Why do we treat niggers like humans?

Is it just the fucking normies or any other reason

webm related

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yes, it was because the media and government are run by jews that want to make sure monkeys and humans live together enough to cause problems, just like they're doing to Europe with sandniggers

Its the law

Trust me. Take jews out of power, and that opinion will change.

I doubt burgers will let niggers back to africa, they love them too much

I would fuck her ass


I would also like to point out that even if black on white crime was significantly more common than white on white crime, or white on black crime, it still wouldn't come close to justifying things like segregation or white nationalism. For one thing, it still wouldn't change the fact that the vast majority of blacks, as well as other minorities, are not violent criminals. It would still be highly illogical ( not to mention bigoted and immoral ) to lump all non whites, or even all blacks in with the criminals, and treat them with suspicion, just because they happen to be the same "race."

Around black never relax

bad shilling and bait chaim, bad shilling and bait

Probably for the same reason we treat morons like you like humans.

>kills hitler so the jews can circumsize my country and genocide the world

It's Been 96 Years Since White Mobs Destroyed Tulsa's Black Wall Street

Are you going to defend the racist government and the mob that destroyed that prosperous black community, much like you defended Dylan Roof now?


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>She relaxed.
There's a reason niggers target old people.


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"Muh Shitler!"
Ferfucksakes, you faggots are such a stale meme. You've become as annoying and insufferable as Tumblr feminists braying about "muh patriarchy". Please fuck off back to wherever Stormfags came from.

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>doesn't believe the hitler was right narrative
>still on Jow Forums to shove it in everybodys throat

Dylan roof? You mean the guy who found out that niggers are constantly raping murdering assaulting and robbing white people on a daily basis yet for some reason he’s told that he’s victimising blacks? That guy? That guy who wouldn’t have harmed a single black person if niggers weren’t violent subhuman animals that hypocritically accuses everyone of racism? Maybe you’d like to defend the western governments that discriminate against whites on a daily basis or the South African regime which routinely ignores or condones black on white violence

>successful niggers

They were only successful because of whitey in the first place

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It’s ok that niggers are violent parasites that constantly attack you and play the victim whilst siphoning money from you and your children’s future becaus etheyre not all bad, but they’re going to justify attacking you by saying you’re all bad, which is totally legit

You’re a retard

Where do you get your moral values from?

At least 1/3rd of men are, 1/2 have STDs, etc. Even if they don't, their relatives do, and that's enough to segregate. At the very least, don't force us to interact.

There's nothing wrong with all white neighborhoods.

So that white nigger went to a church to kill the only blacks that don't do that, Christians in Bible study

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You going to the MAGA rally with the BASED blacks and trannies fellow Pede!?

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Yeah fuck niggers and fuck commies. If I had a helicopter big enough you’d all be going for a ride

Yo nigga we built Wahl Street befo deez Crackuhs burned it down n sheet.

Ayo hol up, wut u meen its cuz my nigga raped a white girl? Das bullsheet. Just tryna keep muh nigga down.

Disgusting beyond believe. I am really thinking about if Jow Forums is right to kill race-mixers even if they are white.

he chose “good” blacks on purpose

>wherever Stormfags came from.

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I doubt Africa wants them either. I recall an article about some American nigger moving to Nigeria expecting to be treated like a returning queen. But they refused to even see her as African and treated her like shit.

We gotsta dismantul dat wypipo privledge. Lay off muh food stamps racist cracka

No, many of us are just tired of you dipshits trying to poison minds with your self-inflicted victim complex and derailing any real conversation. Piss off, and go play identity politics somewhere else. Or just bury your face into your pillow and scream "Jew" and "Nigger" ad nauseam instead of shitting up the entire board with your rampant faggotry. You are adding absolutely nothing to the modern zeitgeist besides stale memes and failed ideology.

besonders ob sind sie weiß.

He chose to be a coward.

Need more niggers in Israel.

>your failed ideology
>whereas my ideology of pretending niggers are people and then letting them loose has been working so well

Fuck off.

That old cunt in the spaz chair had it coming.

Also, Germans have to wait at least 100 years past their last world war before commenting on humanity. So fuck off with your tedious nigger trigger outrage thread.

First of all, did you even bother reading this article? Second, it seems you must have failed logic, because even if it were true that there was a black on white crime epidemic, it wouldn't have made those nine innocent black people that Roof murdered responsible. You think the Church goers that he gunned down were all criminals, or do you somehow think that they were responsible for the violent crimes committed by other black people because they were black? You are truly a sick racist individual, and your thinking is beyond perverted if you think like that.

im going to murder you John

You do realize that black on black violence is the majority of violent crimes in America, right? Also, the percentage of black males that are convicted criminals in their own community heavily outweigh other races when compared. Know your facts before trying to justify your snowflake cuck outlook on life. BTW, for the record, I'm an American Mexican that lives in California and I'm a Republican. Trust me, I know what it's like to be a minority

kill yourself you stupid nigger, everyone fucking hates you

Africans hate American blacks

Found the Jew.

