Why are intelligent people more likely to be atheists?

Why are low IQ people more likely to be religtards?

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It explains everything and give directions for their slave life i guess

the distribution looks something like this though

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why is the sky blue? why is water wet?

leftwing thought including atheism is really just trendy urban mediocrity masquerading as "intellegence". similar to how the french plebs used to black out their teeth to try to look like they had none, since sugar rotted their teeth and all the rich people ate sugary foods and were missing a bunch. they were just trying to emulate their masters, you know? they were idiots. those people represented pre revolutionary france - a group that communists fucking worship as heroes. go figure.

Every religion is nothing more a bunch of claims that doesn't meet any qualification of scientific proof.

Faith requires you to accept a pre-determined reason for everything, and expects you to embrace something illogical or factually wrong to make it work. Science, when followed properly, offers extremely reliable answers free of that constraint.

tldr; dumb people want an easy answer now. smart people want to find the truth no matter how long it takes.

So, don't you think that first of all you have sorted out the blue and secondly don't you think that the very high IQ people are trying to control you?

your comment doesn't make any grammatical sense and it's impossible to tell what you're really trying to get it.

i'm point out that these left-wing trends in beliefs are just urban trendiness for the plebs. it's mediocrity.

i do think that there are a lot of those urban upper middle class losers that are probably "more intelligent" than your typical conservative who just believes what he believes because that's what he grew up believing, but then there's def another level of people who begin to understand why those traditions matter so much. WHY guns need to be a human right in order to protect ourselves from government, even if they cause the deaths of children. People who are smart enough to understand that they don't know everything, and so they repudiate atheism. people who are smart to understand how corrupt and constrained by political correctness academia is, and so they don't let them do their thinking for them. people smart enough to understand how welfare genuinely hurts humanity, and who understand the importance of small government.

and so that's why im telling you. left-wing faggotry is just urban mediocrity manifesting a faux-intelligence.

you really think all of those brainless herds of people "have it all figured out"? jesus christ, i can't imagine being that simple minded and just following a herd like that.

Because retards believe everything that they're taught.

gonna need some source material

Well, don't you think that the rich with very high IQ can control the others by getting votes from the extremely low IQ republican supporters. You are being enslaved by small amount of selfish high IQ people, while the medium IQ people can understand it, the low IQ people are patriotic and think that the medium IQ people are retarded

I love that GOD answers this himself :-)

(Romans 1:22)
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,


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The first reply, I also told you that you sorted those results by making exceptions like Republicans + Blacks, show the real sources or don't believe in your kike thing

I personally think that God exists. Or atleast the concept of God.
In a very metaphorical way, such as God exists in everyone of us. He is the ultimate being, free of sin and guilt. He is that way humans aspire to be.
Thus we may not be perfect as the concept of God, we may strife towards a better tommorrow, either for us or for others.

That is atleast my take on the whole matter.
I have an IQ of 118, last tested 18 months ago.
Do with that what you want, I said my piece.

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Because you do not breed.

wtf are you talking about all of the rich people preach leftism and progressivism and donate to democrat candidates. wtf world are you living in. please wake up you 72 IQ brainlet.

why the fuck should it even matter what other people think anyway? you need small government. you need freedom. if you don't have freedom then you are being ruled over and controlled by others. it's really very simple, you moron. if you don't have free speech, 2nd amendment, you have nothing. if you are paying income taxes then the government is robbing you. as long as there is a tax code the government will continue to use it to redistribute funds to people other than yourself, and big business will always be given unfair breaks and advantages that will put you out of business and destroy your ability to work for yourself. same is true with regulation, no matter how noble they sound. like "Carbon Tax" just mkes it impossible for people in some industries to bein business for themselves, thus removing the compettions from the big businesses

it's not fucking rocket science, bitch. you are the one literally begging for the government to pass rules over what you are and are not allowed to do so obviously you are the fucking slave, retard.

>"show the sources"
>believing the graph is supposed to real
it's fucking satire you retard. it's a joke. i made it because it's funny. yes it's what i actually believe but omfg how can you be this fucking stupid not to realize something that's partly an obvious joke


Newton was a retard.

I believe that it is a game for survival and your only goal is to give as much fertile offsprings and the more offsprings you have the more the world becomes you. You exist in your sons and daughters. I don't say that god exists or does not exist because I don't know about it yet

>i actually believe
>it's a joke
KYS shill

yeah sure gaslight and try to deny it all now omfg. why can't anyone ever just admit they were wrong about something on the internet. srsly nobody even fucking cares. you really don't have to get embarrassed and act like you "didn't really mean it to begin with" fucking retarded shit man.

