What's the most Jewish thing you've ever done?

What's the most Jewish thing you've ever done?

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Be Jewish.

I literally am Jewish

I'm unironically jewish already, so everything I suppose

Yank asks

First three replies are British Jews

bowing at the western wall

I lie, I cheat, I steal.

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Eat Chinese food and see a movie on Christmas Day

When I was a teenager, I used to yell at my friends if they didn't disown everyone I did.

I often have sex with a Jewish woman. Probably spent more than nine months inside her.

cuckolded a jewish mans wife, a few wives, too many.
Kids, don't do cymbalta unless you want to be a bull for jews

Wtf im jewish now

like big tits

took over the Western world, oops

What do you kikes get out of coming to a National Socialist board?

>don't do cymbalta unless you want to be a bull for jews
Please explain.

>National Socialist board?
old/pol/ is dead and has been for a long time

Being Jewish I guess

Getting circumcised.

i had issues with depression and was put on various forms of A-D meds. The one called Cymbalta worked the best, at least I thought so while fucking around without a care in other men's homes with other men's wives

>be 18
>Girlfriend always ragging my ass about commitment
>Borrow a ring from mother
>Propose to girlfriend with ring
>Live next to cemetery
>Veteran's day. lots of flowers on graves for veterans day.
>Steal horseshoe shaped wreath that had been on casket half hour earlier.
>Dumbshit, don't realize that arrangement is only for funerals
>Give to girlfriend.
>Girlfriend accuses me of stealing it off a grave
>Claim I'm deeply wounded at lack of trust
>break up with girlfriend, explain that the breakup made me realize we weren't ready for marriage.
>Get ring back
>Give back to my mother

I literally discovered I was one after I started lurking here.

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Hello Khazar

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hide my money in a pillow

Wtf man

be my banker?

>Promised Land
You mean the United States?

Being cheap.

Not tip. also

>insert joke about not having a tip

In my university there is one day each semester where you can pick up stuff people have forgotten/lost on campus and not claimed in lost/found within three months. They also give away stuff from abandoned lockers. I will browse these giveaways, take anything I can of value and then resell it later.

I once earned $900 in by picking up textbooks in good condition and selling them to new students the next semester. I will usually net $400-500 per time.

fuck thaaat

Sure kike, tell yourself that as the oven door shuts.


put Babby in a Jew.
The horror, THE HORROR!

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I'm unironically jewish

>be me
>painting as summer job with my dad
>working for this old kike
>he's a co-worker of my dad at his other job
>dad doesn't bother to sign a contract
>kike doesn't pay him
>dad realizes he has a storage room which kike hasn't seen to contents of in 20 years
>we quietly rob him of a load of porn and booze he didn't know he had
>50 year old cognac and aged moonshine
>proceed to get drunk every weekend for a couple months on that stock

Really red pilled me on the Jews, they don't even stop from Jewing people they work with.

Fucked a nigger

>have old, busted heater
>need new one
>buy new one
>buy dollar store cleaning wipes
>clean up old one
>put old heater in new one's box
>return for refund
>nose grew three sizes that day

>Cntl + F
>0 results

fucking dropped




>“An old Polish proverb states: ‘The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you’. The Zionists have perfected this technique to an art form.”

~ Michael S. King

It was terrible. It also never worked. I realized later just how Semitic that kind of social rage is and hated myself for it.

Is Semitic a synonym for female?

I did a lot of jewish stuff in mmorpgs, cornered the market in ultima online, scammed people in diablo 2, cornered the market in world of warcraft

then i took a dna test and found out i was part jew

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>Dumb whore on the plane reclines her seat so that my legs getting fucking squished
>am uncomfortable as hell so start kicking the seat
>whore calls the faggot stewardess who warns me he'll move my seat
>say sorry
>he leaves
>start coughing uncontrollably like a maniac in the whore's ear
>won't stop can't stop
>she pushes her fucking chair to its normal position
>enjoy rest of flight

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Can someone post Schindler's List with some laugh tracks, or Benny Hill music?

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Pray for Israel, convert to judaism, learn Hebrew.

Pretty much everything I do is jewish.

>What's the most Jewish thing you've ever done?
I had relations with a jewish woman once.

Natsocs are just a loud minority here like atheists on facebook or liberals on twitter. Jow Forums is just for political radicals. That includes jewish supremacists like me.

be born

look on the bright side, you're still part human.

I cheated a bunch of old people out of their homes with reverse mortgages and then sold them to schwarzers. I gave 20% of the money to Israelis so they can shoot children in the back and steal land and put apartment buildings on them for jews. Just kidding. I don't steal homes. Only KIKES do that.

picked up a penny

i went to a bar mitzvah once i wore a yamaha and danced to hava nagulla

Lol Jewish supremacy? You cunts are so inbred and sickly, what will you do when you're getting ass raped by the white hordes that you pissed off for the last time? Not much, hell awaits kike.

