What does pol think of green nationalism?

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what is green nationalism?

Nationalism that also wants to preserve the nation's environment and resources

sounds good to me!

anarcho-primitivism under a nationalist blanket. you want to climb your sears tower wrapped in kudzu vines and hunt deer in times square. i understand. however, its not realistic..
>but what if we had our guns and strong fe-
just stop.


unfortunately Jow Forums is too busy being good goyim to care about the environment

You could actually use high tech new energy sources to boost the nation's pride

What a stupid idea. Your single country can be as clean as you want, but it's still not going to solve the issue of global co2 emissions and pollution. Why do you think nationalists/republicans are the only ones that deny climate change? It's because nationalism doesn't have solutions to this problem.



Nice response.

yes join the new right! local sustainable green American homeland - a return to agrarianism and shedding of multinational corporate control on the public

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Nazi's were essentially green nationalists, they had programs in place to preserve the environment and end practices like vivisection, and many of the parted leaders were vegetarians. It's the 'soil' in blood and soil.

It has nothing to do with climate change you retard, it's about cleaning up your own backyard so your children have a clean and safe environment to live in. Part of that is recycling programs and banning shit like plastic so your country doesn't look like this. Other things include maintaining parks and nature areas, and blocking projects that would destroy the environment that only benefit certain (((people))).

Also disregarding climate change, all the emissions from cars and factories has an impact on air quality, it just fucking stinks and causes asthma and probably cancer, and look at smog in LA, that shit would be taken care of under a nazi style government

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ses votre santer qui est en jeux

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Any green platform that doesn't support population reduction via incentivized sterilizations is shit.


The population of Africa is set to explode from 600 million to 5 billion in our lifetime while the average GDP of most of those countries stays the same. That’s over 4 billion useless human beings and you people are here talking about fucking car regulations and planting more trees.Take the real green pill.

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Patriotism isn't nationalism.

>that shit would be taken care of under a nazi style government
larp harder you stupid faggot.

Only a burgercuck would call rep*blicans nationalist. They're as cosmopolitan and cucked as democrats

But this agrarianism needs to be updated. That old utopian pastoralism is dead

Weed farms destroy natural environments worse than s o y

Left-wing environmentalism isn't the only kind, retards. There's green conservatism, green libertarianism, green anarchism, etc

>kudzu vines
invasive sage

The understanding for the need of Echo-Authoritarianism is what lead me to Fascism and Nat Soc

That's the antithesis of nationalism. Nationalism wants to use up a nation's resources and can as much temporary benefit as possible and then move on once a country is destroyed.

>That's the antithesis of nationalism. Nationalism wants to use up a nation's resources and can as much temporary benefit as possible and then move on once a country is destroyed.
With this retarded definition, no wonder you people hate le evil nationalistpfs so much

>perfectly describing Judaic parasitism upon host nations

the only way this would work is by justifying nuking africa, india, and china because muh environment.

Why do poltards hate nature?

Keeping the environment healthy is crucial for the survival of the white man, we must respect nature at all costs from the Chinese and Indians.

But in reality, eco nationalism is stupid because it implies pollution cares about man made borders.

Every true nationalist wants to preserve land as well. You don't have to name it green.

Sounds gay

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It’s not about the fucking world retard. It’s about preserving national beauty.

these people produce a fraction the emissions we do and climate change will likely hit Africa much harder than in the first world

You call them useless, but the current state of the earth is not their fault

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We should be infiltrating environmental groups and redpilling them on the ecology of facism

how tf will 3C do so much dmg tf

no one but whites care about the environment and we are very soon to be a minority, lost cause

Sounds good to me

I just thought it was an essential part of regular nationalism

Any examples in real life?

It changes weather patterns that determine rainfall

Do you know the origins of blood and soil? If nationalism entails keeping the environment healthy so that we may continue to use it then does it not work towards solving it?

Neocons are not nationalists.

