On a scale of 1-assblasted, how mad are these niggers that Trump is a successful President?

On a scale of 1-assblasted, how mad are these niggers that Trump is a successful President?

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1 but that's only because Michael gives Barry a 9 each night.

I am so tired of those two gay ass niggers

They pissed themselves back to donkey kong country

Not a smidgen off success. Full stop. Period.

Assblasted with gallons of salt

Obongo plz there is no reason to be upset you are retired and you hated Ameriga to begin with

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Trump, a successful president?

Wow you're delusional. Trump has historically low approval rates.

Trump is so dislikeable that even his wife Melania hates him. She rather take Obama's big fat THIC cock than to play with Trump's tiny cheeto dick.

Hi Mike and Bath house barry! Fucking die already. And tell CNN to look forward to community prison for all of you diddlers!

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they have no critical thinking skills ,so they are ignorant of that fact

they also are completely immersed in identity politics and victimization, so they think more about their injuries than the possibilities of their actions causing their failure

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Obama got re elected.

You think the country is ready for Trump Round 2.

You might be, but no one else outside this board is.

You're not delusional, just need help with your reading comprehension.

I said successful, not popular.

Thanks for playing though fag.

Michael doesnt look to happy.

i hate gay males pretending to be a family

They're salty as fuck. His shitty legacy vanishes more each day. Obama was the weakest president in history. Crying fake tears on TV over the sandy hook kids. Repeatedly being btfo by syria. Nobody was afraid of him. Nobody respected him except black american women - whose opinion is fucking less than worthless.

> I said successful

> dismantled critical legislation that protects the environment, the water we drink, etc.
> hired a bunch of unqualified dipshits for almost every position
> a good portion of these dipshits end up quitting
> Trump has troubles with his own personal lawyers and doctors
> former secretary of state quit
> still no wall
> no DACA but the illegals are still flooding our borders
> continued bombing Syria again


Oh and not to mention there's been dozens of indictments so far related to Trump's associates.

Was Obama on the chopping block for obstruction of justice and possible collusion with the Russians?

Thought not, you dumb fucking faggot

Bet he's more pissed that he did not do lasting damage to the US, and the nation is actually recovering from economic destruction he caused.

>vastly superior economic recovery in one year vs obongo's 8

>nation is actually recovering from economic destruction he caused.

You mean the war that Bush sent us that crippled our economy and sent gas/oil prices through the roof ($100/barrel)?

And the housing bubble of 2008 that hurdled us into a recession?

Since I can tell that you're a dumb faggot, let me remind you that Obama took over 2009. If anything, Obama has brought us out of the recession. The relatively good economy now is owed to policy decisions made by Obama's administration.

You illiterate, stupid incel fucks

Trump has basically erased his legacy. Even some of the lefties I know say he was worthless.

When Trump took over, he was handed over a strong, recovering economy that didn't just magically appear over night, you stupid dumb piece of shit.

>Trump has basically erased his legacy

This is true. This is why our government is so fundamentally broken. With every administration change, legislation is overturned. Nothing ever gets done.

The Chinese can sign trillions worth in infrastructure building and investment, but we're still struggling from preventing the shutdown of the government.

> Successful

Daily reminder: This family makes 300k and his policies have done nothing for us. The tax breaks are a joke and will not be improving our lifestyle. So you can stop pretending your extra $1400 a year is going to buy you a Porsche. Now fuck off peasant.

Soulless predatory eyes.

Nothing makes a Leftist seeth more than the four words, Makes America Great Again.
It's like they've been programed to hate America by their Marxist teachers.

Yeah? Well, everyone outside the Beltway is.

So he just magically got the luck to get the inflection point when things went from slow/moderate recovery to full steam ahead?

Ungrateful niggers going to reap what they sow

Woah dont being telling truth over here brother or the trumptards will start crying, gotta watch out for the sensitive snowflakes that think they are special you dont want to end up as a bully now do ya brotha

Pretty sure they're happy with the hundreds of millions of dollars they grifted

Barry's back to two packs a day. Who was the last president weak and stupid enough to smoke?

go away canadia. everyone hates you

Full steam ahead?

Have you taken a look at the economy or stocks?

keep sniffing glue op.

Assblasted ^nth power.
Trump has destroyed what Obama created and rebuilt what Obama destroyed.

He has done in less than 2 years more than any career politician on either side of the aisle has accomplished in a lifetime.

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>sharejew detected
Back to plebbit with you, shlomo.

Trump is actually a pretty good president. He’s honest about what he wants to do for the most part and is actually working towards achieving his goals. America for the most part has a man that is as honest as we’re going to get for a president but the average voter is too stupid to realize this until a while after he leaves office.

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This kind of talk brings me back to 2015-2016...

Glad to see the left hasn't learned and applied anything other than ally themselves with domestic terrorist groups and finally reveal their Marxist Commies.

Holy shit, you're actually losing your shit over this. Keep going. Watching you sperg out is pretty fun. And just a reminder, it was Obama's interventionin Libya that allowed the migrant crisis to happen in the first place which eventually lead to the western world, US included to shift right. Blame him for all those people you hate winning or coming close in elections all over europe. Huh, maybe Obama deserved that peace prize after all.


Top angry

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Michelle lives in anger
Feel sad for her
Barry, less so

what do maen?

Trump has already done more than Obama in all 8 years of Obama's presidency, all obama did was make the worst healthcare system to exist

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>At least i'll go down as a president
>I continue to believe Donald Trump will not be president
>What kinda magic wand do you have?
I would say maximum overdrive levels.

Lmfao at these shills glowing in the dark

Do you realize how much you stick out here?

Lol at this assblasted idiot. Now go eat a cinderblock.

>indictments from a bunch of criminals

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The legacy isn't holing up too well, so I'd say "assblasted."

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She's upset with Barack being light-skin.

There is no scale that can register just how pissed off these two dudes are.


>full house