What is their fucking problem?

What is their fucking problem?

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Attached: BelgianOne.jpg (650x350, 19K)

Which problem are you talking about?

It has french speaking walloons who vote for corrupt socialists OR actual communists OR communist-lite greens. And all of those are for importing millions of niggers and sandniggers. Then it also has the "right" flemish parties, who are actually puppets of the (((international elite))) and say they are against immigration, yet also let in millions of niggers and sandniggers. In short, belgium is doomed and should be put out of it's missery by a mass nuking of ever square km. Let the roaches inherit a radioactive wasteland filled with the bleeched bones of they jews and the dumb goyim that let it come to this.

they suffer from inferiority complex and identity crisis from being a french-dutch mongrel

South of Belgium (Walloons), indeed votes very lefty since decades, but its changing, since they are starting to see the corruption, at last...Next elections are in a few months.

And actually no statistics back your arguments that the Walloons let immigrants in Belgium, they are essentially all in Brussels or Flanders. Check the southern provinces, they hardly have any non-white people there.

The infrastructure is bad, and taxes are high, very high, but we do get a good social security.

But it is way to generous towards lazy people.

We have had in government a more right wing group of parties and things are changing for the better.

KYS gypsy boi

I must add that many French speaking people actually love the Flemish nationalist party in government right now, i have spoken to many that would even vote for them.

If we can distance ourselves of the stupid language debate, we will be fine.


tous ensemble!

>good social security
I've been trying for months to get my insurrance done but those retards keep sending my documents to dozens of different bureau's and nothing gets done.

Thats the problem, its a lot of paper work, but onces youre in, youre in...reason why so many people profit from it.

Also, the rules are changing, and the government is making it harder and harder to recieve benefits of any kind, because it is not economically sustainable...

Thank the baby boomers generation, i suppose.

Here chill out and have a beer and chocolate.

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Honestly, I'm suprised their are still brits that can read. But ok: jews killed belgium with their typical tactics. Flemish voters tried to stop it 2 decades ago, but the (((traditional parties))) all worked together to kill that attempt. And now (((they))) have a fake right wing party that is suppost to be tough on immigration, but it's all empty retoric as they let in even more niggers and sandniggers why destroying the welfare for white people and tax us dry.

Les belges à l'étranger : "I am french"

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>mfw people think Francken is based

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>What is their fucking problem?
Historically? We are.

Idiots the lot of them. NVA is a sham, they are controled opposition evers sinds they sold out to form the current government. They don't give a flying crap about flanders, only the same corrupt and kike-filled bullshit like the other parties. They combine the worst aspects of the VLD and CD&V with a thing coat of flemish nationalist paint to hide the painfull truth: they are a party for (((them))), not a party for us flemish.

Why are there even that many Muslims in Belgium?
How situation of Catholicism in there?
Are Muslims really in the Flemish side of the country?

added to the list of stuff I have to apologize for as a german.


Sandnigger here.
Everything about belgium is trash.
I wish I live in Germany or The netherlands desu.

No offense, but you guys need Wallonia to lower your muslim percentages... I dont even understand how it got so bad in cities like Antwerp.

Check out the interactive map made by the Standaard for the number of muslims per capita in each town.

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>Shit bureaucracy
>French people down south who are filthy commies that need to be gassed

Good thing i can still drink some champagne down at the market square and laugh at some Jewish guy in a Scottish Kilt shouting profanities.

You can't trust francken, he always lies and put on a fake show to hide the fact that they are letting in a massive amount of africans and muslims. It's shoking how many niggers and muslims came to my tiny city in the last few years. We never had even a fraction of them, but now it's utterly filled with these pieces of trash.

I heard they love people like you in Germany, do yourself a favor, and move

no-one's clicking on you shitty link, elio

No there are good places not that a filthy mudslime would know.

Kek I bet you do you dirty makak

Here is the printscreen of the link

Attached: BE.png (1693x1270, 1.81M)

Yep. Pathetic how retarded people are, blinded by his show. As if deporting 20 sudanese will change anything.