Yes and both republican and democratic parties are controlled by (((them))) and their goal is to kill all the non-Jews
But I think democratics are better, because what is worse for USA is best for all of us

i dunno about parties, but i sure as fuck grew up in a republican as fuck family and community and we believe in small government, the constitution, protecting our rights, maintaining and having pride in our traditions and heritage. when you get into politics, as in politicians, people are corrupt. those are the facts. it's always that way. that's actually why you need to be a republican and vote for politicians who advocate small government and a government that exists mostly to restrict itself.
the republican party might not always be good at sticking to its "small government" philosophy, but the demoncrat party is openly an advocate of big government so it's kind of a fucking retarded move to make to say "hurrrrrr well they're both the same then urrrrrrrrr"

and wtf are you talking about USA = israel? and democrat party is better? jesus christ, fuck off shill. you are so full of shit. why are you even using that faggot memeflag? just kill yourself man, your shit is so transparent.

anyone voting democrat at this point is more or less the fucking enemy. you get the bullet. that's all i think now. you're "the other side" so fucking kill yourself, who cares about you.

99% chance you aren't even fucking white.

It is better to destroy USA, that's why I said democratic
The country is a slave to Israel
USA promotes non-white immigration to europe
USA promotes racemixing
USA is the enemy as is the Israel

yeah sure whatever you say buddy. people here are pretty much able to spot subversives when they see them, just FYI.
fucking moron.

USA and Israel created war in the middle east in the first place, that's why non-whites are flooding to Europe

take your meme flag down and show your geographic location pls

You’ve got the causation reversed OP, low IQ folks need religion, and that’s fine by me.

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For the same reason they have low testosterone and stay virgins into old age.
High IQ is nothing especially good.

these were not all atheist.

also, this isn't political, please fuck off to /b/

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>fucking estonian
great, thanks for revealing yourself for what you are. you aren't american and don't know anything about america. stick to potato farming, that's something more your speed im pretty sure. as far as you hating america i dont give a fuck, hate it all you want, you don't live here and never will and you don't get a vote over what we do.

Most atheists today are stupid fucks. They follow a trend.

Neither will your vote matter

Cause theyre christians. And christians are small dick jew slaves. Cursed condemned and damned for eternity

Blood is the only religion
National socialism is the new Christianity

>implying USA elections aren't real
ok you have no clue. just no clue about anything here. pls stick to your potato farm man, im serious.

BTW i just wanna say i love how foreigners literally shill for the democrat party in the interest of destroying the USA from the inside out. very telling. tells a lot about what dems and foreigners are really about.

You are pretty dense and have no idea whatsoever of where you live. Stick to keeping your head in your ass.

Go vote for your either zionist leaders.
But believe me, if you don't go to vote, the same candidate gets elected

Whats with the liberal assumption that your average mouth breathing citizen can handle leading the life of the greatest men the world has ever known

Newton, considered to be the smartest man ever, believed in god
Also you never seen a atheist soup kitchen

I know it's bait, but some of these people aren't even atheists you mongrel. If anything they'd have been agnostic.

>shhhhhh republican goyim. don't vote! your vote doesn't matter! it's all rigged by the jews no matter what! don't exercise your right to a political voice!
god you are so insidious!

Half of those guys weren't even truly atheists, and you know it OP.

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Democrat voters in the middle? Dude the majority of them are women, Latinos, and niggers. Yeah I know you have niggers mixed with Republicans but there are all kind of other shit that vote Dem. Don't forget that 2016 was the first time the Republicans won the uneducated vote since 84.

>implying Republicans are any better than Democrats
good goy

Being smart does not mean that you are always right.

>“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you”
-Werner Heisenberg

>I prefer slow intergation of niggers and other immigrants instead of death of the country and praise Israel and Trump XD, instead of letting it fall and rebuilding it
republicans truly are the dumbest of goyim

Even when cheating and claiming the founding fathers were atheist (fucking stupid) atheists STILL can't produce a fraction of the geniuses Christians have

Nice appeal to authority there, you IQ scrub.

I also don't believe that voting changes anything (if elections could change change something, they wouldn't happen), but I still go voting because fuck it, why not. At least normies won't be able to tell me that I can't complain because I didn't vote.

It's hard to explain the scale of the universe as a creation of some particular singular entity.
For plebs there is no difference between atheism and the forms of cuckstianity though.

In 1864, some former slaves in Maryland presented Lincoln with a gift of a Bible. According to one report, Lincoln replied:

In regard to this great book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Saviour gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man's welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it