Q wtf is going on

Can someone give me a QRD on what’s up with Q user?

In the beginning it was interesting to me, but just sounded like a larp after a while.

I see the boomersphere and conspiracy-sphere have a lot of videos and posts about q user today. Are they in denial that they’ve been had?

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Q is Larp.

I predicted it.

Honestly, I think even the idea that there are Q supporters is a LARP. It's just shills shilling each other to make it seem like there are people who support Trump. What a world.

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google it nigger

The problem with being an anonymous informant is that anyone can claim to be you. I am Spartacus.

this post got suppressed by the deepstate. Jow Forums is compromised...
i am moving to reddit/twitch

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q predicted all of this?

wtf I love 8ch/qresearch now

How to know something is a LARP:
>makes deterministic predictions

I'm not LARPing ffs

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Q is real, he has proven it to us over the months with bits and pieces of confirmation. some of these are very hard to dispute.

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he's legit

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how about you go on youtube and search q user, there every video has tens of thousands of views, some of them have hundreds of thousands.

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This larping would stop happening so frequently if we simply got rid of all of the fucking gypsies on this board.

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Its litterally just cold reading retard. You say enough vague soundbytes and eventually something will happen that matches the interpretation of at least one of your bullshit statements.

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its not a larp when it so fucking consistant.

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youtube view counts are faked. Sometimes I watch the Q livestream to laugh my ass off. I have trouble believing all this. I know there are idiots out there, I'm not saying there aren't some idiots eating this shit up. But the major actors in it are all agents. The major content is all shill produced.

t. gypsy

"cold reading"
someone asks about freeing flynn, Q responds with done in 30. 30 days later there is a house report detailing how flynn didnt lie under oath. please explain to me how the fuck this is cold reading you dick gurgling faggot of a shill?

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oh yea dude all of them are faked, so that means that Q just contacts the websites he links to us before hand to tell them to shut the webpage down to create the illusion of the site being overwhelmed with traffic?

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Why are the FBI and DOJ upper ranks being purged?

Does user know?

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Done in 30 could have meant litterally anything, it could have meant something as insignificant as the spacing between two of trumps tweets, or the ammount of time between trump taking a shit and taking a piss. And you retards would still lap it up because he said 30. You're being played retard.

you know i wont fault you for looking at that picture and thinking its bullshit because you probly only glanced at it for a second and saw how complicated it looked. it really isnt that hard to analyze whats giong on there though, just fucking look at it again and you can clearly see that Q is giving us heads up ahead of time about the time differences between trump tweets. the extra added bonus was the spelling correction actually added in to an editted trump tweet.

err, the social engineers and intelligence agencies running the Q project run google, duh

how bluepilled are you people

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t. gypsy
The world is not deterministic like that. Your faggot tea leaf reading is womyn-tier and does not belong on Jow Forums. There is nothing I hate more than you kabbalah
>muh magic number
paranoid retards. Go back to Jow Forumsconspiracy, Jones-cultist.

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being this fucking dense

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Good proof. 30 days and Flynn was cleared. That's not a prediction but a promise

deep state on suicide notice

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he thinks Q is being perpetuated by the deepstate.

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who else has the autism to run a project this delusional and comprehensive?

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>who else has the autism
um, you realize this is /pol right?

Deep state on suicide watch.
Trump will complete JFK's work.
It's over. We are winning.

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No, they are panicking because, in the words of Richard Spencer, "The Boomer wet dream known as QAnon has turned into a nightmare." The counter-semites are winning, and that is bad news for the whores like Rush Limbaugh and Bill Mitchell who have made serving Jews their bread and butter.

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>Richard Spencer,
Literally a horrible actor for CIA. That faggot isn't fooling anyone. CIA pied piper.


False hope is one of the worst things you can give to a people, makes them relaxed and nonvigilant. Q, Trump, what have you. They're all just false hope made to make the goy passive.

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Trump is actually just Shrek in disguse, it's apart of the 4D chess. They're panicking.

