We memed it into existence guys our refugees are FINALLY going to Canada!!!!11
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oh god fucking damnit.
I'll make it easier, I'll trade spots and go the us. fuck this
Le 49% face by 2019
I smell some jewery at work here lads
looks shooped
Hmm the Canadian government has been turning away a lot right now, but if they put in the effort to sneak in we let them get asylum. some guy lost all his fingers though. Maybe sirelal is behind this
you really think this guy isn't gonna let any of them in?
wtf i love trudeau now.
me too :^D
I tried to watch the video but it says "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." is any other Australian having trouble watching it
just use a proxy retard
video is considered hate speech in your faggotty microagression protecting countries.
>video touts Canada as refugee haven
>YT comments all praising Canada as being the most compassionate nation and better than the US
>doesn't realize canadian immigration is strict
>no country wants non educated and unskilled labor
>mfw 90% of the refugees will end up getting deported just like in Germany
people seem to forget most countries have actual immigration laws, Mexico actually deports more people annually than we do
As usual, they are not going to be near Tredeau's nnor the oligarchy's neighbourhoods....
LOL - that pic made me laugh more than it should have.
Well played America.
>this is all an orchestrated trap to encourage more refugees to go to Canada
We really are living in the golden age lads.
Is Trudeau, dare I say, /our gay/?
Fucking bullshit. I can't stand the sight of Trucuck.
Fuck! another reason I should probably just move back to US. Fuck Canada you were kind of cool before Trudon't and now its country of endless immigration, nonbinary gender pronouns, employment based on gender and not qualifications and fucking dog cocks!
and winter sucks!
please somebody be unironic for one second
is this real?
i love him now
why the hell did you leave the U S of A you commie bastard?
fuck off we're full
not of my volition, I was too young at the time, but I want back. I'm tired of eating dog cocks.
if you still have citizenship you might want to do that sooner than later
95% of all applications for migration to Canada are rejected.
Whatever, and least we make it look like we tried.
I don't think Americans even know how to pretend to try anymore.
he's /ourmaplefag/
>numbers confirm the truth
holy shit, no conspiracy here goyim
try this link guys
Kek. Your country invented the microaggresion you fucking faggot. Kill yourself
that maybe so but your country adopted the worse of sjw nonsense babble and elected a faggot that actually believes in it
STFU idiot
>taking advice from (((American media)))
>normie filename
You're the Israel of social justice. The epicentre of degeneracy. And yet this board is absolutely heaving with fat yanks judging everyone else for following their lead. The only reason you still have gender specific bathrooms and you aren't at war with Russia right now is because one man decided he had enough and the democrats picked an awful candidate.
They don't turn them away... They get a permit to come into the country and work while their asylum application is reviewed.. they have a 6-9 month backlog....
Canadian officials will also fast-track work permits for asylum seekers, so they can financially support themselves and their families while they wait to see if their claim for protection is granted.
I can clearly remember Lauren Southern making the exact same video like 8 months ago.
Bahahaha get fucked Canadian libtards take our refugees as well