Werewolves vs. Vampires

>Hitler's nickname was Wolf
>had an HQ named Wolf's Lair
>had another HQ named Werwolf
>'Adolf' means 'noble wolf'
>Hitler loved dogs
>Hitler, Himmler, Rosenberg, Goebbels, Mussolini, etc. loved wolves
>post-war insurgency was nicknamed Werwolf

>2.5 meters tall
>ripped muscles
>apex predators
>handsome appearance
>some native Aryan deities are werewolves

>have to sneak and lure unsuspecting prey
>suck their victims' blood
>covert, work in the shadows
>avoid industrious labour
>ugly, look like death
>were always villains in European culture

Looks like werewolves are Aryan and vampires are the kikes.
Perhaps Hitler would have launched a program to create Werewolf super soldiers.

Attached: image.jpg (920x920, 154K)

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jews are def vampires, they fear the cross

Attached: dracula cross.jpg (3400x2681, 891K)

>Alt-right attracts a disproportionate number of furries

Attached: 0a2e955f72132730e49e68a44587876e115be9d0fd80eb2c8e54b2d7e43f1c19.jpg (474x592, 41K)

>tfw you realize the nazis became werewolves to easily explore the frozen tundra of antarctica and find the inner earth

Attached: 1458854393395.gif (320x213, 1.3M)

>We even had our own werewolf waifu nearly on par with Kek

Attached: 98768546767.jpg (228x221, 11K)

>There's even some rumor about the virgin Mary being a shewolf goddess.

Attached: IMG_4644.jpg (1753x2500, 1.49M)

If there was ever a got to >>x this is it

>Germans act super nice and then suddenly transform into vicious pack animals when pushed too far (and that's a good thing)

Attached: nazis.png (800x434, 243K)

Thread soundtrack:

The werewolf is the perfect mix of the desires of the feral wild mixed with the superior form of Man.
You're not a real European if you don't like werewolves.

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