And he himself is a spastic who cant talk properly.

They left us

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They're fine, the problem is not Wallonia or Flanders, it's Brussels

Belgium loves the kikes.
Tfw they still have soldiers marching in kike neighbourhoods for (((their))) safety.

Get rid of your shitty royal family and we'll come back.

If you are familiar with Brussels, you should see on the link how it depends from a town to another. Places like Molenbeek have a load of moroccan people, and the the town right next to it is all white.

Back in the days people left the villages to go to Brussels and do business, what might happen now is the revival of smaller cities.

Nope, the entire country has been flooded with foreign scum. Brussels is quickly becoming the standard, give it an extra decade or two and us natives will be a minority in our own country. It's fucked, and nobody does anything to stop it. The more intelligent sheep don't realise that the NVA is part of the problem and voting for it will only make things worse. They believe the fake puppet show of the NVA being for us, while taking a closer look shows the total opposite.


I was in brussel on a rugby sports trip back in high school
"people" (local brown euromutts) looked at us like we were nazis and crossed the street from us

Hey Russia, do you mind taking care of your Chechens and make them not go on knife binges in our capitals, before speaking about other countries problem?

What would you want to do ? They are "Belgian" now...

Thinking of going to a smaller city/villages like Diest,
They are pritty based calm environment fully white comfy medieval houses.

Might check out Gent and West-flanders like Kortrijk.

Attached: Diest.jpg (275x183, 10K)

That place needs to nuked i have a furious hatred for these "Bruxellois"

but why french people smell like fucking corpses ?

>What is their fucking problem?

where a frankenstein moster combination of holland and france that's why where a meme country.

Wierd, I always found them to smell of sweat and alcohol.

Well first it is not just a Belgian problem, more of a western european country problem.

The first wave started after the decolonization of Africa. The French took in many Algerians, Morroccans, Tunisians, etc... The Belgians took in many Morrocans, etc...for cheap labor mainly. And they basically reproduced to huge proportions, like 5/6/7 kids per family, living on benefits.

And voila, 30 years later you have a demographic boom of immigrants...

As for the Catholics, Belgium is fairly conservative compared to the Netherlands, we have many people who identify as catholic (the whole point of Belgium in the first place was Flemish Catholics and Walloons Catholics to make their own country and did not want to be part of Protestant Dutch royal territory)

We do not have many practicing catholics anymore (church every sunday), but we still all enjoy catholic holidays, and have catholic culture.

But it is a secular country, so religion is supposed to be private.

>but why french people smell like fucking corpses ?

they hang out a lot with niggers and marrocs.
and they party like degenerate animals.

frogs are just dirty people man.

Not all Brussels is the same...you would not compare the bronx to manhattan, but they are all part of NYC... its the same in Brussels.

For years the towns on the left side of the Senne river vote socialist, are poor, on benefits, full of immigrants, and on the right, are rich, vote right wing, things are clean.

>Said no belgian ever

Sorry bro but you guys have way more immigrants then we do, if you have statistics that back your argument i would read them with attention.

I lived in Flanders, Brussels, and Wallonia, and each part has its good sides and bad sides.

I do admit that we have a big problem with socialism in Wallonia, its a poison, but its changing.

Kortrijk is trash and full of of French Moroccans

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Ah fuck had fond memories when i was young : but thats like 20 years ago


Based Frietjesbro.
But I have to admit, I like the Walloons more than the fucking dikke-nekken Flemish assholes.

Hi there Joris.

ga terug naar de nederdraad

socialists haven't had any real power in belgium for 25 years and yet you guys go on and on about muh socialists. you're all gullible idiots if you ask me, most of you probably voted for nva even after they admitted their economic policies came from a liberal think tank.

until we have an actual anti EU political party, it doesn't really matter who you vote for cause the existing parties are not what they say they are

>Don't have any real power
Our whole bureaucracy is full of them.
Know one feminist harpie that is in charge or the VDAB.

Doesn't even know why a underwater welder gets payed more than a teacher or her shitty commie job.

