I have yet to met anyone from our generation that unironically believes in God (Christianity version).
I'm talking about real worship like the old times, not some larp-type shit. Will Christianity ever come back?
I have yet to met anyone from our generation that unironically believes in God (Christianity version).
I'm talking about real worship like the old times, not some larp-type shit. Will Christianity ever come back?
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No, it's outdated social engineering. Atheistic materialism is where it's at now, dawg
Christianity will rise as white flight happens.
Living in cities is an spiritual killer.
Cities plagued with insecurity, niggers, degenerates... It makes people self-serving, nihilistic, materialistic, artificial and soulless.
In the country it gets lonely and boring, people have children, rediscover simplicity, quietness and the joy of build your own stuff.
White flight will be inevitable.
Great picture since it accurately conveys the kind of person who advocates that ideology
But Christians have always live in cities...
It's going to rise. I have converted to it within my heart. Cross is a way of life, As prescribed by the God through Jesus; his messenger.
>Will Christianity ever come back?
In the west? Probably not. And that's why the west will fall.
Unless there's a war, no atheists in foxholes.
the apostolic age was a unique time for humanity. something like that probably wont happen again until the end of the world. christianity was never a stable thing, even in medieval times it was always changing and adapting to whatever time and place it found itself. your notion of "real worship" is mistaken, there are plenty of people around today, even among young people who believe in god just as much as people did a thousand years ago. you just have to find them.
Yes; but we are the ghost of its holy vengeance. We are the revanant wind that will cleanse the world.
Do you now realize that Christianity started in cities and urban areas and the rural people held out against it, hence the term “pagans”?
Yes, it will.
Christians on average has a very high fertility rate all over the world. Only muslims outbreed them by a slight amount.
Muslims (and atheists) have lately been converting to Christianity by the millions.
>Christianity will prevail (as it always does)
And soon we will go back to the glorious old times: youtube.com
I'm happy to hear your words brother. Have a blessed Sunday.
Order always follows chaos. In time lad, in time.
This is not even the worst crisis Christianity has gone through its history.
> real worship like the old times
elaborate this
The bible is the reason for the down fall of Christianity, it's too abstract and cryptic and leaves too much to be made up by the reader.
The bible needs some serious work to be of any use in the future.
It started its path of death from the beginning
it's dying, giving way to masculine beliefs
I unironically believe. what do you mean by “real worship”?
go away satan
well it is written that we will have to run for the hills. not sure why you think being white has anything ti do with that though.
Somebody told me to pray for guidance. I did and I acquired not only guidance, but faith in what the Bible preaches.
Yes (and that’s a good thing)
good riddance lmao
>that flag
my sides have gone into o r b i t
>The bible is the reason for the down fall of Christianity, it's too abstract and cryptic and leaves too much to be made up by the reader.
It's not this. Christianity isn't as culty as Islam. In Islam you need to pray 5 times a day and throughout the year you need to read the full Quran 5 times. Christianity is more of a Hobby Religion. Go to church sunday, pray sometimes and you'll be fine.
Christianity can't die, truth is eternal.
> a torture device is a way of life
Hmm... big think
I guess people are getting educated and less brainwashed than before
>muh great white flight
nigga we will just build walls around inner cities before we resort to any of your nonsense
>And soon we will go back to the glorious old times
You mean killing white Europeans for disagreeing with your very specific branch of Christianity?
You're retarded if you can't grasp the idea of metaphore and symbolism.
Please enlighten me, papist
You just live in some hedonistic city that had been deserted by the faithful long ago. Christianity in America is live and well, and is being validated every day as the degeneracy of the world is made apparent.
I tried going to Church.
The songs bore me to death, the message the priest is giving isn't something I agree with etc.
The holy bibble ain't something profoundly spiritual to read either, feels like b-video game lore.
I won't waste my time on you. Accept your retardation. Next time you read ANY book, try to understand it, instead of just reading it and in a few years maybe you'll be able to grasp anything that happens in the world around you.
