How do Trump supporters here reconcile their support of Trump with their hatred of Israel?
There are very few Presidents since the founding of modern Israel who even come close to the level of enthusiasm and openness with which Trump backs the Zionist project. And the craziest fucking thing is that you here Trump fans saying that he's "sticking it to the Jewish media"; as if him saying politically incorrect things is somehow more indicative of his stance on Zionism than how he interacts with Israel.
Let's be honest, how many Trump supporters on Jow Forums do you actually think aren't antisemitic?
Not in general, on Jow Forums specifically. Because that's what the thread was about. Communism as a school of thought existed before Karl Marx, you know.
Gavin Garcia
I was referring to your idiotic pic.
Jeremiah Barnes
Everything you just wrote is gash >someone said he's sticking it to the Jewish owned media Just a statement of fact. Facts don't need reconciling they are simply existential. If you're not a crazy leftoscrote mental contortionist that is.
Once we get our way, Shapiro, Rubin etc are all going in the ovens.
The only Jew who will be spared (aside from Jewesses) will be John Safran.
The split is coming soon anyway - the """"""""intellectual dark web"""""""""""" is becoming more rabidly neo-con/neo-lib and explicitly banishing "Alt-Right" elements.
Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin had an interview yesterday (or the day before) in which he flat out states that liberals/leftists are cowards etc because they are unable to discuss conflicting opinions with people, refuse to platform people they disagree with, and claim this is justified because Muh Racism.
He then immediately turns around and says he would never interview platform or interview Richard Spencer or Andrew Anglin because that's EXTREMISM, and RACISM, and some ideas can't have a platform.
It's hilarious.
You have to remember that support for Trump is not support for Trump as a person, politician or for his policies. He's just a grenade.
Austin Rivera
Come on, it's just a meme pic I selected randomly from my folder because it had "trump voters" in the title. Let's move past it.
Nathaniel Johnson
You literally can't think Trump is good for antisemitism if he supports a colonial Jewish ethnostate. The two ideas are fundamentally incompatible.
Nathan Phillips
We love Israel you fucking shill
Ayden Gomez
They aren't actually. Most Ring Wingers support "an" Israel.
We want Jews OUT. The existence of Israel removes 90% of the Jewish guilt narrative and their claims to "legitimate" parasitism.
Israel means they can GO BACK.
Carson Lopez
There's like, at least 4 fucking Israel Hate threads up you fucking liar. There is nothing more parasitic than giving billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel with no strings attached just so that they can have cool weapons to keep from getting killed by their Arab neighbors.
Ryan Smith
>There is nothing more parasitic than giving billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel with no strings attached just so that they can have cool weapons to keep from getting killed by their Arab neighbors.
I don't disagree. I hate that we bribe niggers, sand niggers, asian insectoids and jews to stay out and not cause trouble.
But the other solution is genocide, and most white people are too kind for that.
That dude's also like 80 years old. What the fuck do they think an old Evangelical Protestant would think?
Levi Thompson
>There's like, at least 4 fucking Israel Hate threads up you fucking liar. Those are Stormfags trying to relive the glory days of 2016 when their bullshit fed off the "anti-establishment" billionaire with Jewish grandchildren. Jow Forums is a GOP psyop and it did its job
Angel Thomas
> Hey guys I'm here to create division, so today lets talk about Trump and, hmm, oh I don't know, something to do with JOOS!?!?! > Yeah, jews, specifically Israel > So, you can all just stop supporting Trump now, ok? > Please? > Pretty please? > (( help me, they beat me if I don't make you say yes ))
Social liberals and the Alt Right are two sides of the same coin. They are being used by the bourgeoisie for their own enrichment.
Do you think it's any coincidence that some of the major backers of Trump are domestic manufacturers and defense contractors? Did it ever occur to you that they might be stirring up national, racial, and religious chauvinism to line their own pockets? That you are nothing more than a disposable tool for someone else's stock dividends and your "Great Culture War" is a myth created by corporate executives to keep workers killing other workers?
Bentley Perez
You literally want to genocide people. You have absolutely zero grounds for complaining about other people being too violent.
Andrew Price
>Aryan warriors >Holy Fuck he's got a bike lock! This one never fails to get my sides, thanks, rapebait.
He was deep in with the mob Israel is a literal mafia state Monies to be made/laundered trump towers to build. Arms races to supply inventory etc etc
Owen Rodriguez
>You literally want to genocide people. You have absolutely zero grounds for complaining about other people being too violent.
Good job putting words into my mouth.
