Depression a la française

Henri Lesquen ne va jamais arriver au pouvoir. Et même dans l'univers parallel où il est empereur roi, des millions des Françaises ont donné leur ventre aux noirs pour faire des négrillons crépus ou petits Mehmets.
Je ne sais pas, les amis. Je ne me sens pas au top.

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wee wee

Don't worry lad, there is no way we can actually lose, we either gain the office and kick them out, or the state crumbles and we destroy them in the Rassenkampf

Ça se voit que le français n'est pas ta langue maternelle. You have to go back.

We got blacked, burger, and I can't think of a way to get unblocked, even in the wildest dreams of the most marginal identitarian politicians.

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France is dead bros. We have niggers, arabs. Even the whites arent all french. Poles, Spaniards, Portuguese , Italians. And whites have completely swallowed (((their))) pill. France will gladly and happily enter the NWO without question. The best that can happen is russians invading and making the country white again...

two words:
private prisons

But I dont think a russian invasion if it takes place will be enough to save us... We seemed doomed beyond any hope. Just look around you..

fuck off, faggot

T'as raison métis. Je te laisse te régaler entre francophones.

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Not in France. French people will accept anything to prevent war. Anything.

Don't wish for a Russian invasion, wish for a Frankish revival, Russia is a corrupt mess with Putin trying to appease every single group in his gigantic hegemony.
Take back YOUR country, STOP BEING WEAK!

Oh- ok

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Gather your loved ones and redpill your friends, the change has to start from somewhere
If nothing works, go live Varg style and arm up, there's a storm gathering all over the continent

Bro listen. Whites in france are beyond hope. Its not like they want to free France but its hard. THEY DONT CARE. They simply dont give a fuck when they arent complete (((leftist))) cucks. Its like their only wish in life is drinking, smoking , video games and then die

And I wont talk about the boomer generation. No comment

What about your boomers lad, ours are kinda conservative. Are yours the Limousine Liberals and the Champagne Socialists I keep hearing about?

Please bro tell me where on this goddamn continent is the storm going to come from. I will gladly help

Worse. Complete soulless cowardly traitors. Literally degenerates. They would sell their daughters to avoid losing their comfort

Il n'y aura jamais de rémigration, c'est comme ça, habituez-vous à vivre dans un pays comme la Yougoslavie ou peut-être le Brésil. On voit bien qu'il y a désormais un système de castes qui se met en place ici, donc peut-être qu'on se rapproche plus vers le Brésil comme les US. Au moins si vous devenez riches, vous aurez tous les droits, et seuls les blancs sont riches :)

I don't know about a "great liberation". But normalizing dissent by being vocal among leftie friends is the only thing I've done so far. Mixed results.
In any case, when even the FN timidly proposes applying the existing laws, and it gets btfod, what to do? I refuse to lay down and let it poz me.

I wish you the best of luck Gallic brethren, I can see times are hard but people are waking up all over the place, remember that there is a delay between the events in Europe and America, we are still experiencing the American Obama-era of unrestricted liberalism and negrofication. Soon enough we will feel the neo-traditionalist counter-culture as well.

Consider your country lucky, because the degeneracy of the mid 2000s is just NOW reaching us, you have the clear advantage. Keep your chins high but keep an eye on the ground at times...

Fuck you, race traitor. OP, you're not even french, you fucking mongrel.

Its done bro. France is dead and will pay for it. A miracle would be the young generation of white men starting to realize whats happening and rise up. But look at them bro. They ve been fed the (((pill))) since birth. Hitler said France was doomed. He is right

Here is an old pasta I have, about redpilling friends and influencing people

Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Thank you bro. I wish my french bros wake up en masse

First you have to find true french guys not "french". Then you have to start redpilling them.They ve been endoctrinated by the whole society. And everyone is against you. Its not worth it

I plan on moving to eastern europe. In hungary. They seem solidly based

I'm not going to play the"here's how to doxx me" game with you, Yusuf; I gain nothing by convincing you personally that I have cultural and genetic traits that make my plight legitimate.

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No, no,no,no. Fuck me, fuck the individual. This cannot and will not stand. I'll stay and impose a gaelo-roman contingent. We'll do the accounting afterwards.
Saved, Greekbro

You guys INVENTED the 'proposition nation' What we see is the logical outcome of the French creed... and it's only going to get 'better'.

Exactly. I dont say that France is doomed based on my own emotions. I wish what I said wasnt true. I wished what I wanted was true. France is doomed to fall. Saving France if she is to be saved will come from our foreign white bros. Not from the "french"

stfu. You speak broken french. stop whining

La solution c'est le type de gouvernement sous lequel l'immigration ne se produit pas: La monarchie absolue.

Mais personne en veut. Arreter de penser qu'il y a d'autre solution, c'est l'ordre laic democratique qui fait rentrer des étrangés a tous les jours.

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Wonderful, wonderful, Mehdi. I'll stfu, but I was curious as to whether you have something to propose to denegrify the country that French ancestors left (or in your case, the country your sand people wanted to conquer).
I get the GTFO, I do. Hahaha point well earned, negro.
But I was looking for hope.