PioXIII will kick your ass
The purpose of church is to build community. You dont have to agree with the pastor or even go to church every Sunday if you are just bored with it. Though it will do you good to at least go every now and then, if only to retain the social connections that you wouldn't maintain otherwise.
In the past the priest of a town would concern himself with solving any social tensions that may arise so that the community can remain functional and whole. The requirement of church is so that the priest can be given an opportunity to do just that.
Good riddance.
Lets hope not desu, its been getting in the way for centuries.
Unfortunately its just going to be replaced with another abrahamic hurdle.
separatism is the new hot religion.
are you a separatist?
Jesus would've hated Christianity.
The decline of Christianity is directly responsible for the decline of the west.
>you don't have to commit to it in any way
>just do what you want
This is why its dying, dingus.
This is a reductive and plebeian understanding of the occidental decline.
Why is that bad? it's better to be destroyed and rebuilt rather than stay founded on a bed of lies.
Here we fucking go. Yet another ameritard who gets autistic as soon as someone mentions religion, especially christianity. Is this board under the SJW assault or something? Or will this be the norm from now on?
God bless you, brother
Welcome brother, God bless you.
100 years ago, no one believed in Christianity as people believed in it 200 years ago.
Religion, likes languages or cultures, are constantly evolving. About one third of humanity is currently christian, there are billions of nominal Christians. Traditional Christianity is indeed dying. Just like what was deemed traditional Christianity 100 years ago was also dying back then. This however, does not signal the death of Christianity as a religion.
Pagan larpers and atheists are eternally butthurt about Christianity it seems.
This guy gets it
>Will Christianity ever come back?
We were here the whole time. How can we help you? Pic related.
You need accurate knowledge but you are on the right path.
>The bible is the reason for the down fall of Christianity, it's too abstract and cryptic and leaves too much to be made up by the reader.
That's because you don't read and study the Bible.
>Christianity is thriving! Just look at these two young females next to some bibles XD cheggmate jews
Ask any white man making mixed babies with a 1000lbs neggeres he will firmly tell you about his beliefs in a Christian god
It is still alive but is "underground" since the "above ground" Catholicism is fake.
>That's because you don't read and study the Bible.
And you don't have your epistemology sorted out and thus don't know how to read and study the Bible, which is why you're a heretic.
> christcuck sect #4567
In the end, there will be a great falling out.
Most mainsteam churches are dead, they are clinging to straws as their attempts to catch up with liberal decadence catches up.
The more and more people become disgusted with modern society, the more people who will come back to the true church of Christ.
Damn, now that i think about it i only know myself.
the Catholic Church has always preached the coming of the anti-Christ, and with it a falling away of the faithful, to the extent that only a remnant will remain. whether what is happening now is part of that prophesy we'll just have to see.
certainly white people have traded everything their forefathers gave them for easy sex, pop music and drugs.
the existence of a site like Jow Forums is proof of that trade...
First you have to consider that in old times it was punishable by death to say you don't believe in God, so that must tilt the balance quite a bit
Yes, it's dead. And thank Allah for that.
>First you have to consider that in old times it was punishable by death to say you don't believe in God
no it wasnt
and the next pope will probably be from some African or SE Asian shithole
Christianity is dead.
Diest here. I am slowly drifting back into the religious framework since getting my ego permanently crippled by the hockey enforcer known as life.
Why do Christian-haters always always always end up siding with goat fuckers?
Nietzche, Hitler, Liberals, Varg... holy fuck. No doubt why we will end up Islamized.
It's like atheism roots in betrayal.
>And you don't have your epistemology sorted out
(1 Corinthians 1:19) For it is written: “I will make the wisdom of the wise [men] perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual [men] I will shove aside.”
(1 Corinthians 3:19) For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; for it is written: “He catches the wise in their own cunning.”
