Gun Control

Hi pol just popping in 2 say hi and that young people will win in the end. Your all mean and bigoted.

Thank u!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>spelling of a retard
This could be him.

>he thinks Jow Forums is a bunch of boomer faggots.

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looks like the faggot found a boyfriend.

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No wonder no college wants to accept this mental midget
>TFW the wrong ones died

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Checks out.

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You're squandering your youth playing at being an adult, and not very well, David.
Try to enjoy what you have, while it lasts, for a change.

fuck yuo daveid

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You really nailed Hogg's low IQ posting style. Good job

prepping the bull...

worthless faggot liar.
you will never win because your masters think it's funny when you bunch of niggers start to cannibalize and destroy your own party.

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Alright Faggots. Lets see if anyone can break my arguments against gun control.

1. The right to bear arms isnt granted by the Bill of Rights, it is merely recognized and enumerated by it, as a human right. The right to bear arms exists in the same fashion now as it did then regardless of any law, bill, statute or code.

2. This human right has nothing to do with hunting, sport, or target shooting. It has to do with being able to use force on par with the government(which is coincidentally just OTHER PEOPLE. They dont know any more than you or I do about why we exist, and what lies beyond death) Why should the government decide how I defend myself and my family?

3. We need to deregulate automatic weapons, and supressors. Both have niche uses and dont make a weapon particularly more deadly. The current status of "allowed" weapons is disastrous, and absolutely counts as an infringement.

4. Force is the gold standard for humans all over the world. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or ignorant. They ability to exercise force is a HUMAN RIGHT. And should not be held in the hands of the powers that be in the government.

Prove me wrong bitchlibs.

I agree. I’m a young man and I’m keeping my guns

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potato niggers wrote a song about this:



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Terrible terrible fucking hair. 2018, not being conservative rockin that right part.

It's 2018 ain't it?

David check out what happened to them savage injuns when we took them guns from em

Always remember that the left does not have a right wing death squad.

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>Taking memes to the next level

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learn english any time

Your = possession
You're = you are

To = direction
Too = inclusion

If you're going to try and troll at least learn how to write properly.

Attached: bait.jpg (625x626, 31K) may want to look into who funds all of these anti-gun hysterical movements.

It brings me no end of joy to see young Americans exercising their first amendment rights; just like everyone else on the world stage, they will now have to defend their publicly declared beliefs and will, in time, come to understand that those rights they are exercising are protected by the second amendment.

Attached: march for our lives money.png (1112x4256, 440K)

> 1 post by this ID
Cant even debate on here like a man. Fuck off

Use the tools of the internet to weaponize thought patterns in the minds of others


Lol it's possible


>1 post by this ID

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