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I’m on board with that.
It’s the way we should be.

Sounds like a bunch of commie pinko Agenda 21 shit

Environmentalism is not just about pollution

its only like 3C tho

Clearly not all, going by this thread

Who would we be if we were not stewards of our homeland and our people?


Marine le pen is trying to get it going in France, and even some Leftists wrote about it, saying nationalists were trying to steal green politics from them

Most conservation societies and so on were usually not originally leftist and globalist, but agrarian and local

Conservationism > Environmentalism
in every respect

>At +2C they expect major parts of the sahara to move to a monsoon climate

>culturally conditioned to apportion blame to those he doesn’t know

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Green politics is degenerate. Global warming is BS

yep nothing wrong with our lakes looking like this, having clean air and water is degenerate

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Whatever it is, it will be rightfully hijacked by the Kekistanis.

R u?

Go back to Britain damn colonizer

I'd just love to leave the world like this for my decedents

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its should be a tenant of any nationalist's beliefs to preserve the beauty of their homeland

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>hurr environmentalism is lefty
>hurt global warming is a myth
God reddditt is so retarded

It's not confined to global warming tho
For examples of eco-nationalism see en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-nationalism

And for Jon leftist environmentalism see

I like it. Take care of the country, take care of the environnement.

Nationalism is about planting trees for the generations to come. Making your country great. Not an unbarable wasteland.

Yes goyim, buy more oil to support our dependence. Fucking kike. Renewable energy threatens the global oil industry, no wonder kikes like you defend the wanton exploitation of earth's resources.

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It's a 3 degrees average change. Means places where it reaches 42 degrees on summer will now easily reach 48

So disgusting.

im all about it desu

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Hot as fuck.
Kills certain trees.
Allows new pests.
Causes wildfires.
Get rainy seasons in non-tropical regions.
Bye-bye crops.
Goodbye soils.
Goodbye homes.

Do you support more regulations? I say let the market do the magic

And in another matter why was I warned for commenting in Hebrew? I see Germans speak between themselves and no problem

Fun Fact: 14 Cargo Ships create more pollution than all vehicles on Earth.

john muir

The earth is a finely tuned machine.
Picture a clockmaker making a clock off by 1/8th of a second.
Now magnify that to a larger scale.

>14 Cargo Ships create more pollution than all vehicles on Earth.
>hurr durr i donno what CO2 is
Fun Fact: you're wrong.

Also fuck electric cars. Hydrogen fuel cells is the way to go


Look it up, you stupid nigger.

I’m actually planting flowers at the moment, you can’t have an ethnostate without an environment that’s safe for all animals and people.

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>you shouldn't lessen your country's impact because other countries won't

This. Be a shining example so countries can follow suit


sure, ideally we consume those resources to get access to more though.


Sorry wrong link


you look it up. that stupid meme was made up by lobbyists to confuse people. it relies on basically the fact that automotive gasoline produces virtually 0 SO2, but certain container ships burn heavy oil that makes plenty of SO2.

if you look at CO2, the most important greenhouse gas, your statistic is way wrong.

"annual emissions from the world's merchant fleet have already reached 1.12bn tonnes of CO2"

"To compare, US cars and trucks emitted 0.9 billion metric tons in 2015. "
and that's just in the US alone.

you have to read more carefully; the fossil fuel lobbyists and shills do a lot to confuse people, like focusing on SO2 instead of CO2 and making up some lame statistic that reads "There is more Pollution from ...." where the word 'Pollution' is secretly defined as SO2 but not other greenhouse gasses

>to get access to more
Nobody wants your parasitic neocon policies

Nobody cares about CO2, talk about a fucking meme.

>Nobody cares about CO2
omfg, dude, please

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You one of those cow fart guys?

please kys

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So what, our plants are going to get bigger?

Thanks CO2.

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>CO2, the most important greenhouse gas

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"One of these things is not like the other..."

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Not quite you dummy


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