/SIG/-Self improvement general : Slay the dragon edition

The ultimate objective is for you to look like pic related.

How to better yourself:

Go to the gym and don't be afraid to cardio or lift more than one hour.
These chad workout mixes will help:

Stop believing in memes like "lose all ur gainz after 60 minutes of gym". Not even close to true. Look at all the greatest bodybuilders.

Stop listening to degeneracy.

Argentum - Salve Victoria

NEW: Argentum - Sacrificio Triunfal


World Domination Mix

Legionarii Dies Irae

Stop consuming too much carbs and fast food. Have a glass of good wine, no more cheap shit. Eat fruit. Eat fish. DO NOT EAT PORK IT DESTROYS YOUR STOMACH LINING AND INTESTINE WALLS. Don't eat feminized products. Don't breed with roasties. Find a wholesome waifu. Do cardio. Go running. Stockpile food and buy a truck/SUV to survive The Coming Ice Age. Don't do ignorant nigger things like stealing and acting like a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degenerate feminism.

Reading List: Brave New World, 1984, The Prince, Rise & Fall Of The Third Reich, Crippled America, Bitcoin 4 Dummies, Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Stop consuming as much pornography and even try the NoFap challenge to boost test levels. Get off the internet for at least five minutes a day. Stop smoking cigs. Don't do drugs, folks. Don't watch degenerate media and read some books. Invest in cryptocurrency for your retirement. Brush off the haters and jealous cucks. This is your life now. Welcome to /SIG/ 2018.
What have you achieved today Jow Forums. Jow Forums needs this thread more than the mental fuckery that is Jow Forums

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I know drugs are degenerate and all that, however, I would say taking LSD is incredibly important for periods of self reflection. Given that Huxley was a notorious acid head and there are strong parallels between stoma and LSD, what is /SIG/ view on drugs for self improvement?

Good material.

Personally , I think that as long as you're being careful with the dosage and understand the psychology of the vice it's ok

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I love these threads. We need to spread this message to all white men..

wait what????? I've never heard of this before.

Usually after a period of serious improvement (around a year) I'll go camping someplace close with somebody I know and trust checking in on me with everything I need for a weekend. I'll take a microdose Saturday morning when I wake up and take the day to explore nature and remember why I'm improving in the first place. Sunday I head home and make sure I'm good to go for Monday, I might try to work out getting that Monday off work to just be sure if this is your first time.

But seriously, microdose. LSD in large amounts will kill your motivation as at one point it does become a drug and not a tool.

One of these posts helped me get through some dark ass times

God damn these threads are shit.

If you really want to make a difference, offer some more info not just "DO THIS or DO THAT".

Checked and working on it , camarad

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>The Republic
>The Art of the Deal
>The Obstacle is the Way
>The Gulag Archipelago
>Thinking Fast and Slow
>Personal MBA
>Stumbling on Happiness

Classics: any Tolstoi, Dostoyevsky, Twain, Hemmingway

I've been curious of Kevin MacDonald. Anyone here read Culture of Critique?

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Wtf I love little now
Graph should be a tiered goal tree of higher-order, longer-term goals expanding to more realized short-term goals. Everyone should make their own.
My main problem is I’m so nihilistic I can’t even decide on my highest-order goals. #ForeverNeckbeard

Anyone willing to give advice on learning a language?

I'm stuck here in Spain and my language skills are shit. I understand almost everything and can communicate, but I feel like I'll never be able to talk with the locals on a decent level. Also I get shy when it comes to talking to people in Spanish. Speech skills were always my strength, but here I'm half worthless.

Help please.

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The problem I have with book lists is that next to no one is humble enough to explain why I should read any of it. It isn’t self-evident why I should read one of the millions written throughout history, if any at all.

Be a good American and force everyone to speak English when around you.
Or find a qt to help you with your Spanish. Isn’t it supposed to be the easiest language for mutts to learn?

There's a free app called duolingo that's decent for learning languages. It'll help out with the basics, and then you can learn the rest of the language through immersion in it.

>Slay the dragon edition

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I'm not a mutt, I'm a slav
The problem is, my friends are already 90% english-speakers, but I need to learn the language
Finding a qt would be easier if I wasn't so shy about speaking in spanish around them. I already fucked two girls here but getting in a relationship would be 20x more difficult
Also because it's Spain the girls want guys to do their eyebrows, wear piercing, shave legs and arms (which I'd never do, I'm not gay)

I'm already using it. As I said the biggest problem I have is that I'm scared of saying something incorrect and sounding like a retard

When lifting, use whey isolate protein powder, or if you dislike whey, use organic vegan protein powder that specifically states "No Onions Protein".
Most vegetarian protein and most protein bars( vegetarian or not) uses onions protein. Onions protein is where most of the phytoestrogens in onions are. By eating onions protein, you are eating the most "soiboy" part of onions possible.

I use shrooms for spiritual purposes aswell as self reflection. As long as you know how to use them you’re good.

Good-day /sig/, I don't tend to visit these threads often though here is part what I have already done today and also what is on the rest of the itinerary for today;
>Complete over eight hours of study with heavy emphasis on mathematics, also study open course-ware on chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering to supplement the civil engineering that I seek to specialise in.
>Complete around 30-60 minutes of exercise (for lack of a nearby gym and unwillingness to commute to one).
>Listen to RYM top 100 Norway albums (21 - 30);
- Immortal (Pure Holocaust).
- Enslaved (Vikingligr veldi).
- Motorpsycho (Timothy's Monster).
- Vàli (Forlatt).
- Enslaved (Isa).
- Immortal (Sons of Northern Darkness).
- Darkthrone (Panzerfaust).
- Ulver (Nattens madrigal: Aatte hymne til ulven i manden).
- Enslaved (Axioma Ethica Odini).
- Motorpsycho (Trust Us).

Additionally perform to the greatest of my capacity at work, play mandatory one hour of video-games (Serious Sam: TFE) and one hour of anime (2x speed Fate/ Kaleid Prima Illya 2wei Herz, ib4 "degenerate" I don't enjoy it, watching for completion of the the series as a whole). Also finish Kazuo Ishiguro's "The Remains of the Day" and watch one film (likely a Mosfilm production due to easy access). Will also practice 30 minutes of electric guitar + 30 minutes of drawing (likely following further anatomy studies and basic perspective). Further language studies and script memorization for greater accessibility during 10 minute intervals also (at the beginning of each hour).

How are you doing Romanian? Its great to see one attempt to improve the quality of the state and its populace through hard work and toil, then a shame that such attempts are cancelled out by the general population. Still, one can only hope to set an example for the future generations.

Duolingo is great! Also while basic I find Ioecsen can be useful for the more niche languages in a "starter pack" manner prior to learning grammar.

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Mostly the books provided in book lists are the basis for a lot of modern political, moral or spiritual thought. Other than providing insight into those three categories, reading well-written literature can make you a more eloquent speaker, and also enhance your own writing and reading comprehension skills.

A little while ago I decided to lift but only brought 2 9kg dumbbells( I didn't realize bit was light cus I'm new at it), I can do a fuck ton of them but I'm seeing no change in my arms apart from lots of veins. Do I have to buy bigger ones or is it possible with the right workout?

Just join a gym, they have loads of equipment that would cost a fortune to by yourself. Also, they have people there that can show you correct technique

I live in the middle of no where and can't drive, but I might be able to convince my sister to go with me and she can take me

Oh, well unfortunately if you are after bigger muscles you'll need heavier weights. If it's general fitness you are after try look for calisthenics, pic related

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Whoa whoa whoa... Source on this pork thing??

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