-/CWG/- How to win a culture war

You're up against smug, retarded hipsters and entitled 'minorities', not against thinkers.

You don't win by argument, reasoning, or violence. You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that is more appealing.

This might be news to you, since you're all the sort of kids who were outcasts on the playground, but the only way to get these people to change is by making it COOL to NOT be like them.

They aren't pro-BLM, pro-feminist and anti-white because they care about POLITICAL issues. They didn't REASON themselves into it. They adopted these topics because it fills a social need for them.

They're overwhelmingly university students and children, because they're lacking in a sense of purpose and self-importance. They all aspire to be the next Rosa Parks because it justifies their insecurities and feelings of unimportance, and to get their next hit of self esteem they'll go out of their way to instigate a situation where they can publicly display their adherence to ideology.

Your goal isn't to deconstruct the 'woke' ideologies themselves, but to remove the SOCIAL benefit to doing so. These people are sheep and followers, masquerading as political activists because it's sexy and self-important.

You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that takes away this sense of self importance. Make music videos, comics, short stories, memes, livestreams, whatever, where you don't bother ARGUING about their idiot beliefs. Make culture where they're just the butt of the joke. Make culture where branding yourself as a socio-political martyr for baseless causes and inventing new systems of oppression makes you LOOK UNCOOL.

The only way to topple these self important hipsters is to give them the next new thing to follow, and have it provide them a feeling of importance without posturing about the plight of Rwandan dirt farmers.

Kill their ideology by making it outmoded in the new, fun, cooler culture that you create. Make social justice be the most embarrassing thing in the world.

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Other urls found in this thread:


they just ban us OP and cut off our bank accounts and credit cards

It would appear as though some people are already listening

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it's not just make a better culture, that's true but there's more. YOU ARE LITERALLY FIGHTING THE TECHNIQUE OF BEING UNFAIRLY CRITICIZED IN A SUBJECTIVE MANNER. You are fighting the Culture of Critique, LITERALLY. Ridicule them, cause infighting. Embarrass them, bants them. High level teasing, taunting and triggering. Has Jow Forums forgot how to bants? C'mon Jow Forums !!! What happened???

Ridicule their idols, point out their lies, their foibles, make videos, make SONGS, do all that shit. Ridicule the culture of critique. I believe in you.

You're taking their reins. These dipshits aren't inherently good or evil. They're just followers of the dominant culture.

The only way to win the war is to PRODUCE GOOD CULTURE that attacks the CENTRAL ATTRACTION OF SOCJUS- namely, the sense of self importance and purpose.

Replace it with something else to feel superior to, and some other purpose, and you've got a winning formula.

We need artists of all kinds on board

I would think this post was genius even without the 777 digits.

Good job, user.

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It's important this gets spread. Just two days after shilling these threads last week, we see lefty outlets like Vice speaking up on one of the exact topics in the thread; SNLs cringy lib approach to "humor".

People are listening. I just fear overdoing it and turning this into a pasta as opposed to something people will think about and act on.

You got the screencaps from Aussiebro’s thread the other day? I’ve only got the archive link, I’m assuming you’re the dude who recommended Nero77?

Either way, good post

Link to the archive of Friday’s thread: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/171232865/

>You don't win by argument, reasoning, or violence. You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that is more appealing.
We already won. We're in this for the long slog, not the immediate victory.




Will start posting this every 2 days, save this lads, great post OP i salute you friend

>M e m e m a g i c

Meme magic is our most powerful weapon thus far. But it's not even the best we can do. Quality humour is just one part- we need to bake the attack on SocJus into GOOD QUALITY CULTURAL PRODUCTS.

Like I said, MUSIC VIDEOS, comics, short stories, livestreams, youtubers, video games, blogs, poems, what fucking ever. Every cultural channel. People don't share or link or talk about IDEOLOGY or POLITICS, they share and link and talk about CULTURE THEY LIKE.

Make a PRODUCT that embeds this mockery of SocJus, and you'll create allies faster than you can imagine.

I'd prefer to just keep voting in more and more hard-line conservatives until every piece of their power-structure is dismantled through pulling of public funds.

Once that's done their infrastructure of activism withers and dies.

For reference, see the good work of Scott Walker with the public sector unions in his state.