Qu'est-ce que j'en ai à battre ? T'es même pas français, sale con.

> Qu'est-ce que j'en ai à battre ?
Rien, Mehdi. Le fil n'était pas adressé à toi.

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D'accord, Abdelmoulik, arrête de poster tes stats de naissance

La France est victime avant tout de la République Maçonnique.
Il y a seulement 100 ans voir moins le rétablissement de la monarchie était à portée de main immédiate. Mais via l'industrialisation, le remplacement des classes ouvrières, l'éducation républicaine dont le premier but est de déraciner les enfants, on a fabriqué au moins 4 générations d'esclaves. La subversion du Vatican, le détachement à la terre et l'immigration sont trois programmes parfaitement calculés pour détruire les trois piliers de l'identité Française : le territoire, le catholicisme, la race blanche. Le réveil et le réenracinement d'une partie des jeunes est un exploit en soi, et nous n'avons rien à nous reprocher, sinon de rester inertes ou trop peu réactifs face à l'urgence de la situation. Il faut retourner à la foi, se réapproprier les campagnes et faire des enfants. Le réveil est très douloureux pour le babtou moyen qui joue aux jeux vidéo toute la journée et qui passe son dimanche dans un bar et non à l'église, mais il est la seule voie.

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Ton trajet, notre projet.

Ce fil a mal tourné. La question n'était pas votre avis personnel sur l'ethnicité que vous m'attribuez. La première question c'était comment mettre la politique de Lesquen dans le discours dominant. La deuxième question était de voir si même ça n'est pas inutile.

Fais voir ton drapeau, memeflag.

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Tous est perdu pour la France et l’Allemagne. Vous avez été complètement islamisés. Ils sont déjà 10% de votre population. Villes comme Marseilles ont été perdu à l’Islam est serviront de bastion contre l’Europe. C’est absolument triste, et je suis encore incapable de croire que Le Pen a perdu le dernière année.

I'll raise you 3:
The fuck you talking about?

They had the chance to westernize the muslims but they refused.

Where do you live?

This is what I think too. OP is painting us a picture so we go full natsoc.

TG FDP. Les drapeaux ne servent à rien quand on bouge tous les mois à travers le monde pour le travail. Je vais pas porter le drapeau d'un pays qui n'est pas le miens et pour lequel je n'ai aucune attache. Vas t'en prendre à gookmoot qui a range-banned énormément de VPNs.

Quand à De Lesquen, il suffit de continuer de pébliciter ses idées sur twatter etc. La décéption attribuée au FN et le besoin pressant de se débarasser des négrillons vont suffire à pousser les normies dans les bras de gens comme De Lesquen.

DP aide beaucoup et d'autres mouvements similaires devraient être créés. Il faut effectivement adopter le racisme décomplexé, assumé et pacifique, On a vu avec le FN que jouer les candaules ne sert à rien.

C'est abjecte, oui, mais ce n'est jamais fini, il faut pas être ni myopes ni défaitistes. Sans vouloir t'offenser, les sableux croyaient sienne l'Espagne, et Ils ont étés dégagés.

so I'm at a friend's party and it's getting pretty late. go out for a smoke on the balcony and there's a roastie there. bla bla, ha ha, after literally 30 seconds of talking she tells me she likes it in the ass
she was french obviously

Nonsense. I have no opinions on natsoc. I'm just describing a disgusting situation, and wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to right it.

We westernized our muslims and never had a problem again.

Ban Islam and that's it.

Deuxième Reconquista quand?

Les français pensent quoi de s'unir avec le Québec? On doit déjouer la législation juive et on a besoin de blancs, idéalement francophones.

1. Who is we? Clearly not Chile.
2. In France we also westernized the muslims. It worked for one generation only. As long as there is a critical mass with enough muslims in the same place, they bring their shitholes and tradition back.

C'est ce que je fais. D'ailleurs, c'est assez drôle de voir comment les gens m'auraient excommunié si je disais la même chose tant que français, mais mon accent (non shitskin) active sa réponse allollâtre, et sa passe un peu mieux.

Come home franki mayne.

Dans 800 ans.

I've been to France many times. Aren't the "racaille" muslims segregated? Don't they live separate from whites for the most part - les banlieues. And in Paris you see larger concentrations living among whites in the 18th 19th and 20th arrds.

French fags must stay in France.
Niggers and sand niggers in France must stay in France even more.
Stop coming here.
I wipe my ass with your effeminate accent.
I don't want it on the TV, in public, anywhere. You don't speak right.

Si le fait que les francois, les anglais peu importe se disent "blanc" et non pas, francois ou anglais c'est un probleme. Alors qu'on dise qu'on est francois quand on ne l'est pas aussi ca l'est.
Injun = indien
Cajun = Ca = canada jun = injun.
Learn the words nigger, GSP c'est pas un francais teutonic.
Dans ton commentaire de cul je vois la raison pour laquelle on sera jamais un criss de pays le trois quart vous etes des plottes
Mais comme toutes bonnes plottes vous etes reactifs a mort fake peu etre qu'on va s'en sortir.

