PewDiePie has a gift for us

I know a guy who knows PewDiePie and he has said that he will use the recent controversy regarding Israel winning the Eurovision to drop redpills about Jews/Israel.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dbl checked
now it has to happen

It will be amazing

I know this is a long shot but I think PDP can open up his own media company and the world would help him grow.
That's just my optimistic view


>caring about e-celebs


Attached: vjbkRLb.gif (480x270, 2.86M)

>being a jew


Attached: no.jpg (503x1012, 140K)

That reminds me, I need to buy a hat


Poo hates that flag though.

So I doubt it.

>being a kike

Attached: PDP.png (1110x708, 782K)

>youtuber discusses popular topics for views
>saying he will do the said thing
>thinking it's a surprise

My uncle works at nintendo and he told me next year they release super mario 128

>using my 'IT'S ANATA SHOAH' to Kike your way into a contest for residents of another continent

Attached: 1524211807601.gif (800x800, 1.41M)

make sure they are not half ass red pills PewDiePie.

Start a settlement in America and assume the role of daddy for the Bro Army

Attached: 165.jpg (1920x1080, 467K)


Attached: IMG_20180507_004315.png (656x552, 290K)

checked. based pewds. rip bonus meme.

Get Felix to come to Denmark and have a beer with us.

What is going on in Brighton big guy?

Attached: Get ready with me!.png (1104x562, 633K)

he's gonna redpill young men and women to make aliyah and join the army .

Attached: 15437613966_2caa429ec5_b.jpg (1024x683, 200K)

Look at the umbrella. They are everywhere.

Oh hi brad

I didn't bother to watch, it's a stupid show, but do tell, what's the controversy?

All I see is more vidya shit:

>baseless rumors from sneaky troll trying to get pewdiepie in trouble

>I know a guy who knows PewDiePie
So either Brad1 or Brad2? Isn't Felix pretty secluded? I don't buy this larp.

Felix, you are an inspiration. Congratulations on your engagement.


brad is the unsung hero of pewdiepie videos

If this turns out to be a lie I'll hunt you user

>using meme flags

cyka blyat, get on that shit. Also sell more subtle high grade merch, we have more money than you think.