Jews arent even hiding it anymore!
LIVE: Jerusalem pastor wears USA flag UPSIDE DOWN!!!
awesome. Nice find OP
What did he mean by this?
That guy is a major fucking scumbag.
It looks like the US flag is mounting the israeli flag
>The eternal boomer
How do we make these kike cocksuckers drop dead?
That's funny, I saw some footage on the news of them hanging flags outside of the new embassy and noticed some of those were upside down as well. They were hanging vertically though instead of the regular horizontal way so it might not be as noticeable, but they were definitely upside down.
technically upside down is a sign of distress- not disrepect
That's John Hagee, the televangelist, which are pretty much just Jews in sheep's clothing.
Which that being said- if the Jews are flying our flag upside down on their grand new-capital day- could they suspect foul play by the US and this be interpreted as a warning?
I might not be explaining it right, they were hung like in pic related but they stars were on the right side instead of the left.
That's not what it means, this would imply that the pastor was being held captive by the Jews and was forced into speaking in Jerusalem.
Is it possible that his pin just got spun upside down and the Israeli flag happens to looks the same in either direction?
Breddy gud
Yep just a cohencidence
He used to ask members of his church if they were into pornography that had to be mailed to them. He is the biggest shabbos goy and definitely blackmailed.
oh hey it's this guy. he's definitely not a wolf in sheep's clothing goy
I read it is a signal, I'm not sure what (((they))) are trying to say though
Watch this documentary. In the course of a couple generations Christianity went from being (rationally) anti-Semitic, thanks in part to Jewish usury, to being passionately philo-Semetic. How?
(((They))) who control the money control the information. (((They))) who control the information, control the minds or the naive and gullible goys.
America really is the den of Satan.
Just a coincidence goy, go back to sleep
hush your cuck spout you stupid foliage
There are was desu
japan is next
Flag upside down means country in distress.
Does this mean Japan is about to be flooded with niggers?
The jews will use the isotopes of fukushima to repair their fucked up DNA
Apparently it's also an S.O.S. SIGNAL.
>ยง 8(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
Is this man in danger?
Nice catch op
Wow talk about wasted trips. You saw the flag from bhind retard.
Try again shlomo, that's not how it works at all.
Hagee and his xian jew-zionist ass kissers are just doing this BS because they think it will expedite the return of jesus to the earth. Not much different that how Muslims think their stuff will hasten the return of the 5th Iman or the jews think this will cause the return of their messiah. Facts are this is all nothing more that a religious fuck-fest by people who are or should be locked um in a mental institution. The few of us rational people look at all of this as group insanity manifesting itself.
How clever you can't make Israeli flag upside down.
Done, I'm not getting involved in schlomo's schemes
Strange that he would actually delete it.
Can you imagine the US saying this about any other ethnic group/country?
Trump is just another George Bush.
I've been saying this for years but Jow Forums_the donald refugees have infested this board almost completely. There is no bad mouthing their Jewish led God Emperor here.
This post brought to you by satan himself
both parties have been proven to be destructive for the american people for years now with the election of trump.
amd its only been two years.
Kek i dunno why either, I don't know how important flag codes are in the US but this guy just seems like a kike pastor so meh. Seems to be a sign of disrespect if anything
He's a fat disgusting heretic who preaches that Jews don't need Christ. He's one of the primary Christian pastors pushing the worship of jews.
holy fucking shit you people are god damn stupid boomers need to fuck off.
Sign of distress, probably an accident, but suspect all the same
Hagee literally worships Jews. He has even said that he even puts Jews before Christ.
>Whoa, that's pastor John Hagee
His eschatology sermons were always pretty good. Him and Jack Van Impe always seemed to be continuously zeroing in on current day events and how they could possibly be tied to Revelation.
These guys have literally been waiting for this moment their entire lives. It also pretty much ensures they've been preaching something that is guaranteed to not happen, now; barring some highly unlikely world-fate warping event.
When the anti christ comes and takes his throne in Israel all these heretics will be deceived and worship him.
I read that in Hagee's voice; lol. Wouldn't it be ironic as fuck if he had a direct part in the events that lead to the establishment of the Anti-Christ in the Temple Mount?
The insane thing is that Jews and Christians actually believe in the end times and anti-Christ and are actually making this retarded non sense real with their actions.
Religion is not a joke when men armed with nuclear bombs unironically think armageddon HAS to happen.
At some point there will be someone who has a mental illness born into a rich family who thinks hes the antichrist and he will actually be worshipped by these relicucks.
Israel won't give a fuck about USA when time comes. They are just using your retarded power force and your war mongers to build themselves a state and defend it. Aren't you glad you let (((bankers))) take over your nation and the world?
I hate muritards so goddamn much
The Larpist will sing praises of GOYshabbos Hagee... and his kikery
In actuality the world is run by a bunch of guys who love to fulfill prophecies. But why do that instead of using your immense power to crush anyone in your way? Well, to string everyone along of course.
I thought that meant thay the countries are in trouble and under attack
>even when Trump moves embassy to jerusalem
>4d chess
No wonder jews are not being gassed
>The few of us rational people look at all of this as group insanity manifesting itself.
>The few
You are not joking. The true number of sane people in this world is astronomically small.
He is probably a Freemason and supports the secret agenda of the lodge to establish Israel as the seat of power for the NWO.