"Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have had that western food. It just goes straight through me. I need to relieve the pressure somehow"
"Now that is what i am talking about"
"Oh yeah, these farts are taking my asshole on a sweet ride"
"Oh wow, that one was wet. Gotta be careful, I almost pooped myself"
"Ok, it wont stop, I need a toilet NOW. Come on, hurry. Eh, its leaking. You can do this, just get your pants off and sit on that porcelain throne"
"Oh merciful Allah thank you"
"Yuck this infidel food is really painting my toilet brown"
>user quick that kebab is gonna come out soo- BBBBRRRRPPPPPPP BRRRFFFTTTT oh my user did it smell good?
i like it op, it has potential, keep up the shit posting.
Hmmm really makes you stink...
>no sniff posters
summer is coming early this year
Very political.
Why do jews have a shit fetish?
Look at all that pussy cheese. Ugh
>user don't you know whoever controls the braps controls the universe. It's extremely political now come here I am about to pop OH BY ALLAH PPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT BLLLLLLLAAAAAARPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP BRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Oh that took it out of me you should appreciate what I do for you I wouldn't do this for anyone else.
They're bored with the normal stuff
Anal is gay.
Just imagine going into a restaurant and there is just a line of these on the wall dispensing curry.
fuck off
it's not jews. It's men. It's proven that men like to sniff buttholes
Great message for Mothers' Day. Such succulent expulsions in the absence of your mother are appreciated by all of the guests.
Consider the subversion, THE LOOSE PUSSY. That only black men have access to. Do the anal. Um, but on a girl.
That's nice to look at.
Log on with your ID if you want put your thingus in this dingus.
Ask someone with an actual scat (and occasional fart) fetish anything
Nice ballsack
>showing your asshole for everyone to see
You are a god damn degenerate.
Jordan Peterson: Though shalt not pleasure thyself in the absence of the other sex.
For INCEL and MGTOW that means, ignore these pictures. If you get an erection then you should contemplate how unworthy and how depraved you are. If you start masturbating, then you will be eternally condemned to Hell, and you will burn forever in the next life.
>it's time to taken on the Jews and save the world from the evil powers of usury and the occult, securing a peaceful future for our people
>nevermind lets brappost for eighteen hours instead
I hate all of you
user, I have bad news for you
That's really what niggers say I live around them
Is He holding a PS controller?
Those are not boy hips?
they're onions hips
Muey hairy ass, cowboy, yet those lips are so compelling.
>user I just ate 2 kilograms of falafel like you asked, what's the point why do you want me to fart so badly? well anyway I feel it coming out soon so just position your nose closely to my asshole before I-I UGH BLLLLLLLLRTTTTTT PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPAPAPAPAPAPPAPAPAP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT *pants heavily* oh my allah that one was intense I will need a break from this for a while I can't keep eating these fart inducing meals it messes me up to much. You're just lucky I love you so much so I don't mind doing it on occasion. What should I eat next to brew up some big winds? I was thinking maybe eating something simple like hummus and bread with maybe some mince for extra mega braps. Well anyway come to bed I'm tired from those bowel movements I hope you inhaled deeply my love.
It's hard to tell what console the Fuhrer was playing on during those years, but it was likely to be a Playstation. This is because Bill Gates, then-CEO of Microsoft, was inclined to take the side of Jewish values.
So, there is more than one layer to peel.
So, the Fuhrer knew about the JQ, and He chose the best future for the pure race. Props to Hitler.
ha ha LOW IQ
hides hair but show ass....