Brb shooting some sandniggers

brb shooting some sandniggers

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die you fucking kike

timestamp juden

Attached: Tits or GETFO.gif (408x311, 17K)

Do one on me m8

Good riddance, kill as most as you can then you can die you filthy kike.

Thanks for your service

Is that paracord wrapped around the gas black?

Feel like a big man Mordecai?

Mkay. don't forget to take out your chamber flag you docmartin wearing pog faggot.

don’t forget to frag your noncoms too

New shoes ah Shlomo..?
נתראה בארז

Based best ally

>shooting some sandniggers
Suicide is a sin.

you are okay for a jew


My nigga the majority are with you! Go forth!

>that cuck orange tag

Yeah shoot your circumcized dick onto your hand, retard lol

Good luck out there. Palestinians deserve nothing but the rope.

OP is kill

based schlomo

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Post videos on LiveLeak

That orange thing is there to make sure there aren't bullets in the chamber yet, if you've been to the military you would've known that

Don't do it, you have so much to live for!

You can't shoot shit with your bolt being blocked by that piece of plastic.

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mazel tov greatest ally, splatter some (f)alestinian aggressors to celebrate the new embassy in Israel's eternal, undivided capital!

careful not to poop your pants while you're shooting at unnarmed

Exactly so he can't shoot anyone without removing it physically. Why anyone would put that in any scenario other than training is anyone's guess. now kys memeflag.

This. This. This.

Or if it is you. Take a pic with a smile and thumbs up.

oh wait you're the OP kike. Hahaha faggot.

Not if they shoot you first.


Youre going to shoot yourself? How heroic user, if I were a sandnigger Id do the same

Never change Jow Forums

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>new shoes
>clean uniforms
>regular m16 with no wajaras on it
Sure you are faggot right after you finish to paint the trees white

sand nigger OP thinks he's European kek


Your boots show no wear, you’ll be running at the first shot.

>shooting some sandniggers
so a suicide?
also die fucking kike

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Yank bants r guude

found the manlet

Based kike

All muslims have to die

boots from cabelas? i wear the same ones. weird.


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new shoes

So, are you shooting muslims or Israelis?

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You are a sand nigger.

Some day a real rain is gonna wash all this filth from the street.

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bless you

Better not come back with that pussy ass PTSD shit faggot.....

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Timestamp faggot

Shooting yourself then.

Remember suicide is not the answer.

Get as many mudslimes as you can!

gl hf

Nice iron sites poorfag, no wonder your military always needs ours to do everything for you

This is what a people actually fighting for the continuation and thriving of their civilization looks like.
Here have a /comfy/ Jew song.

If only you could start fighting your own battles and stop getting the rest of the world to do it for you and we'd all have no problem with you guys.

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get some boi

Show Khazar milkers

>if only you could start fighting your own battles and stop getting the rest of the world to do it for you
nigga he literally sent a picture of him on his way to gaza

Do it, there's more were the last came from.
I hope muslims and jews will kill each other till the end of time.

Yeah you've always been able to shot your own stone throwing protestors but I'm talking about Iran/Iraq and Syria etc.

Anyway why did you give back the Sinai, that was stupid. You could have had some really comfy looking borders right now instead of monstrosity of borders that the anglos gave you. Golan Heights have helped though.

Attached: Obama-Calls-For-Israels-Return-To-Pre-1967-Borders.jpg (1132x812, 222K)

>brb shooting some sandniggers
>hasn't shot self yet
What did this sandnigger mean by this?

Good, brb reading some Talmud

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nothing good about palestinians
kill them all

That land usnt even yours lol. All the real jews are gone, you are just bullying arabs using Americas money and stuff.

Such a pity Hitler didn't finish the job.

Are you wearing diapers?

I'm a sandnigger, please shoot my shit up senpai.

Who's paying, Chaim?

We have ID’s here, OP.