Why don't you go bash another innocent bystander because you can't control your erratic emotions?
Elijah Taylor
>Anarchist Well you would know how to spot a retard, being one yourself.
Joseph Smith
>Good job putting words into my mouth. If you don't believe in systematic racial genocide, you are not a Nazi.
There is no means of reserving entire continents for people of Germanic descent without systematic racial genocide. You can just say "deport them", but deport them where? Nazism also entails imperialism, so anywhere you deport them you are just going to end up conquering and settling anyway, at least in your utopian fantasy.
Isaac Davis
>videos of "nazis" exterminating millions of jews >404 didn't happen
Innocent and hardworking people never wanted to see the day where you were being turned into soap. You brought this upon yourselves.
Caleb Bell
satire and comedy vs assault, if we could commit mass genocides we would've done it by now you idiot liberal fucks, two years ago I shot one of you retards in self defense after a cuck tried punching me while wearing a MAGA hat, I served for 8 years in the Army as infantry and never killed anyone while deployed, came close, but yeah I drew and fired 7 times and the little limp wristed fuck survived somehow, 9 surgerys so far for him lol jude dismissed the civil suit and the shooting was ruled self defense
Gabriel Perry
Enjoy your country being destroyed Ready to die for Israel goyim The government commands!!!!
Nolan Phillips
>If you don't believe in systematic racial genocide, you are not a Nazi.
Oooooh well I'm sorrrrry, Mr King of Defining Who a Nazi Is.
I taught a toddler to roman salute when I say juice. Are you going to assault that toddler?
Adam Rogers
No, seriously. Patriotism and anti authoritarianism aren't mutually exclusive. Bit of a Venn diagram, if you can picture
Noah Hill
Bill Clinton passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act in 1995, faggots, Trump just green-lighted a long-stalked project to be completed. Stay mad and ignorant of reality, commies.
The elites will always try to use and manipulate the winning team. Both left and right wing can be tweaked to their benefit.
The left offers more social and economic control of the populace. The right offers lower taxes for their businesses, and more enthusiasm for wars they can profit off of or use to eliminate enemy states.
The culture war is real, and the elite want to profit off of it and control it.
Gavin Baker
"Nazi" has a very specific meaning and ideological background. It's not broad like "fascism"; if you call yourself a Nazi or a National Socialist, you HAVE to believe in the following things:
>An ethnostate for people of Germanic/Nordic descent >The removal of inferior races from this ethnostate, with an emphasis on Jews >A constantly expanding "living space" via conquest and imperialism, along with a consistent war economy and soldier-civilians
Thomas Ward
the only jew the left virtue signal for be the 6 million dead. The adl. Or one in their current vicinity. Otherwise their lips are wrapped around the nearest mr towlie cock gurgling out free palestine between swallows. Iike the brown shirt equivalent antifa fags.
John Sanchez
It's almost like Drumpf supporters are absolutely retarded
National Socialism has nothing to do with genocide Nationalism as ethnic nationalism, socialism as helping each others in your own nation are the principles of national socialism >Fighting against the supporters of your country is the same because they support it while simutaniously fighting against the enemies of the country because they don't support it Well you can't be that retarded
James Hall
Ethnostate != "Systematic racial genocide"
And then you proceed to further put words in my mouth.
Your imagination Reality
At best your imagination is a single loosely-plausible chain of events BUT YOU'RE NOT ONLY JUST IGNORANT BUT ACTIVELY SUBVERTING REALITY
Fuck off you stupid cunt.
Grayson Cruz
>How do Trump supporters here reconcile their support of Trump with their hatred of Israel? By praising Trump when he does good things (appointing Gorsuch, tax cuts, bringing peace to the Korean peninsula) and criticizing him when he does bad things (shilling for Israel and China)
Jack Barnes
I explained why an ethnostate inherently leads to systematic racial genocide if you had BOTHERED to fucking listen to me, you unbelievable retard.
Austin Nguyen
Over 62 million people voted for Donald Trump. How many people do you think actually use the Jow Forums board and sincerely post racist stuff?
Liam Diaz
>Sudden archive out of nothing Alt-right is a Jewish psyop
Oliver Mitchell
>with their hatred of Israel? They don't hate Israel, they just pretend they do so they can fit in here. Then when shit like today happens, they show their true T_D colors.
Adrian Thomas
No it does not, you can expel immigrants, retard
Connor Price
>hate israel They love Israel and love spending US dollars propping up communist jobs in china. Trump is more of a communist than Stalin could ever dream.