Now more than ever we need militantly anti-silicon-valley and anti-public-university candidates into office.

Well, I also believe we should stop giving them attention and focus on ourselves and on producing authentic rich culture for posterity. Their mothers clearly didn't provide enough attention for them, apparently a lot of neglectful mothers in the world!

So just leave the dweebs alone and let them overdose on xanax or whatever. They're nothing but a distraction. Read classical literature... other than the obvious books. Look for obscure classical art, classical music, good music etc. etc. Let's get this fucken party going.

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The left can’t meme because their world view is inherently flawed and they depend on straw men for their humor. On the other side, we are producing stuff with truth at its core because we are marginalized and speaking truth to power. They think themselves rebels but they’re nothing more than automatons without actually having a shred of individuality

>look for obscure classical art
>posts prominent Renaissance artwork

I know, user, I know...

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Politics is downstream from culture, if the culture is rotten, it won’t matter who is in power. We have to show the progressive types for what they are: brainless automatons who only know virtue signalling outrage. Like I said on Friday, all they do is larp as Ramona Flowers and get outraged over non-issues, that is the core of their identity and that’s what must be mocked relentlessly.

Checked. The culture war is already against SJW weirdos. No one likes them. Even their own party hates them. They get their leaders into more shit than they get them out of.

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Memes only go so far.
They're turbo-charged short term, but they have no lasting influence IRL.
Most people - in day to day life - discuss TV show, movies, music and video games.
Their references are not our references.
We must make things worth referencing.
Not for us to reference, but for normies to reference.
If we're going to have any impact it must be on the normies' terms.
That's not cucking.
That's subverting.
I may loath them, but even the cultural Marxists know the power of media.
Marxists didn't stop at fucking posters (their equivalent of memes).
They made formal movies and other propaganda.
The left can't meme.
I've noticed that their writing / story-telling skills have also fallen short recently.
All we have to do is make better content.
Easier said than done, but it's true.

There's a role in here for those of us who aren't willing to help with the art (note that I didn't say who CAN'T help with the art, because ANYONE can produce SOMETHING of quality).

Professional shills. The jews have them, the media has them, the SJWs have them.

When the content starts being made, we have an OBLIGATION to shill it amongst each other, other boards, other websites, and even try to probe the normies too.

YES, shilling is necessary. And there's nothing that says we aren't capable of it.

100% this and I also act this way in my life. I'm also an incredible opticsfag for all you haters out there. Coming off cool, collected, smart and attractive has been way more useful to me than any sort of Rockwell-style dregs of society shit.

That doesn't mean you cuck to their views. Never apologise, ridicule when you can, but my secret weapon is tactically agreeing with points that do indeed overlap. When some BLM fucker runs their mouth about not needing Whitey, I don't say, 'oh yeah, you poor people have been through so much, take my money'. I say 'of course, how about an ethnostate for your people?' Either they start to become truly woke or they reveal themselves as a whiny shits with no actual vision, or a vision that is in fact against their stated one.

'Debunking' is for the liberalistists of the skeptic(tm) community(r). You just end up coming of as the whiny one, especially if you actually are like the skeptics and provide no actions to follow through your deconstruction.

>They're turbo-charged short term, but they have no lasting influence IRL.
You can debate it all day, but Pepe is the most pervasive and influential meme ever created. Even the left tried to use Pepe (remember the fucked Hilldawg memes?), recognizing that it is identifiable across such a massive demographic.

Can we do better? I'm sure. But you don't just conjure up success because you want to. Nazi Germany used propaganda espousing the high standard of living and quality of life Germans would have if they followed Hitler's lead: and Hitler delivered.

Half of propaganda is presentation. The other half is delivery. Else you end up with Norks; whom are finally relenting.

I would rape that bitch and drop cement blocks on her caste

>Bring in the radical conservative revolutionaries.

God, it's like herding cats. Can you hold onto your goddamn autism for five fucking seconds? Without sperging out about WHITE CIVILISATION or RADICAL CONSERVATISM?


This is about COOL. This is about SELF IMPORTANCE. This is about DIRECTION IN LIFE and SOCIAL STANDING.

Not ONCE do you breathe a word about fucking politics or you kill the media dead in an instant.

