So this is white America. Crack, cocaine, heroin, deaths of despair. Why are we witnessing the fall of white america?
So this is white America. Crack, cocaine, heroin, deaths of despair. Why are we witnessing the fall of white america?
What has contributed to the fall of white america? Why are more and more whites dying from overdoses of heroin or alcohol related deaths?
intresting vid on the 'white death'
Hmm. Could be economics. Could be zogs. Could be karma. Who knows. But it is a epidemic.
The Jews is the answer.
Other whites.
Oh shut up, just admit white peopld in the current day and age are mostly degenerates and hedonists. You cucks want to be niggers so bad don’t you?
Doctors prescribed opiates to whites more than blacks which caused more whites to be hooked on it. Which led to heroin.
How much do they charge to fuck their crack whore asses at the same time?
Zionist have made whites degenerates. Look at media, pharmaceutical companies, tobacco all run by kikes.
They are destroying us and defeating us in every way, and no one knows who is doing it or how to stop it. Half of the people don't even recognize that it's happening right in front of their own eyes. There is a mass hypnosis or sleep-state that most people seem to exist in. True blue pills, it's sad and I wish I could change it.
what is the answer?
Another holocaust
It’s not the fall, it’s the rebirth. The story of civilization, and the story of America, is one of rises, and falls. America is where it was in the late 70’s today, and as such, is in the process of being reborn.
I don't know, user. I can only keep myself on the path, and try to help those around me that I care about. But the illness that seems to have a hold on everyone is strong. The addiction is only a symptom of a much bigger sickness that is probably terminal for our culture and people if they won't wake up to it. I wish I knew how to fix it, people I loved fell into the void.
1930’s low, 1940’s rise, 1950’s peak, 1960’s decline, 1970’s low, 1980’s rise, 1990’s peak, 2000’s decline, 2010’s low, 2020’s rise, 2030’s peak... etc
OP is a faggot
Soon there will be no white america simply because there will be no America. It will be destroyed and be reborn as something new.
Why are there not any town halls and meetings on the subject matter? Whites are being eradicated in this country!
>holding racist white nationalist meetings
Z THEN WHAT TO DO! MY SISTER IS HOOKED ON OXYS AND SHE GETS IT FROM MOM! AAAAAGGGHHHH. FUCK! If you shoot up the place then you bring more shit from the zogs. What is left to do?
Pray for open revolt to kick off
Your mother and sister are already lost
its long i know
isn't fentanyl coming from China?
They also send their citizens over and give them interest free loans to buy up our real estate.
There is no other country I'd like to go to war with more than the dirty chinks.
Are there any American owned gas stations now?
>specifically the males who don't go to college
absolutely glowing
These are niggers
Who the fuck knows
Someone needs to let Trump know about this shit.
This is what is really killing out country. This is an actual foreign invasion.
My mom smoked crack while my dad was deployed to Iraq
I was pretty young at the time
sorry to h-hear that
Don’t ask stupid questions faggot.
how is it stupid questions user?