This is what gets you 4 gold on Reddit now

This is what gets you 4 gold on Reddit now.

How the fuck did that site turn into male Tumblr?

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It always was, and you have to go back.

people who post on reddit have fucking down's syndrome, who cares

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Goddamn I hate these smug liberals

can we just get one with the next civil war. imagine the joy of killing people like that reddit poster while they try and 'drag' you into liberal insanity. the first time that person gets smacked in the mouth and robbed by a nog I wish I was there to watch their entire world view shatter as they try fruitlessly to reason with the beast as it becomes more and more violent and continues to assault them, breaking their glasses, knocking out their teeth, robbing their wallet and cell phone before curb stomping their head as they lay quivering on the sidewalk mildly wimpering...



The good old Progress Fallacy. Progress isn’t necessarily good and in the last 50 years it’s been a negative force.

Neoliberalism was a mistake

see as alwys fpbp

>we Reddit browsing and NPR listening coastal liberal elites
This must be satire

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His picture is on his account.

He's black, his wife is white

On the plus side, it's super easy for that dude to poop

Where's that fucking mulcher? There's a mud-caked leaf that ought to proceed to the next step of the carbon cycle

>Conservatives don't offer any good ideas
>Republicans won office
>Economy is improving
>Most major scientists were religious conservatives

These people really are thick as pig shit, and self absorbed to boot. Must be good to get high as fuck off your own methane.

>4 gold
never heard of it


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Unfortunately he does have a point. Conservatives have been getting our asses kicked the last couple hundred years. How can we start getting some real winsa again?

The line between satire and reality grows more indistinguishable by the day.

>intellectually and morally superior
Being a victim doesn't suddenly make one morally superior out of the bat.

>vibrantly diverse
He can't be fucking serious. It's like 1984

Have 84 children


future fash

I think that’s a troll, atleast I refuse to think that was written unironically. They are somewhat right though. Societies start off with healthy values and then they get dragged to shit by liberals only for a new order to form. I think the best recorded case of this was the transition of the russian empire to leninist ussr to stalinist ussr.

>Service-based globalized multicultural society.

*projectile vomiting*
Society of the "Would you like other glass of water, sir" people. Is it me, or is it really that fucking disgusting? I mean, "on biological level" kind of disgusting?

this is the nigger and his mudshark and their niglet

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Its the Matrix, the mods are Smith.

most of those "people" on reddit dont exist. they are bots

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he's literally pulling a "Hey Rabbi what are you doing?" but against AltRighters

why are niggers so pathetic pol?

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a Compromise is always a loss because shitlibs don't know what the word 'No' means.

82 of which will become liberal, because that's the way the pendulum swings nowadays. By the time they grow up gay marriage will be a conservative notion.

>on Reddit now.

Go back there and stay there, faggot.

>it's the 21st century!

Well they're not wrong. I think that up until a few decades ago, conservatives were morally in the wrong. Nowadays, progressives are morally in the wrong because they hit the peak before they went careening off the other side into debauchery and anti-science.

Just wait 50 years and we’re back to proper values.

Looks like a happy family desu, nothing wrong with that

>Late Russian empire
>Healthy values

Dude. "Silver age" was full-blown Weimar Republic before Weimar republic came into existence.

>male Tumblr?
tumblr 2.0*
You clearly don't browse enough or turn a blind eye on every-fucking-thing if you call it male tumblr

The site is like 40% male 60% female

necking yourself for starters

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lefties are fucking ruthless and their job is easy since all they seek is to destroy current systems, institutions etc. conservatives are the good guys but they're not authoritative enough or pushy enough. conservatives don't DRAG the shit out of lefties into becoming decent people.

>service based globalized multicultural society
rofl my god these fucking dweebs, if only they'd get out of there own echo chamber and interact with the real world, they might be able to understand that their fantasy world doesn't exist

That’s what I implied m8. The healthy values died between 1700 and 1800. Leninist ussr was really the crash that wiped the slate clean for stalin to barge in and create new institutions.

