>A white man was refused service and kicked out of a California cafe after he threw an angry Islamophic tirade at a young woman wearing a niqab.
>The victim of the tirade filmed the moment she was verbally attacked by the white man who said 'I don't want to be killed by you' at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf cafe.
>this thing we saw on Twitter >Nobody has commented >News
Caleb Peterson
Yep, just like someone getting stabbed. Things would be better if the goyim all turned stupid and sleepy.
Owen Phillips
a well paid shill to stir up drama nothing else fake and gay
Jonathan Howard
>Jow Forums calls for the death of all Muslims >hesitates to say anything when a white man actually displays blatant racism and islamophobia in public
Really gets my peanuts poppin
Christopher Evans
Dont rock the boat. Nothing will change because whites have it too good. Once they starve, their skin breaks under the lash, then they might change. More likely it will just be , i got 2 lashes and you got three, so im better
Ian Lopez
How can he commit racism when you can't even see whos under the niqab?
If you beat someone up for being a paki then yeah, racism. Beat someone up for being a Muslim and it's bigotry.
Muslims geniunely have a superiority complex over everyone else anyway. Feel zero guilt for seeing any non muslim tell them to fuck off.
Alexander Allen
>California no Hello new friend
Cooper Jackson
>filmed the moment >doesnt post video
Adrian Rogers
> Not wanting to be killed is no longer allowed.
Carson Perez
Nathaniel Smith
Fake and gay. Not blaming you OP. This just seems staged.
Grayson Morgan
He was incredibly polite. Apparently just having a discussion about the fact you don't like islam is oppression now. Really activates the almonds that this is international news. Almost as if this was the best example they could find of "hatred against Muslims"
Hudson Mitchell
She could of had a bomb under that thing. I saw one of these freaks walking down the street and it's disturbing.
Tyler Ross
And Patrick Little adds another vote to his total.
>I don't want to be killed by you Hate speach like this directed at people of color has no place in our society.
Alexander Russell
False flag setup. No one does that.
Alexander White
Good think Hawaii's volcano is going to erupt, cause a landslide, and kill all Californians.
Jose Howard
Holy shit, "could of" makes my so irrationally angry... LEARN TO FUCKING SPEAK ENGLISH YOU STUPID FUCKING RETARD!!!1
Jacob Watson
Shame on all the other patrons for not helping him lynch that sand nigger.
Jacob Clark
Jow Forums is fine with the Muslim as long as the Muslim stays in his own shithole and also preferably commits to destroying Israel
Isaac White
I have never seen anyone here call for the death of all muslims even in jest, you're a virtue signalling retard
Daniel Wright
Really the only time death is called for on moose limbs is when Jow Forums wants to crusade their asses back to their homeland
Christopher Cooper
In fairness you can't just sperg out on a random muslim chick at the coffee shop lol. There's a time and place for everything and starbucks isn't the place to go dropping truth bombs like that.
why is it that Americans are philosemitic, but at the same time islamophobic? Why do Americans care about religious background in the islamic case, but don't care about Talmud?
Angel Myers
Can we make "whitephobic" a thing? With all that hysteria about "whiteness" and "white privilege" spreading, this seems appropriate. Also masculinity-phobia etc.
Nathaniel Hill
>Jow Forums calls for the death of all Muslims Whoah, you spelled Jews wrong.
Nolan Martinez
Muslims don't have to die, they just have to leave Europe.