just echo chambering themselves and making it extremely obvious which threads are theirs

Ha Ha Ha.