In this thread we respect Italy and Greece for their contributions on guiding the West and influencing the world since the beginning.
Italy and Greece respect thread
Ian Thomas
Other urls found in this thread:
Parker Turner
Thanks for taking Albanian refugees in the 90' too ;-;
Owen Clark
Do prostitutes works there?
Jace Sanders
Should have killed all the snow niggers when we still had the chance
Thomas Scott
Relax, brother. Why not unite against the common enemy instead of hating European brethren?
Jaxson Collins
i am half italian
Dylan Ward
Thats what all real Greek nationalists want.
Hail to the beautiful North, brother.
Dont listen to trolls.
Wyatt Hernandez
I like Italians. Greeks, not so much.
Henry Cruz
Austin Lewis
Greeks are based
Italians, very good friends
both are moody, but very nice when in a good mood