LMAO what excuse do you have now, drumpfies? Trump eternally BTFO once and for all!!!

LMAO what excuse do you have now, drumpfies? Trump eternally BTFO once and for all!!!

Attached: drumpfies btfo.jpg (960x960, 69K)

>rome fell because of dollar collapse

Attached: w.jpg (737x704, 76K)

>Endless wars
>Greedy leaders
>Wasteful spending
>Dollar collapse

Shabbos Goy at this rate.

>rome fall
>Dollar collapse

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Rome fell because it turned into a multicultural shithole.

>Dollar collapse

Fucking monkey.

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>Rome used dollars

well I'll be a son of a gun

>Endless wars
Trump has repeatedly said we shouldn’t be in endless wars
>Greedy leaders
Trump has lost significant amounts of money being in office
>Wasteful spending
Trump’s admin just had a tax receipt surplus in April
>Dollar Collapse
Dollar is the strongest it’s been against other currencies in a long time

Trump is saving the empire

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>Rome had the Dollar
God americans are retarded.
It's called Inflation, and greeks know how that feels very well.

This. It fell becaise they let the barbarians in.

>no mention of massive migration of barbarian tribes settling across Roman borders to escape the Huns

Yeah, it sounds like the two-headed hydra known as the Republican and Democrat parties. It sounds like the deep state. It sounds like the boomers. It sounds like the political and financial (((elite))). That's what it sounds like to me.

The US was based on multiculturalism. Granted, thise cultures were more or less compatible, since everyone was European, but still.

So Trump is saving the empire?

>Dollar collapse

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It's all that bastard Caligula's fault for printing dollars every time he wanted to throw a fucking show, as if that is a sound economic model, also fuck Nero for replacing Germanicus with a black north african women in the 20 dollar bill for no fucking reason.

>The US was based on multiculturalism.

top lel. Stop guzzling leftist propaganda. The US was based on, and became Great, the concept of a White Ethnostate.

dollar collapse? really?

The free thought project is a libertarian organization.

>endless wars
they stopped expanding and got constantly invaded, not the same
>greedy leaders
literally every nation ever, next
>wasteful spending
see above
>dollar collapse

>Ignore the massive amounts of barbarian invasions uprooting Roman citizens outside of Italy
>ignore the constant civil wars, civil strife and political strife
>ignore the famines, diseases and droughts that plagued europe in the 4th and 5th centuries
>ignore the split of the Roman Empire into two halves, one of which survived for an additional 1000 years before it collapsed
Nope just the generic SKY IS FALLING nonsense

>and got constantly invaded
You're saying we're not being constantly invaded?


>dollar collapse

We absolutely are, but I'm referring to invasions where they literally destroyed everything in their path, killing scores of Roman citizens and soldiers in their own lands, burning farms, destroying food supplies, and all that other shit that occurs during a European invasion.

>Endless wars
the wars were also protecting Rome, so proofs needed
>greedy leaders
Rome always had corruption as did their neighbors. What specific level of greed caused the downfall of the civilization that makes it worth mentioning?
>Wasteful spending
>dollar collapse
source for ancient mediturds using dollar currency?

>Promiscuous females who don't want to be controled
>Herbivore males
>Massive immigration
Yes, I unironically do see a parallel

That's pretty much happening, but in slow motion.

don't forget the religious divide

>Dollar Collapse
Well the Dollar collapsing was the worst economic crisis during fucking antiquity

>no mention of foreigner invasion

thanks for your contribution to the cucked thinktank swede

Kek, well Rome had both of these
they had "peaceful G*rman refugees"
and constant invading "moderate G*rmans"
not to mention sandniggers destroying their food stores in Carthage and North Africa destroying the land from a tropical paradise to the desert shithole we all currently know it as.

Forgot mass immigration and extending citizenship to as many people as possible. But that contradicts agenda 21 so OOPSIE

jk based swedebro. u get hung last

You're missing the point. Yes, those original colonizers were all white, but they came from different countries and thus different cultures. I only wish the US was a white ethnostate.

(citation needed)


>endless wars
Did Rome collapse because they stopped conquering and the army had nothing better to do than plot?

>the US was based on multiculturalism
It actually wasn't

Attached: stagecoach.gif (320x240, 1.19M)

Literally multiculturalism killed Rome. It split into multiple nations.

It was an ethnostate until 1964, with the Civil Rights Act, and then the 1965 Immigration Act was the final nail in the coffin. We could VERY EASILY go back to being an ethnostate if Congress just repealed those laws.

>easily go back

Dollar collapse? I thought they used the sesterce.

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This is a common misunderstanding of "ethnostate". You don't need 100% of people to be one ethnicity/race to be an ethnostate, you just need to restrict legal rights and citizenship to just one ethnicity/race. Remove rights and gibs from Hispanics and they'll leave. Blacks will die off on the streets. White birth rates will rise again. Women will leave the workplace and be mothers again.

Same with the British Empire. Same with all empires. It's a big problem, OP, and one that won't be solved by your snarky posts.

