Fascist discord

Is there any real, active fascist/nazi discord where I can discuss with like minded people? Can ya'll niggers link it?

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Why would you want to discuss something with people who will do nothing but agree

Sure thing

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Discord gives chat logs to the SPLC to dox people. Don't use it for anything except normie shit.


Yes just wait for shills to subvert you in one

Because we might be able to cultivate ideas on how to further our common goals in life.

You don't think commies sit in their discords and talk about how to eradicate all white men?

Why doing you just publish your dox yourself?


Is there any other channels one might use then?

stay away from (((doxxcord))) famalam, and I hate the alt-right

>be fascist
>on a platform known to datamine and sell your information
>and hates you

If you think that's what happens in a "nazi discord" you're in for a disappointment

It becomes the loudest and most extreme autist spamming propaganda images he didn't make and shouting down anyone who disagrees about mass murder being the most realistic solution

Discord is not a trusted site. They dox users. Do not use discord.

Lmao I can imagine, I'd just like to converse with some people who have the similar ideas as me without the fucking governmetn spying on me. But yeah thanks for the warning on discord on here, but I'd still like to find somewhere where adults can talk about how we raise our children as christian fascists.

I use drug/christian discord and slowly red pill people who I deem vulnerable and it has had surprisingly well results so far, but perhaps I should stop doing this as well if the Jews in congress are watching me?

>linking to daily Stormer.


>chat site for gamers
>got overrun
meaning their service was used
>by the alt right
meaning gamers who don’t necessarily want sex reassignment surgery or to force foreign objects in their butt to cum
>fighting back
meaning this company is betraying its users personal information because of jewish legal pressure

Why would you make your kid a social outcast? That kid will be a future Jow Forums poster

it's called circle jerk and it's gay. But I guess as a Swede, that's what you're looking for

discussing opposite points is way more frustr... I mean entertaining and makes you grow as a person

>You don't think commies sit in their discords and talk about how to eradicate all white men?
They can do that and are allowed to do that ,you get banned if you say things such as " communist is the very definition of failure" as you offend people , disc is a infested by now and unless you digest normie culture you dont belong there.

I'm Greek, not Swedish. Was just born here. I wear heavier gold chains and crosses round my neck than you do Stanislav.

Stop trying to divide white peoples.

They are already social outcasts, suffering from depression and the like. By pretending I have depression myself I give them tips (I study medicine so I am a bit knowledgeable in these things), and slowly but steadily I nudge them towards people like (((Jordan Peterson))) so they can help "find themselves" or whatever, from there the chance is greater that they will adopt a stricter right wing stance in the future than if they had been continuing to be NEETs doing jack shit.

Exactly, and we need something similar, where the (((Government))) can't find us. TOR?

why would you discuss something with people who will do nothing but disagree?

Yeah ok Shlomo

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I'm no Hebrew, fuck this board is shit

kill yourself shill rat

Try therightstuff.biz They have a forum and don't hand over your doxx to the SPLC.

Legit or no`?

Shill for what? Fuck are you implying?