I am Canadian

Why is everyone on Jow Forums so fucked. This is my first time on here and yall are crazy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Canadians are all mentally ill, I think it's the lack of sunlight

Get gassed leaf

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Be wary of Amerimutts, they are fat, disgusting, and believe everyone loves them for some reason.

Picture related, this kind of amerimutt is found in ptg usually.

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Try not being a fag


Get the fuck out faggot, I’m more Canadian than you



Do it Canada¡¡

They are so autistic that they don't realize how shitty they are.

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I don't know why you fucking leafs think we euros like you better than burgers, fucking cringie pussies tbqh

Implying someone would make a thread like this the first time they came on. I ain't buyin' what you're sellin', leaf.

Day of the rake when?

Just merge with us you nigger. Nobody uses cad

you're in stage 1.
hang around for a bit, you'll consider your former-self to be the loon

Get raked faggot, and lurk moar

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burn the rice pay the price

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Lol what are you talking about

Lurk moar faggot

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>literal leafpost

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This is your fault

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Canadians want to be Americans so badly, until Americans fuck up. Then, like a jew, they slink back and go "Oh no eh thats not us, we're not like those Americans lel"

Donald Trump eh

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So, if a leaf cries out as he strikes you, does he win or no?

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That is repulsive

At least we're not fat.

THIS IS Jow Forums


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These guys dont have healthcare, its hard for them to get check ups. As a result most of them are mentally ill "MUH 2ND AMENDMENT"

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I love you bro

>TFW someone's first time is 14 years after mine
What am I doing with my life?

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You have revealed my true flag

>the leaf realized how fucked the world is
It's not Jow Forums that is fucked. Jow Forums simply reflects reality as it is.

You never know

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I dont think reality is "GET IN HERE, ITS HAPPENING PEOPLE" Threads

We don't care about South Canada that much really beyond making fun of their orangutan president.


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Kill yourself immediately

And here you can see the canucucks mating. Their hatred of America attracts the frenchy-cucks towards one another.

Fair enough but communists arent your #1 threat right now

Yeah the happening threads are bullshit 95% of the time

this. Jow Forums is to the internet as crack is to cocaine.

you have to go back

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I'll take a bean uprising

>Canadians making fun of our president
>have a homosexual SJW PM

Leaf posting at its finest


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At least our pussy of a PM is getting laid by his wife, Melania been dry son

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Not an uprising when theyre gonna be a majority bro LOL

Whatever you say South Canada. Pretty sure most of the world agrees Trudeau is a better person than Drumpf.

You're delusional, people in the cold are on average 10-15 lbs heavier

No communists are the biggest threat. Mostly because they're destroying our countries from the inside. The next leaders of the "free" world will almost exactly like Justin. Marxist Feminism is cancer.

LMAO. Sorry we are not up to 'par' with your definition of normal. If it wasn't for the Trailer Park Boys, your country would have offered nothing for humanity.

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You should hang around a while and just lurk more. I'm sure that after a few months, you will just get bored and leave.

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kys leaf

> implying your pm isn't a cuck

Yea and you can leave now.
We fucking hate Canadians.

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Stop leafposting.

>ywn dryhump Melania barren crack and get friction blisters
Why even live

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Pretty cucky but he knows to keep it under wraps *cough stormy cough*

Bro we made the telephone stfu bitch

proof leafs need to be gassed.

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Maybe the LGBLT community

lmao. Pretty sure you are out of touch with reality. Enjoy your dog blow jobs and your ISIS citizens.

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Faggot. That you embody the typical leafcunt stereotype generally leaves an honest Jow Forumstars little choice.

Btw - up there. That’s ours. 100% US clay. We’re a little late getting there and all, but make no mistake... WE WILL TAKE THAT WHICH IS RIGHTLY OURS.

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Get fucked leaf your day is coming
>51st state when?

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Jealous much hmmm. Make sure you don't hurt yourself, no free healthcare to take care of you ^_^

I'll just move to Canada then, maybe bring some beans with me, you got better gibs anyway

most of the world opposes ISIS, though.

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Amerimutts when they slowly realize Trump isnt the swamp drainer they thought

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You might want to go back to (R)eddit. For your own well being and protection. Just saying.

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>the free meme
>the it's not free meme

god damn australia

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Better gibs and better rehab for gibbers

we have a pretty decent turnover rate compared to you guys

Why are most canadians such faggots that they base their opinions on being not-american?

t. canadian who loves american values

Hows that $0.04 you got for posting that shareblue?

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> Picture related
> ptg
> Talking like a robot
Are you actually a fucking shill, like for real? Gas yourself.

Better gibs and better rehab for gibbers

we have a pretty decent turnover rate compared to you guys, except that one city in that one state I cant remember, solved homelessness by building homes

bestiality is legal in USA too idiot

stop embarrassing us torontofag and hang yourself

it's the internet you dumb cunt.

>you're delu--
o say can you see your own toes, you fat fuck?

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> Jealous much hmmm
Why do you express yourself like a teenage high school girl? Oh yea, I just remember your fruity leader. No wonder.

The Chad billionaire vs the virgin communist cuck

Leaf posting at its finest

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Whats shareblue

You can buy a house fo four cents in Detroit can’t you?

North Canada > South Canada

Do you really doubt whether Trump is hated internationally? Who apart from Netanyahu likes Trump? Meanwhile Europe and rest of civilised word loves Trudeau.

Uh???? Defend your country

wrong, you invented the first gay party line.


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>This is my first time on here and yall are crazy.
Leave right now, you idiot. This isn't a threat, it's a warning! If you stay any longer you'll be stuck here forever with the rest of us.

Show flag or stfu

6 months from now you'll be crazier than everyone else. secret... no one ever leaves.

you sound like an angry incel.
go get laid nerd.

Can confirm came here for crazies, got redpilled

SCroll up faggo

show your flag pussy. youre worse than the leaf

Donald Trump is Justin Trudeau's best friend