If God isn’t real why do the world’s richest most powerful people engage in satanic occult rituals?

If God isn’t real why do the world’s richest most powerful people engage in satanic occult rituals?

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Atheists have no response to this

It's conspiracy made by God to make atheists look stupid. Don't believe it.

Checkmate athiests.

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does your body exists, how about your brain, what about your mind, and what about your sexual urges?

Nice cope post bro

None of that proves or disproves God.

Well if God is real why do they do it?

Because they want dem tasty satanic gibbs

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Arrogance. They spit in the face of God. They believe they have no need for him. They want to use technology to live forever and become their own gods.

They also believe they reincarnate into powerful bloodlines on Earth. Thus they have no need for God.

And would he be able to stop their worship of false idols through materialism and so on as far as our knowlege goes?

That sentence wasn't very well written. I mean could God intervene and stop them from worshipping Satan and other false deities?

Rly maeks u think desu
Do you goys think about the Gnostic worldview where the physical universe is essentially a "bad copy" of the spiritual world ruled over by an AI with an inferiority complex?
Also, what if "God" is actually Satan larping as the infinite God of all dimensions?

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What do you*

Why would him? this is your life not his.

I’m not sure. If they are evil and fallen he would probably prefer for them to see the folly of their ways exposed and humiliated.

I am sure they sure they use crystal meth too by communicate with the unearthly divine spirits

Good question

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Satan is Jove's father, it is Joves destiny to overthrow him after ages of Satans dark rule.

Because according to some forms of Christianity everything that happens on Earth is caused by God.
If the financial Elites do so many bad things with their wealth, they surely lure people away from the path of Christianity, why would he do that?

>what is trust?

It's incredibly easy to understand.

why is there so much /x/ shit leaking all over Jow Forums today

What are the gibs user?

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Engaging in such rituals would mean that you acknowledge the existence of God and Satan as well as heaven and hell.
God is an omnipotent being, therefore anyone with even the slightest bit of common sense would see that trying to fool such a being is a rather bad idea.
Why would all these rich and powerful people, who I assume possess above-average intelligence as they attained such a position in our society, do something that is obviously not going to end well for them?

They're bored.

/polx/ is far superior to /x/. /x/ is just tumblrfags and literal annoying kikes. Jow Forums has enough brain cells for actual discussion.

There are a lot of power levels between mankind and a single omnipotent God.


Some forms of Satanism is just Materialism. They worship Money and themselves. They do not believe in an afterlife or god, for some of them there is no spirituality at all, they live in the here and now.

jokes on god , god is fake.

Because whilst they may have "above-average" intelligence, they're still human and slaves to the temptations of power and greed. They forgot the divine to pursue their base selfs

I'm not even religious and such but it's clearly likely to be a Golden Calf sort of situation where God is luring the wicked and godless who are turning their backs on his teachings to easy temptation in order to send them to hell that much more quickly.

I mean, it said explicitly in the Bible that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven. God's just fucking with the already wicked in order to seal their fates.

t. former atheist.

Alot of that is just smoke and mirrors to keep the goyim focused on outlandish and unprovable claims. Alex "Shill of the decade" Jones and the Bohemian Grove perfromances were about accomplishing just that.

The truth is that, unless you study them for years, most conspiracy walnuts know very little about the actual culture and history of the elite.


Demons give people power.

The bible says hell doesn't exist yet.
Satan walks the earth.
This is his realm and that's why horrible shit happens.

That's why time exists (the devils creation) and why we get hungry/age.

This will continue till the rebirth and holy war banishes him to hell with all of the decieved angels (demons) and sinners.
The most evil of the elite probably can see him on earth and he's giving them extended life and other powers in return for souls.

That's why all of the kikes want transhumanism and extending life.
They are scared as fuck to die and be judged.
This is their hell on earth where they hold power and influence.

Someone reply to me goddamnit


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just look at the universe. it is a completely fucked up ideology

Please watch this

>Satan walks the earth.
>This is his realm and that's why horrible shit

>Jow Forums
>brain cells
pick one

So you think satanism is just atheism for people for whom atheism is not edgy enough?
To be honest, that's also what I always assumed, but all this effort on the rituals and sacrifices the elites supposedly perform seems so wasted then.

It's clearly an irrational decision though, if you know you'll end up losing, why would you proceed to walk this path? "They're just slaves to temptation" seems like too easy of an answer to this.

