Brit/pol/ - Twiglet the Stress Dog Edition

>Twiglet the Cambridge Jack Russell who helps students de-stress before exams is left exhausted and unwilling to be taken for walks after being booked solid for hours on end

>Disabled pensioner, 79, died after being left in agony for six hours when he scalded himself in the shower and his carer failed to properly check him

>Stress leaves 80% of women feeling unable to cope reveals study that shows men are much less likely to be 'overwhelmed and unable to cope'

>it time to STOP the elderly from taking tablets

>Why does Ebola keep coming back?

>Prince William praises 'wonderful' NHS staff

>Our ‘hostile environment’ towards migrants only exists with public consent

>Our new working class needs help with new struggles

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Other urls found in this thread:

wake up

rise and shine

Aleady a thread lad

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no, use this one. links are better here

this one has twiglet the dog too

anons, use this thread as a stand against tripfaggotry

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Morning lads. Great day to go spit on some pakis from above, who’s with me?

Come on geezas

what does that mean? its clear skies and sunny where im at

I mean we should all go spit on some pakis


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reported for promoting hatred and motive to incite racially motivated attacks. Hope you have a good lawyer.

Is the poo bitch going to lose her license for beheading that baby?

we're finished. wipe us off the face of the earth. People will look at that pic in the far future and go, ''wtf were they thinking?''

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I was merely pretending lad. Just checking to see if you’d do the right thing. Well done fella

So the government wanna give people £10k on their 25th do what?

Implying it even goes down in the first place, the people who haven’t got a house will just realise £10k still won’t get them anything and won’t bother saving the rest of a deposit. They’ll just spend it on marvel shit or heading to Majorca.
What happens to those who recently turned 25? No backdated pay?

Do they seriously think the rich and elderly are going to allow themselves to be taxed more to pay for this?

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I'm younger than 25 so i'm all for it. I think its good for the individual, but the money wall probs bleed out the country (buying foreign goods instead of domestic) and it might make the house prices EVEN HIGHER now that everyone has an extra 10k to put down.

Romanians are the real royals

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Romania is the capitol of the European Empire

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id:SO Y

It was a dumb think tank idea, not the government,

>House prices even higher

Making the idea redundant. I’m one of the few that didn’t go to uni and actually found a decent job and worked to buy a house and decent living. The others that I know who went to uni are now 24/25 and are STILL living at home with no prospects of moving out. They know they “can’t afford” to move out so they just waste their money elsewhere, going clubbing, shopping or holidays.

I have no sympathy for them, but most try to chase a lifestyle out of their budget, buying the expensive goods in life but sweeping it under the carpet they’re still in Mum and dads care. People just need to work hard. That’s all there is to it. This £10k will be pissed away

>dude just work hard lmao, its your fault the labour markets been flooded with cheap labour

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Work 2 jobs. Find a better job. Pull overtime. Save more.

No excuses faggot. I did it on a £24k wage

>Dude just keep working more and more to make other people money to afford a shitty house you're never in except to sleep because you're always working, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you can't do anything about anything so never think about it and just keep consuming

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>The labour market's saturated.
>Work 2 jobs.
>The NHS is "one of our country's greatest treasures", Prince William will say on Monday in a video message to those working in the health service.
Do you reckon the includes the one who ripped a baby's head off?

>David Miliband makes his glorious return to British politics today

I for one was hunting for something to look forward to and this is it.

Ed should of been PM


Free limes for everyone

Should HAVE been, you ignorant nigger

Lord Byron kept a bear at university, bring back pet bears for university students.

Why didn't Eddie get the credit he deserved for his awe-inspiring presence and well structured and thought out posts whilst he was here?

Another day, another opportunity to make the easy argument of why socialism works to people.

>study that shows men are much less likely to be 'overwhelmed and unable to cope'
I'm only 25 and I knew this when I was a kid. Why the fuck does this require a study? Why the fuck are university students emotionally raping a dog? What the fuck even is this country anymore?

National socialism you mean

>24k wage

Wow you sure had a difficult time there didn't you?

Based Rhodie arming black Zimbabwean women and teaching them feminist memes.
Should keep their reproduction under control. Why aren't we taking a leaf out of the (((cultural Marxists))) playbook and working harder to subvert the Third World?

Lazy fuck.

>dead thread
>dead country


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>got an exam this afternoon

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He will be purged by Comrade Corbyn, Blairites will be removed.

GCSEs? Under-18s are only allowed to post here with the written consent of parents.

uni finals

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Oh. Good luck lad.

