Why do you keep coming here?

Why do you keep coming here?
You already know it's the Jews. It's always the Jews.

Why keep coming when you already have the answers?

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>Why keep coming when you already have the answers?
To train.

train what?

Novelty. Dopamine. It's a fast moving board. Cutting down already. Just did a full week off.

To rejoice

If people stop talking about it, they will forget. Besides, you gotta influence the lurkers and newfags.

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The same reason the fasces is a faggot. OP is a different kind of faggot, though.

They sit at home hoping someday things become better. They're never going to get better if people don't take initiative, and when I say initiative, I mean giving up everything that they love and fighting (((them))) to the death.

People, especially whites, are too comfy with their cushy lives.

OP best post.

Or... they know this place is just an outlet to be edgy and the retards who actually believe in (((THE CONSPIRACY))) are not in as good company as they think.

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You're projecting. Get lost, fag.

At least you acknowledge we're chads with nice hats

To identify all the jews and their new and old racist magic tricks, schlomo

fucking idiot

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For the bantz. Good thread though. I think I'll give it up today

At least some people here know how to take a joke still. I appreciate you, leaf.

Not you, pussy.

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I am a chad with nice hats


White lash....

Here's a pill for ya. It's not the Jews.
It's actually our own internal problems as a race. Jews are just a very selfish group of people that look out for number 1 and don't have any guilt about it.
They don't have the individualistic values of White people, particularly western White people where we tend to look down upon anyone that depends upon "daddy bucks". Jews have no such hangups. They pull strings for each other.

Fair play to them in that regard. We could learn a lot from them. I'm personally glad I don't have a Jewish mentality because it would be horrible to be oblivious to my own selfishness and actually cry about national socialism while effectively supporting the Jewish version of national socialism.

Research the Hanukkah if you want to see an example of the purest form of irony...

No, our problems go much deeper. Jews are a symptom, not the cause. Jews aren't exactly subtle people, watch them closely and you will see their hypocrisy and shitty attitudes. So why can't we address this in the open?
White people protect them. Whites protect Jews and other groups to virtue signal in the eyes of other Whites as well as keep other Whites in line. It's a very complex social hierarchical strategy, you defend the outsider and thus the outsider owes you.
This explains the extreme frustration and race White liberals experience when they see Black people speaking out against Black racism or saying that they support conservative values. To the White liberal, this is an asset committing the absolute crime of daring to think its own thoughts and do its own thing.

Our main enemies are those virtue signalling traitors that impose diversity upon us while sitting pretty in their ivory towers. Knowing that the pesky working and middle classes are being pushed out of existence by races of people they don't feel threatened by and who they expect loyalty from in return for their "tolerance".

We must confront the White knights first. The rest will follow.

>research the Hanukkah

It's a holiday. You don't "research the Christmas"

Except white people have institutional racism in FAVOUR of Black people (positive discrimination/affirmative action) whereas Jews, in addition to openly calling for the murder of arabs in Israel and claiming to be superior, openly self prioritise and have organisations built around serving Jewish interests.

>pic related

The horse shoe theory just doesn't apply here.

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Your brain is full of maggots.

Tell me, what was the hanukkah about.

Lol wut? What about those mission statements is a problem?

Oh I get it, you're a muzzie buttmad that Jews get to live in London still....

To drop redpills for the newfriends

There are plenty of people who don't know. Especially if the Jewish plans for Europe and the USA succeed, the Asians need to be warned, because they will be infiltrated by the Jews next.

Because I'm a loser, and I am not brave enough to just end this misery of a life because I feel sad for my parents if they found my bloated body in my room. Maybe after they peacefully pass away, imagining that I will have some sort of future in society I will just do it.

The same reason a warrior drinks from the well during a long war - for sustenance.

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It's women. It's always been the women you brainlet

Im a professional in Southern California. I button my lip and make nice all day and then vent here.

Besides other imageboards, PMs or certain voicechats, I find other discussions spaces claustrophobic and suffocating.

Can you imagine if an organisation like this existed to protect the White British and openly talked about the White British as an interest group?
You aren't going to nose your way out of this one. There are immense double standards afoot.

To complain about National Socialism while supporting Israel and celebrating the Hanukkah is hilarious.

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What you perceive as a cushy life is actually a miserable life.

Could you imagine if a second generation muslim pretended to be white on Jow Forums to bitch about Jews all while showing it's blatantly not his first language?

I'm just here for the humor threads

You lost. Get over it or be hunted down by the government someday. We the jews won

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Ironically your post didn't make grammatical sense. Lol.
I'll give you some assistance.

>Could you imagine if a second generation muslim
Second generation Muslim what? follower of the religion or immigrant?
You need to set the context correctly.
>pretended to be white on Jow Forums
Islam isn't a race. There can be White Muslims.
>to bitch about Jews all while showing it's blatantly not his first language?
To show what isn't his first language? What language exactly? you don't specify. Jow Forums isn't a language.
Again, your sentence lacks context.

I honestly don't know why you would decide to go down this avenue to get a beating but heh, here you are.

Because I'm lazy and dumb and this places is a form of escapism making me feel life is really not worth living and that is what I want to hear. But in realitiy I know I can do better... I just can't take the first step.

Your mother is a shamuta.

My goodness, I almost feel sorry for you Jews if you actually think this way.
Imagine genuinely believing that only stinky arab Muslims or Nazis could find you annoying.
Such obliviousness is surely to earn you the darwin award at some point especially in the information age. You can't just "up and leave to the next fief or kingdom" as you've done in the past. Everyone knows the nose now.