TRUMP: Just tell me, what do you need for all this to go away?
STORMY: A resignation and you to surrender to the authorities.
TRUMP: Yeah right. Being president is like doing porn; once you do it it's hard to do anything else. Besides, my poll numbers are finally up. And speaking of polls being up... [sticks out his tongue in what I guess is meant to be a sexual manner] Oh come on, we'll always have Shark Week. I solved North and South Korea, why can't I solve us?
STORMY: Sorry Donald, it's too late for that. I know you don't believe in climate change, but a storm's a-coming baby. [Applause]
TRUMP: I've never been so scared and so horny at the same time.
What happened to SNL?
snl has been dead for years
Terminal TDS, like the rest of the left.
How is America's PBS? Tbqh ours isn't all that bad.
I haven't watched it since the election. Are their numbers down?
Now that Trump is showing himself to be pro-israel, the (((media))) is beginning to slowly turn their narrative.
but... he's been doing that since he first came down the escalator lol
PBS here is literally the US governments propaganda bureau. Car talk was the only thing ever worth listening to
the gud goi gets patted on the head by his masters
Vice tweeted this? Nice. I thought they were too far gone.
Aren't they supposed to be independent? Here we fund them but government is not allowed any say over the content. Of course there might be some back room politics going on there. The content is quite varied and some of it is also high quality (remember Assange's famous video where he hinted at his source being Seth Rich, after being pressed by the Dutch host?). Unfortunately this system also produces some horrendous content, because viewer ratings aren't as important as with commercial channels.
Here it is 100% negative coverage on trump. They have never given him one compliment, nor an iota of praise. They pretend conservatives and their problems don't even exist.
They started hiring for diversity a few years ago, after a bunch of SJWs complained.
I'm so glad I grew up with SNL being hosted by the former greats like Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Dan Akroyd, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, David Spade, Norm MacDonald, etc
Even Letterman was normal in the 90s.
It's amazing how Obama's Presidency and the SJWism it mainstreamed has really screwed half of this country up.
Vice is in constant flux between the shitty blog clickbait writers and the actual journalists who risk their necks in Donbas and Gaza. Their hiring system is so distributed that there is no one single Vice News, it's just a couple dozen people each trying to get their point across.
Kind of a shame, but the shitty clickbait gets the funding to allow the actual reporting to happen.
decided to look into the NXIVM thing myself, and her "scar" is certainly not photoshopped, which is what she claimed. it does bare resemblance to the branding. although it doesn't entirely make sense for her to be a member of the cult, it doesn't make sense to claim it's photoshopped when it isn't.
Michael Tracey hasn't tweeted in a month, I'm worried anons.
SNL was always garbage even in the Chevy Chase days.
SCTV was great though
I really can't believe this was even a thing.
The fact that somehow, a sketch comedy show thought it was a brave and smart decision to have a porn-star-gone-full-prostitute on the air because she (allegedly) broke an NDA after being payed money, and this is considered morally justified, is beyond me.
Regardless of feelings of Trump, this is just ridiculous.
This fucking planet, man.
It has become political leftist garbage.All the negetive coverage on trump helped him get elected.
Its not based on ratings. Its a propaganda show that will be played no matter what.
the only time snl was funny was when it had the first cast.
It's funny to watch liberals pretend this is a story that Trump cares about, when in reality, he doesn't give it a second thought.
The fake Russia conspiracy failed. This latest attempt to upseat Trump has failed. They've got nothing left. They're going to lose the 2018 midterm elections, and they're going to lose bigly in 2020.
They have some decent television shows that are not politics related.
The clickbait probably helps fund the actual journalism. Media companies have had to sell their soul to the "5 things you've never seen inside a mailbox!" articles instead of just closing up shop.
She can't keep her story straight. She's also said it's a plastic surgery scar.
>The Virgin SNL
>The Chad MadTV
There is no goddamn way that guy is still doing that show. He already looked old when he was doing that shit like 25 years ago.
But Norm wasn't even there yet
madtv was pretty awful
It's simple really. Conservative is the new counter culture and they're afraid to make fun of themselves. Making fun of sjws is a goldmine and they can't touch it because they're in the heart of it.
>They pretend conservatives and their problems don't even exist.