Any stupid fuckers here still believe in anything but a libertarian-style government and throwing out the monarchy?
I know you're going to say I should move to America, but they're possibly even worse in having a large government, even with Donald Cunt running things.

>That will be £19.99 for your porn pass

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I'm in favour of authoritarian government. Libertarianism gives people too much free reign to do whatever the hell they want.

>I'm in favour of authoritarian government
why are brits such cunts

This policy amuses the most.

To be a faggot who perverts children into transgender drag queens is OK and it's human right to spread degeneracy over the society, the degeneracy which is just naturally being rejected by the majority of healthy people.

To wank on beautiful women bodies of professional actresses from the top porn studios who have strict rules on health and beauty of their actresses is bad.

>a libertarian-style government
That's not going to help with the problems we already have going on

>more freedom won't help
it won't help pussies like you m8 tb-h

Banish large companies from lobbying in politics, making donations and running for office. You'll see the slave market university and job market circumstances vanish like a obscenely expensive and practically useless CERN particle.

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No, more freedom will not help with catastrophic demographic shift, balkanisation of families and growing sexual deviance, the debt-based economy or the ageing population.


you brits need to learn the Dutch way of piracy. Actualy piracy, not that neckbeard electronic shit. You invalidate all the debts you have to countries you don't like and attack their cargo ships to make more money. You could give privateers piracy licenses and buy their repossessed cargo from them. Can I have your vote?

I disagree it will help with all 3 in fact.

I like the idea, but given that a large portion of the national debt is owed to the IMF, I don't really know whose ships we'd raid

How so?

Iran and African?

I'd be wary about antagonising Iran. Not out of fear of Iran, but because Israel would like it too much.

well, the inbreds up West will get salty if I add Israel to the list.

>demographic shift
I don't even see that as a problem, why shouldn't people be free to go where they want?
>balkanisation of families
Freedom to run your family the way you want and the government not being able to interfere and give women the whip-hand will mean that famliies are inclined to stick together out of sheer self-interest and expediency.
>sexual deviance
The current system allows people to be sexual deviants while living off the taxes of the people who don't want that shit being peddled in their cities. When the money stops flowing to the deviants, they will either come into line, Handmaid's tale-style, or will be banished by the will of the people. Libertarianism doesn't mean people won't be able to do what's right for their neighbourhood, it means the central government can't push their agenda on us anymore.
Also, fuck the NHS, the biggest Jewish pile of crap to come out of the post-war era. All it has done has act as a platform for feminism to take hold in Britain. The NHS would be the 1st thing I'd cut.

woah wait a minute.

i just read that this year there will be measures to prove your age when accessing porn online

what exactly will that entail

Are you amused because you don't think it's happening in your country? Cause it makes me want to rage and do something crazy.

>why shouldn't people be free to go where they want?
Because their arrival has knock-on effects. There's the practical problems; only so much land to live on/schools to send kids to/roads to drive on/etc., increased supply of labour while demand lags behind driving down wages, that sort of thing. Then there's the social problems; insular communities antagonistic to the native English, breaking down of social cohesion, that sort of thing. And then there's the statistics; they commit more crime, are more likely to be unemployed, that sort of thing.
>Freedom to run your family the way you want and the government not being able to interfere
It's not government interference that's broken up families. It's the growing resort to divorce, which turns marriage from a permanent commitment into an 'as long as I feel like it' commitment, combined with the social 'liberation' of women, moving them into the workforce and encouraging them to prioritise careers over starting and maintaining families. Granted, reduction of welfare to single-mothers may deter women, but that only prevents single women having kids, it doesn't prevent existing 2-parent families breaking down.
Starting families is also made difficult by the wider economic issues we're dealing with, particularly when it comes to the housing market, but also by wage stagnation generally.
>The current system allows people to be sexual deviants while living off the taxes of the people
This is just an odd thing to say. Sexual deviance isn't remotely an economic thing. It's present across all strata of society. The gainfully employed are just as happy to spend their wages going on the pull as the bennies scroungers.
>Also, fuck the NHS
I can agree with this. It's a mess, and it was always way too ambitious a task for the state.

You'll either have to register your credit card with the websites to view explicit materials online, or you can go to your newsagent and buy a £10 card with a code to verify yourself anonymously if you'd prefer.

No but really, if I open up an incognito browser and go to and just choose a random porn video, what will happen?

>incognito browser
Oh, then you're all good, senpai. Not even GCHQ will know you're there.

