
Maryland deputy shoots groundhog as it crosses the road in Carroll County; video of incident goes viral


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Boy, I am a groundhog, be afraid

Come on I'm betting to dox myself if I'm wrong
Prove me your not British

Will you or will you not shoot me

Groundhogs are real?
Thought it was just a movie.

No I'm not treating to harm you or anyone

White devil shot that nigga for no reason.

Uncivilized amerimutts nothing new.

Threatening .I'm not threatening you

dont trust him britbong he is a straight up decendent of convicts

Surprise, surprise it was black.

>Not using this.

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>"It's coming right at us!"

Now it's justified.

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Reveal your flag or ill go insane.

Long winter.
Groundhog said only 6 more weeks.
8 weeks later........Fuck you Groundhog. Rampage Time.

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I will not

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I just BTFO op

This is proof he's British. Oy mate. Whereas your breathing license? ????

If you watch the video and actually read their explanation of their actions, it makes sense.


Get the fuck outta here with your facts, faggot.

leaf licking murrican butt

0 surprises

Putting down niggers for not behaving like normal humans also makes sense.

Wtf is wrong with our cops? Why do they have to shoot everything?

You want all that lead just being thrown into the trash? Do you not care for the environment?

The groundhog wasnt even armed....

how can you get internet reception if you live in an igloo, poutine licker

The civilized world is now safer thanks to an Amerian hero who shot a groundhog crossing a road.

Could you imagine how would modern civilization carry on with their advancments if that groundhog had crossed the road?

Than you America.

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Fucking mutts lol

we here in British columbia and Alberta Canada shoot groundhogs as we wish...they're pests and we can legally harvest them like its 1943

Maryland and Virginia have both had issues with rabid Beavers and Woodchucks. There was a rabid beaver at Lake Anne in Reston Virginia that animal control had to shoot because it bit a bunch of people there.

The groundhog was rabid and aggressive

Good. Fuck groundhogs.

He should have just called Animal Services. They can catch it without killing it. They would have taken it to the wildlife rehab center, where it would have been cared for.

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its a fucking groundhog lmao why do you dumbshits even care

The only animals the greater states of israel cares for are your own kind, mutt

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If you read the article, it was likely rabid.

Exactly, it was charching him

Animal Control is trained to handle rabid animals.

>fox in yard
>call cops
>asked if i have gun
>kill it then

Those things are pests and a pain to farmers like me. I'll damn well shoot any wild animal that comes onto my property and I don't give a damn if liberals throw a fit about it.

good, fuck woodchucks
kill em all let their false messiah sort out those cock sucking vermin

how do you know its rabid? groundhogs normally out and about in the day

it could have just as easily been female + had babies nearby

I fucking love my State. We shoot anything that moves round here.

can you imagine being the cameraman for this shit? i would be scared of getting shot

Your a pussy
Also checked

roadkill gets preemptively shot

literally who gives a fuck?

He shouldve kicked it into the ditch.

It's not an America problem it's a rural redneck hillbilly problem.

>normally out and about
>lives almost its entire life underground and only comes out to see its shadow letting the humans know when spring starts

>loving Maryland
The fuck is wrong with you?
>must be on the shore or way south.

he is a pussy for thinking rationally.

>catch it without killing it. They would have taken it to the wildlife rehab center, where it would have been cared for.
It's a fucking rodent man. Just kill it and move on

That would also be my impulse.

But I suspect there is protocol against that, in case a virus or bacteria transfers to the same police boot that's later used to kick some leftist activist.

Officer protects themselves from the likelihood of getting rabies as a groundhog goes beyond its normie behaviour and goes for them. By killing the groundhog has probly reduced a breakout in doing so.
. Liberalbutts dont know wtf rabies is due to successive killing and vaccination of wildlife over decades. Rabies is the worst death sentence evar. Officer is literally hitler.

>i have no idea what i am talking about and have never seen a groundhog

Hmm probably, but the leftists already have rabies so its ok.

An animal which is hostile and fearless or is lying down and seems to be choking probably has rabies and should be killed. Rabies is incurable and fatal.

Who gives a shit? It was messing with humans so you might aswell remove it from this world

By killing them.

>2nd amendment is so powerful american pets are affected by it
damn i wish i was american .the only guns i've ever held were an M16a1 for range and guard duty .

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Israelies cant own guns? Wtf

I do. Had to get vaccinated from bat bite in eastern europe. Got vaccination. Bat brain was later tested positive. I didnt hesitate stomping the fucking thing when it was spazzing about on wall.

jews can't trust themselves with guns, they'd be shooting each other in the back all the time

If you would read the fucking article it clearly said he tried to get it off the road but it was acting funny. He determined it was either sick or dying and he put it out of its misery.

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I mean they need to shoot up the palestinians which land they have taken.

That was an impressive shot.
God bless America

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Sure thing - we'll have you pay for it

>give me evidence about a bat
>i know about groundhogs

why though

wel yea like any civilized country you need a license to own firearms . usually its either security guards and people who live in danger zones (west bank) that get em

Only white people should have the right to own weapons.

Any animal can be rabid. And the behaviour of that thing in the video was clearly odd and aggressive. Your greentext responses is you who has no fucking idea.

Honestly this dude should get fired just for being a fucking ginormous retard and wasting peoples time. Dude has such a huge ego from being a cop he sees it necessary to completely stop traffic for like 5 minutes in order to I don't even know what.

Either the groundhog crosses the road or someone runs over it and probably doesn't even notice the thing. Instead he makes a huge scene and excecutes the thing in the middle of the road for literallly no reason. Fucking cops get away with too much.

>i had one experience with x
>let me tell you about y

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What do you think of rabis?
Any animal that acts strangely is suspect.
Ozzi's are so afraid of it they'll tell jewish puppets to fuck of.

Looks like the traffic had already stopped before he showed up. Maybe shooting it wasn't ideal, but if people are being retards it solves the problem.
Maybe I'm just too used to running over anything smaller than a deer on the way to work.

I can assure you though. Officer did the best thing.

Ameritards going to tard Ameristyle every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Retards who don't know what Rabies is.
>this normally non-aggressive animal is obviously just scared
>Get bitten and don't get a check up just for your brain to melt.

If any animal rushes you. Shoot it. Be it a dog or a chipmunk. Rabies is no joke.

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I'm sniping squirrels through my window with a suppressed Ruger 10/22 right now for no reason other than I can.

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Kek I hope he got a medal


bro you went full retard

dont do it

>for no reason other than I can.

Oh no.
knowing about a disease that can transfer by bites of mammals that act strangely is going full retard. That groundhog's life is worth less than the cost of the shots after you got bitten. Just because its not as deadly because of said treatments doesn't mean its not around. I'd of shot that groundhog too.

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brit licking boots
>0 surprises

Nearly every mass killing event is a white man with a gun. If anyone needs to be banned from owning weapons its whites. And dont give me muh Chicago, gang violence is more environmental compared to white mass shooting that is more in line with terrorism


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He should have shot the woman filming too. And all the bleeding heart morons condemning him on faceberg should also be shot

t. Oversocialized Eurotard who takes selfies in front of bear cubs.

Whites are the solution to a black world's problems.

They wouldn't have to shoot if oversocialized animal rights faggots like yourself didn't back up highways 15 miles waiting for some idiot animal to cross instead of running it over like you should have. You don't belong here, gtfo.


One of the finest examples of a First World problem I can recall seeing. People in other countries worry from where their next meal will come, these people rage over a groundhog.

I coulda eaten that groundhog.

It was rabid, I'd do the same thing. You don't want something with rabies biting you.

Don't tell me what I want.

White “people”