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you do realize that if the world is as fucked as we have believed it to be this whole time that it would actually make sense for the president along with a handful of trusted individuals to get a following of this magnitude. its not like people are just looking at posts that have no connections made between them. its not like the connections are vague either, most if not all are fairly precise and exact. why are you fighting this so much?

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Jow Forums gets on every alternative media website? has a wellspring of well-organized videos in a library? this is an organized phenomenon. of course it's phony. I'm not going to waste my time trying to open your eyes, lol. It's funny. It's sad, to be honest. This is one project I sort of feel bad exposing, since it obviously took some work, is rather benign, and just proof that the governors need to manufacture support, even if it is phony conspiratorial cult shit. Trump's original base was made through cult of personality, but that fell apart quicker than planned. This is an attempt to rebuild that movement, if Q becomes anti-Israel or some shit, this is a deep project to induce cognitive dissonance among Trump supports. funny. cute.

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Anyone that believes Q is real is a fucking idiot. Playing along is fine, but it takes a true paranoid fuck to believe that shit.


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he really is a bad actor. just a big ol' phony

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you literally looked at an obvious prediction and called it bullshit, false hope my ass you fucking faggot.

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I believe he had a following, during the election. I believe Q has a following now. I just think they're the deluded stupid masses. They barely count as sentient. They don't contribute or participate, just consume, even psyops.

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>cold read
>obvious prediction

My logic was sound and you just called me dense with no further retort. You are the retard here.

We are winning, lads.
Q Group is this administrations' direct comms to The People. Twitter can't be trusted, facebook can't be trusted. The media can't be trusted.

So they established a direct line of comms. This is the most amazing timeline. See you all at the military parade.

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excuse me what the fuck are you even talking about... Q wasnt around during the election.

>Q wasnt around during the election.
This. Q Group began posting fall/winter 2017.

The user I'm replying to was astonished I could not believe the president has any supporters. I was replying that I believe he DID have supporters. He still does, but nothing like during the campaign, and before he pledged full allegiance to Israel overtly.

no sorry thats not how that works, im the one that presented the undeniable evidence only for you to ignore it and tell me it means nothing. you cant just sit there and act like i didnt just give you something that completely proves you wrong. stop being such a blatantly obvious shill and try to be more subtle next time.

>Why are the FBI and DOJ upper ranks being purged?
Several reasons.
Do you remember FBI user? His claim was that there was massive corruption of the scale that prosecuting Hillary would take out half the government.

Later, we saw Comey proving a huge amount of corruption when he detailed all the crimes she'd committed and then said "no sane prosecutor would prosecute."

So, we KNOW there's a lot of corruption in the FBI. There's enough external happenings and evidence that claiming that our government ISN'T corrupt is laughable.

My guess is they're trying to clean out the FBI so they can clean out the corruption politicians. .. not sure it'll work though: Comey's whole speech undermined all credibility the FBI had.

This is still bullshit. Trump has more support now than he did when he was campaigning. Fuck out of here. He's Reagan tier.

uhhhhh, have you seen the polls showing his acceptance so far? its only been going up, hes so far only done great things for our country and the world around us. have you been under a rock or something?

>Later, we saw Comey proving a huge amount of corruption when he detailed all the crimes she'd committed and then said "no sane prosecutor would prosecute."
Holy shit. I remember this! Comey did say it and that makes sense now. Taking her down took down everything uncontrolled.

Q never predicted it

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Then counter my point faggot

Trump cultists are the worst because all they do when their logic is questioned is scream shill and other such accusations [which are unprovable, just like your Q bullshit mind you]. It's simple plain old delusion, nothing more, nothing less.

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I'm speaking anecdotally, not based on some website figures. People I know are either complacent, and just happy to see someone in the oval office who doesn't admittedly want to destroy the world, or they regret supporting Trump knowing now that he was just going to put his signature on all the jewish wealth redistribution scams that come his way.

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He's real enough to know what he is doing yet subtle enough to stay away from those who don't need to know

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