You stick to the social side, and you STAY ON MESSAGE. SocJus is uncool, what a fucking loser trying to be a new Rosa Parks, it's so much cooler to be X or Y or Z (which is what we're here to fill in the blanks on)

Literally the smartest thing ive heard in all my years on this board.

This. Though I would avoid being overtly political. The purpose is to decrease the social capital of the SJW types, not making propaganda. Mock, ridicule and show the world that being like that is stupid and lame. They’re like 90’s Church people making rap songs. They’re cringey and lame and everyone knows that. Don’t show off your views, make it so having theirs is seen as on par with being a flat earther. The best example I can think of this is how mercilessly reddit tier atheists were mocked. And how they’re virtually non-existent now, how atheism has continually and consistently lost numbers on the West.

Keep the overtly political stuff out of it. Point out that their entire personality revolves around larping as Ramona Flowers and being outraged

Don't pull the rug out, provide an alternative. Provide a way to laugh it off and say "haha remember when you complained about Halloween costumes? That was so 2016" or some dumb shit.

Leave a cultural escape trapdoor in there sure, but we need to DEVALUE their self important coolness and show a NEW idea of what's socially cool to do. How they mentally gymnastify their way from A to B is their problem- if we give enough incentive, they'll find a way.

Make it COOL to be pro-free-speech. Make it COOL to not be easily offended. Make it COOL to shrug off a halloween costume.

There are stacks of options there for scenarios in comics, stories, music videos

Our goal here is to cook up NEW-PUNK. With songs, styles, comics, stories, videos, streamers all about LAUGHING AT THE BLUE HAIRS or laughing at IDIOTS WHO CRY OVER HALLOWEEN COSTUMES.

Keep it SIMPLE. Keep it LIGHT. Keep it DIGESTIBLE.

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We’re not out to make propaganda. Keep politics out of it. We’re out to make genuinely good cultural products that ridicule and show itself to be much superior than anything that the SJW types can produce.

i like this theme. please do go on.

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I agree with your points, but also duh, no shit.

That's how 2016 on the boards happened. That's the lulz, the bantz, the memes.

Seriousposting is cancer for several reasons, but this is a major one.

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Exactly. This guy gets it.

Keep it subtle. This isn't going to happen overnight. The left's problem and our biggest advantage, is they're over the top. Their humor is has become overtly political to the point of cringe. We exploit this by being the calm, cool, observant humorist in the situation. We need to meet their absurdity with side-eyed indifference.

user. The only thing anyone cares about here is honor and truth.

To convince someone underhandedly, even if it is smarter, more efficient, is to go against the point of it all.

What do you care what these retards think for the time being? You don't.
You become like a drill and mow through them all.

Jesus if this ain’t pasta well done user. You have a very sharp mind.

OP is a straight white male.

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Hard line conservatism can't create an appealing culture. There is no good right wing art.

To genuinely create something that is both appealing and fulfilling you have to be willing to let go of the past. Or at least certain aspects of it.

It is possible to destroy modern SJW culture, in fact it's happening now. But even if they were gone society would still inch towards their goal.

Hadn't really thought about it this way but this is actually true and super effective.

Had a group of friends I hadn't hung around since high school and they were all liberal faggot queers save one, when we'd all hang out the two of us would shit on the rest for being libtards, for being hyper-sensitive, etc

Pretty sure all of them have better jobs, stopped smoking weed, one of them is getting married soon.

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What about the hashtag #SheWantsThis
to motivate young men into working hard. And we juxtapose it to another image labeled "Not This" of a onions boy.,

You'd have to get minorities involved also, since they are SJWs biggest weapons. At least redpill them enough so they can see through the hypocrisy and that they're only being used.

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>Trips of truth
Have a bump

i want to rape that darkie


More truth trips.

If people could get over their negro aversion, Kanye West could prove to be our biggest ally and weapon if he were properly groomed and coached on how to turn down his crazy just a notch.

The man is still extremely popular. He has the massive platform and cultlike following needed for a damn good start. Although I fear he may have done too much damage to himself during his TMZ rant to be of any use.

Part of this process has to be getting celebrities on board. Without their influence, this is still an uphill, unwinnable battle

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