Don’t forget to let in refugees and don’t forget muh 6 gorgillion goy
Don’t forget to let in refugees and don’t forget muh 6 gorgillion goy
wtf i love my country now
I hadn't realized the shameful history of Canadian anti-semitism until this moment.
imagine the subversion if we had let in 900 Jews... we'd all be fucking dogs by now.
we got taught this like every year in school. i always thought it was pretty funny considering how we are seen by the rest of the world
>canadian anti-semenism
yeah you had to go there
Canada, wtf?
Is there a Muslim holocaust going on somewhere right now? Is this what is implied?? Isn’t America the one killing most Muslims? Are the Americans the Nazis?
At one time Canada was a based nation, full of god fearing white people. It’s sad to see it slowly become Sweden North America
Warned? What, did Hitler tell you what he was going to do. Not a good evil plan
Fuck off talk about Monday morning quarterbacks. It was not happening some dude said it was going to happen. That would be like Germany inviting in 2 million migrants to keep the ponzi scheme going.
It's the same as the US we're being browned and blacked to keep the party going.
When asked how many Jewish refugees Canada was prepared to take Prime Minister Makenzie King Responded: 'None, and that's too many.'
(((They))) know israel is going to collapse soon and during the course of the war that causes Israel to collapse, Israel will commit such horrific atrocities and war crimes no country on earth will want to take one of these nazi/racial supremacist Israelis into their country.
900 jewish “refugees” showed up at the Canada border begging to take them in. Canada said no. So the nazis gassed them instead. Seems believable, nazis hanging out at the Canada border with ovens in hand just waiting for the opportune moment to stuff in jews and gas them because that’s what happens in ovens
Maclean's need to be wiped off the fucking planet
Canada is not near our level yet, hell the White House got blacked. But if Canada does something now, Canada will be saved
>In an alternate timeline we joined the Nazis
>Americans stay neutral because they don't want to send troops away when there's literally soldiers to their north and a beach head for enemy troops
>We send aid to Nazi Germany
>Britain ducks out of the fight due to no america
>Germany halts the Russians eventually then regains its strength and finally destroys Britain
>Yadda yadda American invasion Jews annihilated peace in the world
Another example of Jewish control, right there. Somehow we all have to pay because a few Jews allegedly suffered a mild inconvenience a century ago.
Checked. Your story is about as believable as some Holocaust stories.
Some random jewish trade unionist bitches about German treatment of communist subversives to garner sympathy and further anti nationalist propaganda.
>You must feel eternal guilt for not heeding his warning!
I bet this means that Canada's (((politicians))) think that 900 billion dollars of taxpayer money needs to be given to Israel now.
I agree, Israel is America’s and Canada’s greatest ally
Based af
Actually, that would make Israel the Nazis, and American's their useful tools.