>cause the existing parties are not what they say they are

Isnt that all politics?

Wie /KUL/ hier?

I'm serious. You go on my nerves with your Boss-pants, Superdry-jackets, your obnoxious behaviour and your stupid conversations.
It's all shit and air what comes out of you.

The fuck you talking about Gespar?

>Boss-pants, Superdry-jackets, your obnoxious behaviour and your stupid conversations
pretty sure you're thinking of antwerp

Mensen uit flanderen.

He was probably at the Marnix plaats or one of those snobby clubs up north.

Yea shitty normies go there.

Reading your posts,

7 out of 8 are being mad / insulting / being angry about something, are you butt hurt somehow?

Oh boy wait till you go to Munich you'll love it there.

Antwerp? You mean TSTAAAAAAAAAAD

It looks to me like you're a country full of normies.
Even your tiny signs of subcultures are fake and wannabe as fuck


Attached: Atomium_de_Bruxelles.jpg (266x200, 13K)

I know Munich pretty well and I agree, best comparable with Flemish people and their attitude.

Dude its full of bizarre people here.
You know jack shit.


Bizarre normies, yes.
Or tell me where I can find real people in Flanderen, maybe I'll give you another chance.
Did you know that only the very obnoxious asshole people from Germany go on holidays to Belgium? Makes you think?


Thank me later.

This, as foreigners get distributed across the country, you start seeing them everywhere... Here in rural Flanders it really started going to shit in the last year. Niggers and muslims everywhere.

>If we can distance ourselves of the stupid language debate,
waloon detected

no one is stopping you from leaving

>reddit link
like clockwork

Ah, the ultimate question. You cannot comprehend how much I am laughing right now, fucking hilarious.

>And actually no statistics back your arguments that the Walloons let immigrants in Belgium, they are essentially all in Brussels or Flanders. Check the southern provinces, they hardly have any non-white people there.

Correct me if i'm wrong but hasen't the PS been in the federal goverment until 2014 and immigration is a federal affair? once the are in they can move to were ever they want no? they just prefer the richer north.

I have no idea why you find us obnoxious normies.
You can pretty much run around like a homeless person or like you just came out of your bed and no one will give a fuck in Antwerp and Gent.
Something you can't do in Munich.
Think we are more Berlin-lite really.

And most Germans are pretty polite.
Never met one that was rude or something, most of them just want to be alone it seems.

You are not wrong at all on the PS part, if they could be nuked tomorrow, i would be thrilled, but whether you want it or not, they just go where the benefit system is more generous.

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Exactly, you don't give a fuck about other people.
You don't even give a fuck when Arabs do their crimes in your streets, right in front of you.
The only things you seem to be interested about is money, brands, how you can present yourselves as important and successful, TV, retarded events, luxury, expensive restaurants, shopping, go deep in debt for ridiculous overprized appartements and houses.
You have an awful taste in interior arrangement, soulless, modern, unpersonal.
It's like you are overall fake as fuck.

oh no, it must be my corpse smell

Dude have you ever been to Berlin or Mannheim, Dresden.
You almost sound like a 56% amerimutt

>tfw next year's elections will give us a coalition between NVA and PvdA-PTB
Just nuke Antwerp, Brussels and Charleroi already

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Pvda are idiots.
Bets are on VB and NVA

We need an actual based party, not some kike loving """national liberals""" like the NVA. I'd rather have a strong united Belgium under a new Leopold II over hollow promises made by retards who believe they'll escape the downfall of the west by simply hating Wallooniggers

>I'd rather have a strong united Belgium under a new Leopold II
walloon detected

PTB/PVDA need to be in opposition, you cant be in gov and complain about the gov in the same time

I think it will be NVA and MR, but with an even more right wing attitude. People are finally getting it in this country.

fuck off Mohammed, you know as well as I do that Belgium could be something great if there wasn't for those retarded mistakes of the past. Segregating the country is what put the eternal Waal on the lifelong list of PvdA support.

it starts with their existence

I'd be really surprised if people in the South keep voting for MR given how popular that clown of a PM currently is