You mean, they want to live forever through their legacy on earth? But isn't the universe going to die of heat death one day? If they just want eternal life, why don't they just turn to the being that promises them that?

Because they worship power and they are arrogant. They DO NOT know it won’t end well for them... look at how well it has gone for them so far. They are arrogant. They want to surpass god by using anti-aging tech to live forever and become their own Gods. Arrogance / worship of power. If they knew it wouldn’t end well for them they wouldn’t be fallen souls.

The seat is real.

The power is real, what is not real is the personification of said power, so all you have to do is place your buttocks.

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>So you think satanism is just atheism for people for whom atheism is not edgy enough?
You're exactly right.

No. They want to use science to reverse engineer God and become their own Gods. They want to transcend all.


Exactly. The people with all the money, power, and passed down information seem to believe it. Theres a reason to be a mason you need to have a belief in god. The trick is making the world think otherwise and abuse your knowledge advantage.

I think about this almost everyday now desu,


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But they know that God is omnipotent, even if they achieved transhumanism and stuff like that one day, he could still send them to hell. If you try to fight an omnipotent being, you're bound to lose, for obvious reasons.

As above, so below
As is within, so is without
As is the macrocosm, so is the microcosm

>So you think satanism is just atheism for people for whom atheism is not edgy enough?
Could be, like atheism with benefits.
These People are greedy. Greed is probably one of the strongest motivators a human can have, albeit not necessarily a positive one.
But i ask myself the same questions as you. They are already filthy rich. Why waste your time with these rituals and so on.
Maybe they just try to achieve more and more power with it, since they are, as I said, just greedy.

You’re talking about the strongest Egos history has ever known. Omnipotence doesn’t mean shit to them.

What could be mightier than omnipotence?

The problem with proving omnipotence is that if god posseses it, why doesn't he stop them here and now. If all this alleged occultism and stuff is true, that is some truly evil shit and innocent people suffer. Why would he allow it?

Blackmail and conditioning

They refuse to acknowledge God’s omnipotence.

God's ways are beyond us. But they are the correct ones, because God is above us.


Because if the afterlife is true they only suffered for a brief period on earth and he would make it up to them with eternal life.

You guys are fucking retarded. If I was participating in some satanic ritual and knew
it was real, I'd immediately turn my back on them and seek God's forgiveness. Anyone
with half a brain would too, eternal damnation is not worth some pleasures in this life.

If the abrahamic god is real, then we're stuck in a sick roleplay of his which he chooses not
to end but to enjoy our suffering.

You’re a dumbass. These people openly spit in the face of God’s omnipotence, do not serve him and want to defeat him. Dumbass. What you just posted is the reason you are not one of them.

I've thought about this, too. Now, let's put yourself in the position of a super-mega rich person that has all the time in the world to do whatever the fuck you want. What do you do? Do you:
1. Fulfill every fleshly desire you've ever dreamed of? What do you do after that?
2. Try to make the world a better place with medicine/food/shelter? What if you realize that the indigent are that way by choice and you CANT fix the problem?
3. Indulge in so sociopathy to get some thrills just so you can actually "feel" something other than overt superiority over the rest of the people around you?

Think about this for a second. Once you've hit every fucking single thing on your bucket list, what's next? Power? Domination and control? What happens when people start getting real power? They always seek more, right?

There are some really evil people in the world, user. They don't actually HAVE to believe that Satan is real, but they can participate in the life for the fun of it just because they can. It gives them the feeling of having power over regular folk. They look at us as cattle; to do with what they please.

Do they REALLY believe in this shit? Maybe, maybe not. Does it matter? Not really. I can tell you this, though; I find it really comforting that there is a group of people out there that is in control of the situation, and doing something about it all.

There is no individualism in the afterlife. Souls likely remerge with "God" and enjoy eternal bliss as a whole, complete being.

Well I guess so.
What you say is true, but I do not really get why he would send them through this torment in the first phase?
Maybe as a test. Hmm, no one can say for certain.

So retards waste their time "discovering" the Illuminati, Masonry and Kabbalah instead of worrying about the real world. Also so dogmatic retards are afraid of authorities on a primal level
>Better not mess with them, they're with satan! Spooky!

For someone who believes in God, that would be similar to not refusing to acknowledge that the grass is green, I think, no?

