The Red (meat) Pill

Battle lines are forming goys.

Vegans and cucks on the left.
Carnivores and red meat eaters on the (alt)right.

Which side are you on?

Pic related is Sv3rige, an Estonian redpill master of meat-eating, dispensing redmeat pills right and right on youtube. Here are two videos where he lols at skeletal Vegan skeltons and the 'results' lol of a plant based $OY diet.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, these vegans are one notch below anorexic. Chose your side Jow Forums

Attached: average carnivore human.jpg (554x445, 31K)

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This nigga used to play Runescape like 10 years ago.

But he's a moron that beleives the Earth is flat and that you should soak everything in sunlight

I love red meat as much as the next guy but realize it will give me bowel cancer

Ultra right wing vegan

>Eating red meat is unhealthy
>The thing that God literally designed us to eat
>is unhealthy

Attached: 1522011739321.jpg (736x635, 45K)

vegan cucks

>Ultra right wing

No such thing Mr. Shekelberg. Vegans are pic related.

Attached: 1520021298551.jpg (323x412, 40K)

god is a vegan retard for creating vegtables, there are only carnivores on earth

Enjoy your God designed physical affilctions and parasites then.

I only eat birds, wild meat and fish goys. Beef and pork are the downfall of your lives