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Africans hate American blacks and I heard that some parts of the US are having ethnic gang fights in high schools between Somalis and feral dindus.

If American whites don't like the monster they created, maybe they shouldn't have played the role of Dr. Frankenstein.

That crime statistic is a load of crap . When the White race makes up 75% of the population and Black people 13% in this country . Numbers don't lie people do , and it's a dam shame when a race ( Whites } who have a distinct history of murder in this country from slavery to the mass killing of the Native Americans , to the lynchings of black men in the South from 1865 right up to the 1970's . Then you have the nerve to blame Blacks for something you have done and is still doing , murder . There is no way 13% of Black people can do this much crime and White America needs to stop with these bogus numbers they keep coming up with . It's just ridiculous .

seems like a recurring theme in every country, ameriniggers are a scourge. 99% of them are total scum

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Hm, true. I wish we whites weren't too clever for our own good.

"We can breed them here and save shekels!"

Whereas the Arab Muslims castrated their nigger slaves, and that is why there is no Detroit or Baltimore in Saudi Arabia today.

reason you fucking dumb cunt

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>There is no way 13% of Black people can do this much crime and White America needs to stop with these bogus numbers they keep coming up with

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We don't bother polluting our eyes with (((bullshit))) chaim, why are you even here when you don't even care to integrate you wanna be CIA nigger

>America 75% white

Oh God I wish.

>That crime statistic is a load of crap
Like the shit you talk

Ah, white people forming an air force for race rioting.

Those were the days.


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>75% white
Come on that's like me saying London is a part of England still.

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What a waste of digits. Ayo, you gonna move next to DMX?

Mom, I posted it again!
Stop being a dimwitted faggot with weak shitposts, come up from the basement, and go cook your poor fucking mom a nice Mother's Day meal. I'm sure she'll be famished after her boyfriend Jamaal is done mercilessly railing her.

Why didn't we exterminate the Germans after WW2?

Niggers are often criminals of opportunity like the one in the OP webm. Random criminal acts like that often end up with the nigger getting away.

Because not all of them violated the NAP

Numbas be hard n sheeit. Dis country was built wit cotton nigga!

>(((American Whites)))

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>There is no way 13% of Black people can do this much crime
I was shocked too. I shut my eyes and said that systematic racism must be real. The I realized Jow Forums was always right.

I was a nice non racist too, until I live in a multicultural paradise.

At least the majority aren't faggot commies.

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you are VERY CONCERNED about street crime, but I don't see any concern about serial killers, who are virtually all white, or political and corporate criminals, whose misdeeds have done so much to destroy our country, and the Watergate, Contra-gate, Irangate, Enron, and Russian hacking crowd, are, shockingly, ALL WHITE! I guess stuff like that, like the mob, doesn't bother you.

I need to show this shit to my mom.

She is starting to show sins of relaxing around muslims and shitskins.

Yep. I've always lived around them but it took me becoming an adult to put the 'they live' glasses on. I work at a motel in the hood.... you have no idea the shit I've seen.

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go to africa and see how they kill and rape literally everything then come back and say your bullshit again

A white mob kills some black people and burns down all their shit. That is the perfect argument that we should all live together in harmony. Thank you based commie.
Ps I've heard it a billion times. I've lived in that place, Tulsa is a giant crime scene and it's always meth heads or nigs.

Growing up, my school district decided to move the Magnet School into the projects to combine above average test scores with failing nigger scores to get one passing school.

I figured things out pretty quickly.

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Proof that whites have no monopoly on being stupid! How do you feel about Neil deGrasse Tyson, Guion Bluford, Ronald McNair, Maya Angelou, and Whitney Moore Young? Next, how do you feel about Frazier Glenn Miller, Dylann Roof, J.T. Ready, and "Dynamite Bob" Chambliss?

Serial killers aren't really a thing anymore buddy.
>or political and corporate criminals
I also hate the jews yeah.

What exactly is your argument?
>don't be concerned that your kitchen is on fire when there's candles lit EVERYWHERE

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With you as a son she's probably just eager to die.

Sounds like you should move to Detroit.

They have European admixture.

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> how do you feel about extreme outliers of a statistical distribution ?

maybe read a book, brainlet

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Why did you come into this thread then? We don't go to your trap threads

Btfo by based black science man!

>What are averages and exceptions

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You're wasting you time. These shit-flinging monkeys only know YouTube e-celebs.

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This I gotta hear....define WHITE CULTURE for us...

Please...fill the room with the fertilizer of your intellect!

I've heard of Irish culture, English culture, Russian culture, German culture, Italian culture, French culture, Spanish culture, Portuguese culture, Dutch culture, Norwegian culture, and even American culture. But I've never heard of WHITE CULTURE.

Let's hear about "WHITE CULTURE." Is it...mayonnaise? NASCAR? WWE? Ted Nugent? Inbred families? Mobile homes?

This I gotta hear!