If conservatives even voice their problems, the left responds with accusations of white privilege and white entitlement.
Every comedy show is awful
Mad TV at least had some decent jokes and wasn't full of non stop political shit
I'm a spreadsheet slave on wall street, every (((kike))) in the office is turning around on Trump. There was literal applause when we were watching the ceremony this morning. This is on top of fucking over the iran deal and the tax cut. Also, the mayor is putting homeless shelters next to multi-million dollar condos. Tip of the spear, niggas.
I'm a marketing exec in San Francisco who is also a conservative, I pitched this idea to a tee shirt company and it got 99% yes but the CEO was a fucking leftie and she nixxed it.
Anyone wanna make a lot of money? Meme this, it's TOXIC to lefties and could turn you guys around.
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder
They're fucking tards so it works. Have fun if you want it. Thanks for being the only sane voices in a cesspool of political correctness.
The span of time when they had Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, etc. was pretty fucking awesome.
>tfw they clap but not laugh
sounds kind of tryhard
I tried watching an Sctv episode a few years back, holy fuck the canned laughter. Didn’t even smirk. Maybe it was funny 30 years ago when I was young, impressionable, and had about 3 other options to watch on the 27” big screen. But now it feels forced and cringy.
Classic SNL was funny shit....Was.
Ummm Trump has been Pro-Israel ever since he announced. You saying Vice / Leftist media are “changing their tune on Trump” simply because today is the day the US Embassy officially moves to Jerusalem, makes no sense. He has been pro Israel and openly pro Israel from the get go.
Makes no sense.
More specifically, they and npr will bring on an anti-trump neocon/establishment conservative and call it a bipartisan discussion. They also have two different feminist shows, one of which is literally called "me too". 90% of their guests are editors for nyt/wapo/buzzfeed so I simplify it by regarding the network as a televised version of the washington post.
Fiction, antidepressants and moral fagging are their only source of consolation. I think that something really fucked up happened with English language comedy bros. And I think it was something we did or played a part in.
Exactly. The msm must have concluded that not only is endless toxic anti-Trump messaging not good for ratings, but it's likely harming the dems on the internal polls they conduct (but don't share).
That show's always been cringey.
In all fields it goes.
you actually expect them to know that? it was never mentioned by their "news" so its brand new to them
PBS hasn't had a good program in years. Seems like they've run out of shit to do shows about.
I'm talking about the primetime programs like Frontline, NOVA, Independent Lens, POV, and stuff like that.
SNL has reached implosion levels of cringe.
Like anything that gets too jewy it stopped being about anything other than fantasy wish fulfillment.
>A resignation and you to surrender to the authorities.
>Having sex with a porn star is illegal
> but a storm's a-coming baby. [Applause]
fucking cringe. Man I hate leftist audiences. Literally seals waiting for that buzz word YAS QUEEEENNN to slap their hands together.
Letterman is a degenerate and possibly a child molesting Satanist.
in living color best show
>implying rednecks aren't the ones clapping every time a truck drives by
liberals have no sense of humor
they make agreements with each other to laugh at politically correct things to push their agenda
This old House is based desu
Why are there two exactly the same threads about this?
Beating dead horses would actually be funnier.
Looks comfy
This. It's been SHIT since shortly after Farley died.
snl's made fun of political personalities since it began airing, spic
Is this recent? Baldwin is STILL doing Trump? I thought he gave that up?
I've never been told why Trump should be concerned about this Stormy Daniels stuff... so why would he be scared?
>when even fucking vice of all people turn on you
SNL literally does multiple trump skits in every single episode
one of their most popular skits is portraying one of his sons as a literal retard. like a mentally challenged man who can barely read a pop-up book
Except they forgot the "funny" part. It got lost somewhere in the late 90s, never to return. This is just spiteful, hateful sour grapes because they're all IT WAS HER TURNers.
>what happened to liberal shittalking show
it kept being itself
People are beginning to realize that this is just like The Daily Show: serious political propaganda with a studio audience laughing in the background in order to falsely claim their faked bullshit is "just comedy bro, relaaax."
That is unironically the least-funny thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
Im actually in awe.
Its the only thing keeping him relevant.
It's not that it's been dead for years. It's that you might be living in a country of retards when SNL is a headline story three of seven days of the week.