Agree with the first paragraph of your post, that's also the main reason why I have trouble believing this whole stuff about the elites being satanists. I find it hard to believe that an ego could be that huge.
In fact, I'd argue that someone who is so dependent on temporary pleasure to prefer it to unimaginable torture for the rest of time might not be sane, and therefore not accountable.

However, as I mentioned previously, the ways of God might not be understandable to you or me, but they are still correct because God is perfect, and therefore above us.

If you get into an important position, such as a celebrity or in politics, they tape you doing something compromising so you can never turn your back on them

The Abrahamic God is the Demiurge, not the real God.

When you're at the top you have more to lose and more people who want you to lose than anyone else. Talk is cheap, especially among the ultra wealthy and powerful. These acts are a means for the elite to keep each other in check, so they betray neither each other or the group as a whole, and thusly maintain their collective grip on the world.

Because the physical world is the realm of Lucifer. Do you even into occult?

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Have the updated version finbro

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Same answer to why does God let bad stuff happen

"God" isn't here to solve problems that you can all solve yourselves, challenges that you all have to overcome. If "God" took care of those things, then "God" would take away from your ability to be that strong

>satanic occult rituals?
Because it Jow Forums thinks they do?

If Jesus is real, then how many of his "miracles" have you performed? I'll be fair--I won't even hold you to the "greater works" part but surely you've worked some wonders in his name, right???

>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12

my god damn sides
bless you beautiful mountain aryans

You can't make this shit up. This fucking timeline.

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Who let all of the Christian boomers on this site?

>defeat him

You guys are the biggest LARPers, anyone who believes in this shit and wishes to defeat some infinite being must be
clinically retarded. It cannot happen, however, knowing this, this is all but God's play in the first place, he allowed ignorance,
disobedience and being all omnipotent and all knowing, he would know every outcome, so to prolong this life means that he
is the ultimate enabler of all suffering. This is why I can't take your religion seriously, because to force myself to believe it, is
to acknowledge we're all under a psychopath's spell and we're literally eating feces when we call him all merciful and loving.

>the ways of God might not be understandable to you or me, but they are still correct because God is perfect, and therefore above us.

Anyone with basic discrimination skills can determine God's true nature alone with what I said above. Actually it does help thinking, "we
cant understand gods intentions" to curb him being an actual psychopath. It's so fucking easy for us to believe in God, since we're in Europe
or America because we have it good. But try starving in some shithole of a country with a genetic disease, also in the end for God not to save
you because maybe that person didn't receive the "gospel" - all this was because God loves you. Fucking hell, wake up.

All of this shit is unnecessary, to create life and to hope for it to worship you is clearly something an unfulfilled God would do.

Based finn knows what's up

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Jesus is wanting you to follow his teachings, not to attempt to perform his miracles like an autistic witch

(((Transhumanism))) in a nutshell

Rich does not equal good

Witch form of Christianity is determinist?

>Alot of that is just smoke and mirrors to keep the goyim focused on outlandish and unprovable claims.

nonsense. you have to go back.

>Doing "the works that I do" really means "follow my teachings
>What the bibble says isn't what it really means and what it means isn't what it really says


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Hobo fights

Non sequitur

God forsook Jesus on the cross.
Why do you think Jesus screamed out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

How can god be fake when god created him self retard, everything would be fake but god

>Implying "Satanic" occult rituals aren't Jewish occult rituals
>Implying (((THEY))) didn't (((give))) us (((Yahweh))) to make sure we didn't practice actual Satanism ourselves
The best part is that the energy for those rituals *comes* from Yahweh-worship. Why else do you think the atheist Jews are pushing ultra-radical Islam so hard, even when Muslims hate Jews and Israel? Christianity did the same thing for them for hundreds of years, but it was also designed to eventually cuck itself to death and now they're finishing the job.

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they actually don't but Jow Forums boomer retards want to believe they do because well.. they are a bunch of retards. And God isn't real because *insert one of the 1841879 arguments against God's existence*

>he browses Jow Forums but can't come in terms with the fact that true malevolence and evil exists on this Earth
I know, accepting that darkness and demons exist is not a fun idea. You can find solace in the fact that if those things exist, so do their opposites.

Have faith, brother.

When you get to a certain level above the basic "human struggle", you start looking for metaphysical and philosophical purpose.

Starving shitholes are starving shitholes not because of Gof, but because humans made those countries that way.

Satan is at the bottom of the rabbit hole and the Elites know it.

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t. Degenerate homosexual destined for hell.

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