>Trump has repeatedly said we shouldn’t be in endless wars
B-b-but daddy Trump said this and it must be true!
>Trump has lost significant amounts of money being in office
Who's pulling his strings? Who benefits from pulling from the Iran nuclear deal? Yes goy, you must die for Israel.
>Trump’s admin just had a tax receipt surplus in April
Source: your ass
>Dollar is the strongest it’s been against other currencies in a long time
See above

You forgot... Mulitculturism... The biggest society destroyer of them all.

Hasn't he ended the Korean war? Also wanted to pull troops out of syria until mossad gassed some kids.

Korea negotiations are kind of just starting so far. It's a pretty significant turn of events, but it's still more of a beginning than an ending.

Rome didn't have "dollars" you moron.

Historically that just causes civil war.

You know we don't care about Europe in the West right? Like we don't talk about you think about you. Yet you're all over our shit; you talk about us you're on a board. Strange actions for someone who hates us.

You live in Costa Rica haha nog

TIL gold, silver, bronze, orichalcum and copper coinage from 2000 years ago was based on USD value today.

Goldfags btfo.

>how did Rome fall
Natural progression of all societies. The idea that a society shouldn't fall is like the idea that living things should not die. It's horseshit. Yeah, it sucks, but life isn't supposed to be comfortable. You're supposed to be challenged and rise to the challenge in your own way. Hopefully that way doesn't step on other people's toes too much.

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>Same with the British Empire
Burger education

>its only bad now because of Blompffffft
>once and for all

Attached: download (2).jpg (236x214, 11K)

>Trump’s admin just had a tax receipt surplus in April
Lmao Jesus christ these people are such scum bags

Yes there was a surplus during the month that they collect all of the tax money. What the fuck is the point!?!

He's moved the defecit from 555 billion to over a trillion dollars and we don't even have infrastructure

It fell because of constant infighting between major political factions. The empire was never as stable as it was under Augustus.

You guys should listen to him. Greek people know a lot about collapsing countries.

Greeks should know a lot about how Jews collapse a country.

the issue is multiracialism not multiculturalism

America was never multicultural. You do not see old German and British immigrants continuing their traditions or speaking in their native language or accent with a few exceptions for small isolated religious communities. People came here to be "American" and not anything else. Our culture hasn't changed seriously since our founding. We have always been about freedom and guns but leftists are trying to change that.

>A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish,
>And Priam and his people shall be slain.

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>endless war
creates best chance of peace between N and S korea
>greedy leader
gives up high paying job to try and fix his country
>wasteful spending
its not wastefull
>dollar collapse
its going up fuckwitt


You clearly live in some rural neckbeard town of inbreds. Italians for instance have a very distinct culture

There's little china's.. Little Italy little Havana.. in major cities as an example

Yes because greeks know everything including being lazy and heartless savages even the turks show more compassion than you in fact the russians and mongols allthe bug men show more compassion than you

Your country is literally a muslim colony

But we’ve had all of that under bush 1, Clinton, bush2, obama, and trump.

Greedy leaders and wasteful spending... sounds like the Democrats, all right!

It was multiculturalism, they let in too many barbarians.
And those where German barbarians that had the mental capacity to rise to the highest ranks of Roman society, imaging what happens when you invite literal retards.
Oh wait we don't have to imagine it.


>dollar collapse has a TOTALLY different meaning than saying "currency devaluation"/"inflation of currency".

Rome fell because they trusted tributaries who sold out to backstabbing politicians who sucked Jewish cocks before it was even a thing.

>endless wars

of self defense against shitskins engineered by the kikes

Refugees and foreign workers destroyed the Roman empire

>I can't handle the truth so I'll call him a mutt

I live right outside a major city and I commute to work there every day. There is a very large "little Italy" but if you ever talk to the people who live there none of them speak Italian or even care Italy exists. On top of that literally nothing served there is really Italian. It is all "Americanized" and much of it you could never find in Italy. This is true for all "ethnic" restaurants in America. They are all American food.

Food is not a good argument to claim a country is "multicultural". Culture goes much deeper than what ingredients you have at your disposal. By your logic every country on earth is multicultural because they had traded for or stole spices and food that another country owned.

women turned into whores, men fucked off, and they had to rely on immigration

>dollar collapse
Anyone got any pics of a Roman dollar?

rome fell because it got too big and foreigners became the majority while romans became a minority

sound familiar, sorosfags?

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>posting this
I'm not even mad, just disappointed

But rome became a superpower because of near endless war and the genocide of the gauls and almost germania

we havent even hit the empire stage yet

The main problem was that the foreigners were the army. Western Roman empire had a huge recruitment crisis, lack of military funding and collapse of standing army towards it's end, which led to inability to keep territories outside Italian core areas under control. They just pretty much trusted the migrating barbarians to be their border guard as long as they allow them more privileges, autonomy and occasional (insufficient) extra gibs. When the last emperor was deposed it was mostly because disgruntled German mercenaries with their Roman educated officers came to collect what they felt they were owed, and huge portion of ethnically Italian soldiers with low morale defected to their side too.


>my virginity
>my ugliness
>my obesity
>my unemployment

oy vey