Russians is this true?

Attached: DdGQLKbWAAAEKlV.jpg_large.jpg (792x679, 80K)

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If you visit 2ch
If you visit 2h, you will understand that in Russia there are a lot of people taking hormones to become a trap
And fucking muslims are everywhere (in my class there are 5 people out of 24) (((Moscow)))


Russian trans girls need to be protected
its worth starting a war...

Attached: 1A6BA96D-9BCA-4E44-A802-ADC49C458601.jpg (236x300, 16K)

dont hate the trans girls
they are no threat to you
if you dont like them ignore them
if you do like them kiss them


Almost all chechen men have experienced anal sex at some point of their lives

how come Russians just take it in the army?

I mean who else fucks those poor slav(e) qt's asses?

russian boys will become our sluts, keep drinking hormone pills,homosexuals