It's okay that post is obviously satirical.

until they get what they want, and are lined up against a wall and shot

Redditors are legit incentivised by virtual sheckels. Reddit is a goyin farm.

she is serious about her eyebrows holy shit

Go back whorekid

I'd say that anything more or less good died with "Sobornoye Ulozheniye".
But then again, I fancy Ryurikoviches over Romanovs (except for Peter I, partly Yekaterina, Alexander I and couple others)

I wish I could believe that
commie scumbag

Trannies aren’t females you stupid faggot.

What does it mean to get 4 gold?

These "people" have no identity, no sense of self, and they wonder why addiction, depression, anxiety, and mental illness in general are at all-time highs. They congratulate each other on making a society that is utterly destructive to the individual, that completely rejects beauty, honor, and integrity for the sake of people who are fucked up. They're miserable because of it, and they want everyone else to be miserable, too. Complete lack of self-awareness.

The way I’ve understood it somebody pays money so that they can give you a super upvote. Retarded? Yes. Reddit? Absolutely.

>coastal liberal elite are the winners
Is this nigger serious? Is chronic underemployment, wage stagnation, and home ownership/starting a family being perpetually out of reach due to skyrocketing housing costs and insane government taxes winning? These people are legitimately fucking retarded and can't even see their own future of perpetually renting a small apartment with either animals in place of their non-existent children or sticking their singular accidental child in daycare from three weeks old til the age of 18 forming a perfectly maladjusted new member of a maladjusted society . I completely and without hesitation think voting should be limited to the tiny select pool of people that actually contribute to society as a whole and the disgusting chaff too stupid to even realize they're caught in the most degrading system ever conceived as they're slowly ground down should be made to follow like the plebeian shits they are with their ideas safely confined to their empty little heads.

Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural.

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meme flag, heres your (you) whiteboi

Imagine being so fucking dumb you think it was the conservatives that did all the in early America.

Another mocha mistake.

Because liberal democracy is set that way. Conservatives will always eventually conform to liberal agenda because soon they have to fight some new bullshit liberals come up with.

At this point for him the hard part is not pooping.

There are only two sides. One side persists in a delusion the other in reality.
The former is childish and the latter understands being pragmatic

So called liberals are people who attaches themselves to already invented, built and fully functional systems. They are conformists. They think what ever is injected to their collective hive mind. They repeat phrases like parrots. They are not, and never have been, those people who actually explore the unknown and create stuff from thin air.

Conservatives are the ones that preserve things and customs that actually works and are evidently beneficial. They evaluate everything with logic, reason and facts. They don't jump to things. If something actually works, they take it into use.

Now, when some explorer comes from his voyage and delivers snake oil to people, it is the liberals who take it, pay for it, and pretends it works exactly like our "explorer" told, even if their dicks would fall off.

Conservatives would examine the snake oil carefully. They would conduct extensive and empirical studies on it. Then decide is it useful or not.

Liberals are idiots. Have always been and will always be.

what the fuck is 4gold?
also please go back

>browsing reddit
>"even when it was good"
You make your own mistakes.

>No conservatives we're not going back to England
>No conservatives we're not making George Washington king
>You can't form your own country with slaves

Jesus Christ imagine actually seeing the world like this. Only a good dose of Zyklon B can save leftists at this point.


>"Blame their failures on..."

Stopped reading right there. It's just more of the dumb ass psychologizing leftists do where they dig for 'underlying bias' that isn't there. I'm not a failure. My parents aren't failures. Most of the failures I know are leftists. And most of the successful people I know are right wing to one degree or another.

There's something so clever about this sidestep tactic. It's something they can use every time, and no one on their side even questions it. So they just keep doing it. They never have to address any of the real issues brought up, and they get to throw a backhanded insult out to put you on your heels.

>heh, disagree with me? well, you're just a failure who wants to blame other people, hah.