>I don't even see that as a problem, why shouldn't people be free to go where they want?
You get a good thing going
every dickhead in the world wants to come reap the benefits
this cant end badly.

The blocks will be on an ISP level, only way around will be using a VPN.

Guess I'll just have to use /gif/ for fapping from now on

It isn't. But it's because we are more provincial like potato niggers, we don't accept faggots and pervs and government has to agree with that rather than to force us to the fake tolerance.

I don't actually think it'll be ISP-level blocks. From the way it's talked about, it sounds like the onus is going to be on the websites to comply
>There are a range of methods for verifying whether someone is 18 or over and we expect to see a number of solutions offered by providers to give people different ways to verify their age.
>All online pornography accessed from the UK, even content hosted abroad, will be required to carry age-verification.

>Because their arrival has knock-on effects
Their arrival would no longer be necessary or would happen far less if every country operated on the same paradigm of economic freedom, which we are currently denied by the state and their central bank masters. Not to worry though, Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is going to destroy these Jewish bastards within this century.
>It's not government interference that's broken up families
It is though, women now have a choice of the alpha husband i.e. the state, thus are no longer inclined to remain faithful and will leave at the smallest discomfort. All this liberation of women/feminism is a tool of the state to undermine the traditional family which has always been the building block of a strong society. Single mothers are *only* a thing because the state is there to help them. A few decades back when we had more sense they were virtually nonexistent.
>Sexual deviance isn't economic
Yes you have a point there, but I guess what I tried to argue (badly) is that the agenda being pushed by the state to promote sexual deviance would no longer be possible because the state would have to prioritise more carefully what they spend their money on, i.e. if everything was voluntary who would want to spend charity on promoting gays in society, over building schools or hospitals for example? It would just look ridiculous which it is.

>Their arrival would no longer be necessary or would happen far less if every country operated on the same paradigm of economic freedom
This has never happened and will never happen. Nor should it.

>Nor should it.

Because that idea of Earth under one government and no borders sounds horrible

>Their arrival would no longer be necessary or would happen far less if every country operated on the same paradigm of economic freedom
And how in the fuck does that work?
How does greater economic freedom limit employers advertising jobs in Eastern Europe before they advertise them here? How does it stop firms poaching South Asians with impressive qualifications? How does it stop the influx of West Africans willing to do an under-the-table deal for below-minimum wages?
>the alpha husband i.e. the state,
An employed divorcee can live quite comfortably on their ex-partner's maintenance to cover their child's costs.
>Single mothers are *only* a thing because the state is there to help them
And single mothers who go into motherhood single and reliant on the state aren't the *only* problem. Marriages breaking down, and childless couples who can't afford to start families, are just as problematic.
> A few decades back when we had more sense they were virtually nonexistent.
A few decades back, the laws surrounding marriage were much more stringent. Individual freedom has only been helped by the Family Law Act, but it's not done much for the health of families.
>the agenda being pushed by the state to promote sexual deviance would no longer be possible
That much is definitely true. The problem is it's not going to help stem the tide. An attitude shift against the 'it feels good, so it is good' view of sexuality is what's needed, and I don't see that a more libertarian society would particularly help that.

I didn't mean that, I meant it would be good if every country could have their own economic freedom.

Oh you mean every country gets to choose whether they are free market, socialist etc. ?

I wish every country would be able to decide how they want to operate and be given a true set of choices, unlike the current tweedledee tweedledum system.

That does not support the free movement of people that you mentioned earlier

>at new job for 3 weeks
>never any work to do
>every day feels like a 8 hour lunch break

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i had a dream where my ex was flirting with my teenage crush
feels bad 2bh

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am i the last living bong ?

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>Pure qt advocates not sleeping around while feminist throws passive-aggressive snipes at 'people like her' for believing in moral purity/chastity
Fucksake lads, the absolute state of this morning. When can we put feminists in thot camps?


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Whose side are we on anyway

>An employed divorcee can live quite comfortably on their ex-partner's maintenance to cover their child's costs.
That's still the state fucking over the man

>fucking over the man
It's provisioning for the child

how sad that everyone else is kill

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>porn pass
Yeah well fuck you, I'd rather pay a VPN provider than those faggots. I'd rather die than give me credit card info to both the goverment and the porn sites at the same time. Not the best combination of trustworthy individuals.

The porn pass is the alternative which means you don't have to give them your credit card info
You just buy it from a shop and it has a code on it

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Hm, I can either purchase an item to solve a problem they created or... browse porn sites as American. "One porn pass mate". How can you even think this is reasonable.

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you are in for some serious redpilling in your coming years