Bankrolled an entire festival run selling moli at the first 3 day, found out it was fake day 2
Always test the work too boys


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hate niggers

used a coupon

Shilled for a bunch of retards on Jow Forums to buy a shitcoin before I got oven'd

I had a bagel with cream cheese the other day

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Nothing wrong with reverse mortgages depending on situation

Samson option.

Also the goyim can't keep their shit together. You brag about all the exiles and genocides yet we still dominate the planet. God is on our side and you people are too weak to change it.

You are like that little brother who has lost 100 games of chess in a row and thinks he will win the next one.

didnt pay company loans and just claimed bankrupcy

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I used to park in a pay garage for days on end, then walk up and get a new ticket from the machine at the entrance. Then I'd tell the cashier that I had a family emergency or something and had to leave right away. Usually got me free parking.

There's this Jewish girl in some of my classes. Dumb as a brick and has a 56% face but holy shit is her body banging. She is the only person I've seen in real life who I would describe as thicc. One time she came in wearing daisy dukes and I was practically drooling all over the table.

I literally just ate some matzo crackers with some beer cheese...
T-that doesn't make me a Jew does it?

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It's okay, they aren't approved for passover

I paid for something at a store worth $10 in change when I had $200 worth of bills in my pocket. I taught that filthy goy how to count lmfao

So what, you gave the cashier 10 looneys?

Put on a yamaka at a jewish wedding

Once I stole a calculator from my classmate just for the sake of of stealing it and spiting him. I didn't even need the calculator.

Tortured huwhite children on a cross whilst collecting their blood in a bowl and drinking the blood whilst sexually abusing the bleeding huwhite children to death.


made a prostitute eat my ass for free when she said she charged extra but i didn't want to pay the extra

No, you dirty pagan. I paid mostly in nickels and dimes, no coins over a quarter. Loonies are the Shekels of the Leaf. We save those

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>What's the most Jewish thing you've ever done?
I was raised to be an honest person. I can tell you, without hesitation, that everything I've done in life, was the least Jewish thing you could do. I'd even taken a path of self inflicted suffering, in order to gain insight into the reality of the world. I've never been coddled, nor have I had power over someone else. It's all been by design, whether it was of my parents, or mine.

your mum

Thank god. I really need to be more careful.
Also when I couldn't find what isle they were in at the store I had to ask a worker if she knew where the 'Jew crackers' were and she didn't seem to happy about it.

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why can't you people leave others alone?
why are you so greedy and cheap?
does your god tell you every night to make other people suffer?
you have a country now why don't you move there, they will even pay you to do it?
we don't want to be around you, why can't you take the hint?
how many more time do people need to kick you out when you can just leave?
it's like you make us hurt you cause you won't leave us alone, you bully us and make us miserable, you poison our children fro profit.
please, we are asking you nicely, just go, you got everything you need in your own country now. please, leave.

Rub my hands together.

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Is the Jewish part too much?

uhh beat off to this

I've never had jew crackers before. What do they taste like?

A carload of young dipshits cut me off in traffic and were acting like assholes. It was 2AM. I called the cops and reported them as drunk drivers.

Why are there so many blood sucking jews in this thread?

Op's blue swastika.

>What's the most Jewish thing you've ever done?
Advanced science (wisdom of humanity)

Also being 1/4th Jewish.

Got high on gas

It's even more Jewish if it's with some sort of smoked fish too.

Kikes and shills will never have enough. The kikes and their shill slaves will always try to expand power. The kikes and shills will always keep hoarding wealth. In fact, non jews don’t have a right to anything. Only the kikes deserve anything, according to the kikes. The fake kikes (Khazars) have been like this for over a thousand years. The kikes and their shills won’t change. The kikes get the Talmud teached as soon as they can speak. You mentioned fake kike nation Israel. The kikes don’t think it is enough. The kikes and shills are pushing for greater Israel. The kikes and shills will not stop amassing wealth and power until the kikes and shills control and own everything. Currently, the kikes are planning for a techno communist one world government.

There is only one way to deal with kikes: that is to completely exterminate all kikes, shills, fake kike nation Israel and judaism itself.

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Went with my sister and mother to the university not far from here and dumpster dove. I don't mean like taking shit from around the dumpster, I mean getting in the dumpster and taking whatever good or decent shit was there to resell it. I think my sister has me beat since she adopted a pregnant cat to just sell the kittens. Pretty Jewish if you ask me.

>convert to judaism

celebrated passover and ate ladka