>Hitler's nickname was Wolf >had an HQ named Wolf's Lair >had another HQ named Werwolf >'Adolf' means 'noble wolf' >Hitler loved dogs >Hitler, Himmler, Rosenberg, Goebbels, Mussolini, etc. loved wolves >post-war insurgency was nicknamed Werwolf
Vampires >have to sneak and lure unsuspecting prey >suck their victims' blood >covert, work in the shadows >avoid industrious labour >hooknosed >weak >ugly, look like death >were always villains in European culture
Looks like werewolves are Aryan and vampires are the kikes. Perhaps Hitler would have launched a program to create Werewolf super soldiers.
The werewolf is the perfect mix of the desires of the feral wild mixed with the superior form of Man. You're not a real European if you don't like werewolves. youtube.com/watch?v=47RA6R3YS_A