They weren't segregated at first. The first generations were fine, it lasted for about 10 to 20 years when muslims/niggers and white cohabitated.

In the last 30 years or so, whites started to flee the neigbourhoods where niggers/muslims left because their children/grandchildren are complete nutjobs. This increased their concentration and created even worst situtation.

Now in their neighbourhoods all that's left are old white people who bought appartments there for their retirement a long time ago (before the shitskin apocalypse) and some insanely poor whites but that's very, very rare.

Le probleme est que ce qui s'est passé s'est passé et que chaque communaute doit reapprendre a vivre ensemble. Et cela prend du temps.

Les Français sont pathétiques, depuis 2013 nous pourrions très légitimement légalisé toutes sortes de déviances et d’immondices, l'inceste, la polygamie, la zoophilie, l'hébéphilie même sont aujourd'hui des concepts qui trouverait à s'appliquer en droit français si le législateur le décidait.
Cette société est ruinée, et vous ne pouvez plus rien y changer.
Les juifs ont gagnés, alors suivez mon exemple, expatriez-vous.
Ca ne vaut pas la peine de crever pour un peuple qui viendra 100ans plus tard piétinez votre tombe lors d'une "commémoration" de votre sacrifice pour avoir permis la pérénité des mouvement pédérastes, de l’inter-racialisme et de la prostitution morale et sexuelle de nos "femmes" qui ont allègrement tourné le dos à leurs obligations naturelle afin d'embrasser la décadence de l'esprit de la chair.
Seul un massacre de masse et la mise au pas de vos femmes pourrait vous sauver à ce stade, et encore, rien ne dis que vous serez victorieux.

Aren't most of your niggers concentrated in the Paris area? A nuke could solve this.

Niggers in the north, dune coons in the south.
Today we can legitimately suppose (supposition is the only valor since there is no official data) that 55-60% of new born and entry in the territory are non-white since most of europeans immigrants that come into france are regular or illegal immigrants from africa who travel across spain and italy to settle in france.
Every inhabitants of an european country has the right to travel and settle in a country member of the EU.
Plus, friendly reminder that 63% of the carceral population are from "islamic culture" despite making ~9% of the global population

pt 1/2
OP ici.
God fucking damnit user. I love this country. Yes, it's not mine, blah blah, blah. But I'm white, tall, healthy, >135IQ, and I took a 50% pay cut because I wanted to be a constructive part of this millenary project I dreamed of, the French timeline.

I don't have a right to criticize the French while I'm on their soil, but I'll authorise myself a pecadillo. You know what I fucking hate about you slaptwats? You know what makes me look at you with pity and disgust? Hold on to your goddamn corans : it's the fact that you pass so much time faggots, avoiding the argument and deconstructing its form, when you understood the argument perfectly well. No, shitbreath. No, you goddamned cucked husk. I don't give a fuck who did what. No one fucking cares. There was ONE question, to which you don't know the answer. Not knowing the answer is ok, but it's unvirile faggots like yourself who make the thing so hopeless : you prefer to scottish-dance around the actual question; load it with layer upon layer of artificial abstractions to display your pathetic knowledge of (((history))), instead of making the smallest honest effort to think about an answer.

I'm not having fun here. I'm begging goddess Jow Forums to lend me her hivemind.

I'll rephrase the question, because Mamadou's hepCcum seems to impede your sense of irony, and you didn't catch it in the OP:

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Si tu es vrai français donc catholique, tu sais que la défense de ton pays est un devoir, et tu ne te bats pas pour que tes descendants te remercient mais parce que Dieu l'ordonne.

pt 2/2

OP ici.

We're past fucking around. There are a set of laws and an established society, flawed as they may be. If it is left to its own, France's *will* become a mulatto timeline. And unfortunately, keking in a pink sand-painting nepalese board will change nothing. We are strong, educated, somewhat rich, angry, good men, facing an impossible question : "How do we return France to the french?". Personally, my idea is to organise ourselves and show Lesquen's ideas for what they are: rational, actionnable, decent. But ostracised and denied by the dominant doxa. And the dominant doxa is a conformist shit. Let us then come up with ideas about how to change even one bit of this. If we could do this, all the moutons would follow without question (source: was bergèr in another life, once).

So no, I don't give a herpetic slap about your opinion of me, or about your grudges with Canada. Help me, I beg you, to put together a set of steps to do our duty.

Concentrated, but the cancer has metastised.

You have the right idea. Thanks, mateys.

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There's only one answer : there is no solution.
Today, in this country, you're on your own and should only think about yourself.
France is a great coutry ruined by a disgusting people, i'm sad i had to leave it, but it was a necessity.
You will all soon realise it, not to late to save yourself i hope.

Thanks matey, but I came here to save myself (spiritually). There is nowhere else for me to go. I'll go down with the ship, but I'll take Boudjema with me.

C'est sans ironie. Tu n'as pas tort, et je te souhaite de faire plein des petits enfants français qui auront l'esprit critique.

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Don't lose hope.