(2 Timothy 2:25) instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth,
>(Psalm 68:11) Jehovah himself gives the saying; The women telling the good news are a large army.
>(Jude 18) how they used to say to YOU: “In the last time there will be ridiculers, proceeding according to their own desires for ungodly things.”
>(2 Peter 3:3,4) For YOU know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires; and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.”
What is it you would like to know or how can you be helped?
>Why do Christian-haters always always always end up siding with goat fuckers?
(2 Timothy 3:2-5) For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
Christianity has always thrived and it's the largest religious group in the world. It has never gone away, contrary to popular belief aka normies. Just because you sit on your ass all day putting shitty threads up on Jow Forums and haven't the most social interactions don't indeed not mean something had faded out. It is also partly do to Christians not being flamboyant about it... unlike atheists that have to tell everyone they are atheists every fucking 5 minutes. They are actually minority's in today's world. I'm not a perfect Christians, God knows that. I just know we don't force anything done anyone's throats like Muslims and atheists.
>inb4 muh pope
Reminder the pope is anti pope and the Catholic doctrine says, accept refugees but only when they need your help and they must respect the host nation's culture and not get in their way of life and must go back when they are no longer in danger
The pope is a traitor and I'm not even a Catholic Christian. He should be prosecuted.
there are more Catholics alive today in Europe and the US than at any time in the last 200 years. not sure how you can read from that that it's on the decline?
He's not even the real pope, Benedict is still alive
Christianity isn’t dead but becoming REALLY REALLY hard to be a true Christian. First you need to learn what it actually is. No church teaches the full truth out in the open anymore, and the important beliefs have been made taboo and separated and stored in fringe sects mixed with false information such as Gnosticism, Christian Identity, and the historical traditional Christian texts in weird languages that don’t translate into English well. If you ever find out the truth (which you won’t unless you’re super resourceful and/or know a super based priest/smart person) then you have to actually practice the religion which requires EXTREMELY powerful willpower. I don’t have the will (yet) and I don’t know everything yet, but God has let me find the rabbithole and given me a chance, so I hope I become successful.
Gott mit Uns!
orthodoxy and multiple smaller, local denominations are scattered about. Mormonism is also pretty okay. Whatever the amish have also is cool. Thats about it though, all the other large christian sects are (((gnostified))) with kike shit more or less.
No body expects the Spanish Inquisition! Or maybe you are a witch! Care to repent your heathen ways before the bonfire consumes you?
Wait you live in america and have never seen people try to shove christianity down other people's throats? No Christians are ever gloating about their shit religion?
Do you live under a rock?
>Christianity isn’t dead but becoming REALLY REALLY hard to be a true Christian.
it isnt difficult to know what the true faith is - just pick up a Catholic Catechism. the problem us that secularism is increasingly making it illegal to practice the faith. This is what the protestants in England did after Elizabeth the First, and it's being today.
No I live in reality.
God bless
lol, you know nothing about the inquisition, go and read a book about it or somethig.
>just pick up a Catholic Catechism.
>if only you knew how bad it really is
The modern catechism preaches preservation of judaism. The old Catholic texts are fine but trust no institution fully, especially today. Satan can use the church any way he wants. In the words of a wise priest there is no place too holy for him to enter.
Death to Christianity and all of you traitors.
political correctness is the modern day clergy
Christianity is dead in the West and isn't coming back. It is growing and thriving in the third world and Asia though. That's its future.
The West is just going to move to atheism, and that's all there is to it. Even if paganism made a comeback it would only be a cultural relic, much like it is in Japan.
No. Benedict re-introduced the prayer for jewish conversion, so that simply isnt true. you need to understand the various levels at which the Magisterium occurs. you dont understand that, and that is part of the problem. there's so much ignorance out there, depite the factthat all the ifo ppl need is easily accessable.
Can you tell me what this rabbithole you've found is? I've been studying for years and was lead to Christian Identity but you seem to be saying there is a deeper truth.