I got into a debate about (((them))) with one of my friends the other day and he brought up some interesting points.
1) If they are all on the same team and trying to destroy Europe/Western Civilization/etc and only doing what is best for (((themselves))), why is it that they are divided? Why is it that Soros opposes Israel? I thought he was the bad guy and Israel was also the bad guy?
2) If they care so much about (((themselves))), then why are they importing some of the most anti-semitic people on earth, the Muslims?
1) Soros doesn't oppose Israel. When pressed he will say some vaguely negative stuff but if you look at his organisations they operate all all over the world but not Israel. In fact there was a particularly vile Soros-feminist organisation that had some of their funding pulled by him because they tried to start operating in Israel.
2) Their desire to destroy homogeneous civilisations is usually manifest on a subconscious (irrational) level.
Brayden Myers
>2) If they care so much about (((themselves))), then why are they importing some of the most anti-semitic people on earth, the Muslims?
One of Israel's biggest issues is Jewish emigration. You fix that by "expelling" Jews from Europe while expelling Arabs from future Greater Israel.
Jeremiah Carter
Why say vaguely negative stuff at all?
Eli Nelson
>this planet is such garbage that my favorite e-celeb looks like a faggot and i hate you anyway
Benjamin Kelly
Well he can't when confronted by media say "Poz is only for the Goyim".
James Foster
So, Jews are importing Muslims to Europe to make the place more anti-semitic so other Jews will leave Europe and come to Israel?
Jack Ortiz
No Jews are importing Muslims to destroy the social-cohesion of their host nation, which thereby allows them to scheme relatively safely and unnoticed
Ryan Fisher
Israel isn't the bad guys, their national interests conflict with the national interests of the US and especially with Europe, but pursuing your nation's national interests isn't wrong.
International Jewry including soros and the rothschilds and Weinstein of the world, the western Jews that control the most twisted industries and government sectors of our nations, are the bad guys
A lot of them hate Israel because they hate any nation that implements western values like freedom and self-reliance, they hate western culture and want to destroy it