You can't solve problems of your country, if you beat Jews
Most of problems of your countries were caused by yourself
Don't beat Jews
>Jew shitting on Jow Forums under a meme flag.
>Says Jews aren't the problem even as he tries to shut down discussion why Jews are the problem.
yeah... All fields.
>Jews are literally hijacking your country
>Your problems are not related to Jews
Wow Goyim
Took ya a while didn't it?
>Western countries accepted many immigrants
>Their governments and their mass medias are left-wing
These can be controlled by themselves.
Even if they blames Jews everyday everytimes, they can nothing to improve.
Only things they can do is escaping from reality and the fundamental problem.
People like (((you))) are the problem
Go away JIDF
All fields
You should think how to save your country
First I wanted to say something opposing your point of view (especially applied to my scorched country) but I'm going to agree that jews are not the only humans with degenerate dna, we have to cure everybody. Only don't let government be in charge of it, they're the most degenerate of us all.
Even (((I))) would call you jidf thread. srsly be more creative, we cant fool the goyim like this, you gotta have a creative plan to control their mind.