Now in order to get back on topic, you have to A) argue you're not a failure. And B) prove that you're not just scapegoating people out of fear. And since they control the discussion platform, you can't even turn their bullshit around on them. It'd be fun to be like "nah, that's not true. You're just sexually inadequate and you're looking to import a bull to fuck your girlfriend for you", but that gets you banned and blocked everywhere. Why? Because it's actually a good rebuttal. It puts them on their heels and meets them on their level of discussion. They want to throw around baseless accusations about your insecurities, then throw some back at them.

Holy shit these smug, elitist "liberals" piss me off so much. This post is so shit, wtf is he even saying.
>diversity, wishing for white genocide
>historical revisionism and falsely equating themselves with historical figures
>massive strawman with muh climate change and muh faggots

All while claiming absolute morality and righteousness, because they are fighting for their fairytale "service based globalized multicultural society". I hate them so fucking much, commies are the exact same.

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Literally who cares? Let them dull their arguments in their echo chamber. Let them feel they are superior so they don't prepare. There is only one thing for certain in US politics today: the divide is too big to mend. Conflict is coming, it's just a question of "when."

> we're intellectually and morally superior

But they are, pajeet. The same is true in India. Most intellectuals in India are liberals and/or leftists. Very few are right-wing and even those who are often have liberal kids.

>All of our problems will be solved if we create a one-world government that is all-powerful, unquestionable, and unaccountable.
They are evil. They know what would happen in that scenario and they cheer for it.

God forbid someone needs to take a literacy test.

I think the issue is that liberals have always leaned towards idealism and conservatives seem to lean to realism and pragmatism. Now, the issues of the world have gotten so bad because of a series of (((coincidences))) that it's forcing both sides to their extremes to figure out a way to solve the problems.
The neo-Liberals are far off in their fantasy world and the conservatives are so bogged down by the reality of it that it's starting to paralyze them with how bad the world is.
Also yes, I know it's far more complex than "liberal vs conservative" or "left vs right" but I'm just sticking to the paradigm of the presented conversation.

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usually I assume anyone using that word is trolling

He's not wrong though. You're called 'conservatives' because you want to conserve the status quo and oppose any notion of progression and change.

bai bai

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>mildly wimpering
but it's an enlightened and diverse wimpering, so they really won

Yes, but winning a political debate by semantics and not by actual politics is retarded. It's why our current geo-political situation is so bad. People put more value in the words themselves than their intended meaning.

>Most intellectuals

dont actually fall for the left/right dichotomy meme

both ideologies as they are currently are cancer

>goyin farm.
they need to bury them deeper

>This is what gets you 4 gold on Reddit now.
> 4 gold
obviously some kike bullshit.
the fuck uses that faggot site anyway?

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These people live in ivory towers. Everyone's one nigger away from being racist. Since people get to go to an all white school and live in fantasy land.

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Drink bleach OP

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I'm not arguing semantics at all. Conservative policies are usually reflective of the reactionary mind state that wants to conserve the current culture.

"Who has"

Ever considered hanging yourself?

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There's a difference between Conservatives and all right wingers. Liberal vs Conservative is for social wedge issues the MSM espoused to distract us while we are replaced. They are all proxy issues for identity which is what politics is inherently based in. Right vs Left is more accurate

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>before the depression

no retards, conservatives strive for motherfucking 1950

Can't wait to see their faces when they realize rwds isn't just a meme.

Absolutely true. The point I was getting at is the debate shouldn't be as the Plebbitor presented of "We want progress, they want to conserve. Things change so we always win." It should be whether the elements of the culture they seem to maintain is worth defending.
But then one would actually have to argue on merits and politics and that's when polite debates turn into ad Hominems, Strawmans, and smugness.

>No, conservatives, we're not making George Washington a king

This confuses me. Conservatives weren't even a thing back then.

I once got reddit gold for writing that those who promote mass immigration most often live in gated communities themselves without any immigrants nearby.

I was both confused and baffled that someone spend five dollars or whatever to put a gold icon next to my reply. Especially because the board was filled with leftists.