Aiden Taylor
wow the left really CANNOT meme LMAO how are they such brainlets
Aiden Peterson
Take that flag off, moron. Anarchists don't believe in nation states, you aren't fooling anybody.
And if you'd READ MY FUCKING POST, you' know why "expelling immigrants" is not a viable solution for a Nazi ethnostate.
Carson Russell
can't speak for everyone here, but what started as cautious optimism quickly turned into disappointment as Trump showed his true colours. Israel can Kike it up all they want in their own shitty patch of desert my issue is with the Nazarene Americlaps who worship them ("Greatest ally" etc) and refuse to prioritize our own national self-interest.
Nicholas Bailey
>And if you'd READ MY FUCKING POST, you' know why "expelling immigrants" is not a viable solution for a Nazi ethnostate.
Expel and build a wall.
You're retarded. You don't follow complex systems very well.
Ryder Cox
Currently, that overlap is basically theoretical, yes.
Noah Campbell
It is a bait, you faggot Probably made by a disappointed Trump supporter I was defending NatSoc, not talking about my own beliefs as they are mix of ethnic Nationalism and Anarchism >Gas the Jews voluntary basically
Jordan Mitchell
I thought him being a mega kike was a small price to pay because he would ally with Russia and bring peace to the ME, and stop wars and refugee waves.
Turns out he can't do none of those things except being a mega kike.
Brayden Harris
the soviet union had consistent persecutory measures against jews
Juan Johnson
"jews control all media to brainwash people into doing their bidding" "trump is a kike shill" "90% of news coverage of trump is negative" -low IQ stormfag/muslim with meme flag logic.
Caleb Scott
I look at anything Trump does through a lens of "It's still better than seeing Hillary every day"
Lenin was a Jew through and so were most communist generals As North-Korea is still listed as one of the last 5 enemies of Israel, I guess they lose USSR at some point
Colton Stewart
Not all trump supporters are natsocs Checkmate faggot
Jacob Nelson
Yeah, some of them are liberals too
Liam Taylor
I like your reasoning
Kevin Sanders
>"90% of news coverage of trump is negative" Do cuckservatives only ever read left wing news companies?
yeah but jews control the media, why are they attacking their kike puppet 24/7? ibraham?
Isaac Bennett
>gas the Jews voluntarily
this guy gets it, you're okay for a black-and-red.
James Miller
>mix of ethnic Nationalism and Anarchism Does it rustle your jimmies that there's red on your flag?
Chase Barnes
They were Bolsheviks during the October revolution and early stages of the USSR. I'm not sure who you are refering to exactly but most generals of the revolution (jewish or not) were killed by Stalin.
Hunter Hughes
Because they play both sides dumbass. They appeal to both the left and right.
Ryan Collins
I don’t hate Israel I’m not a stormcuck
Nolan Roberts
>Only nazis hate Israel
Luis Reed
Coca Cola was also invented by the Jews
Justin Fisher
احسنت القول
Daniel Bailey
Because they give you (((diversity))) of canditates, while all (((canditates))) will make similar political desicions. Let's say they can't push some law under Trump's presidency, they will just wait for (((democrats))) to win If they can't push some law though (((democrats))) they will just make the (((republicans))) to win They will just sell you the taste of victory Just jew things, you know
William Hernandez
fuck you and your strawman you kike
Ethan Price
It’s a two pronged strategy designed to capture 100% of the market.
You think you’re picking red flavor or blue flavor, but it’s still the same product.
Easton Jackson
I think that's the most boiled down way I see this presidency. I'm glad it happened and it's doing everything I support, but whatever bad shit does happen it's still not Hillary. Considering it was either or it's impossible for me to feel bad about my decision.
Joshua Adams
My point was that Soviet Union was a Jewish creation, but some other group took the power over Probably the same who controls Russia today as Putin was a KGB agent and Russia still supports Iran
Ayden Hughes
Fuck off loser, Nobody likes you here Take your fucking (((Tactics))) back to plebit where they belong Faggot.
Commie kike is dead but moving on to the next target.
You're a predator. But you're shit.
Owen Ross
Back to r/the_donald magapede
Jason Stewart
They''re delusional and can't deal with the fact they were tricked into putting a huge ziocon into office.
Landon Williams
so in the meantime, help yourselves to the abundance of breadcrumbs that Trump has laid out for you? It's already apparent that whether or not Trump is a puppet, his demands are still entirely dependent on the approval of a ZOG controlled state. You get a wall, Israel gets the lion's share. You get good immigration, Israel gets the lion's share. You want to beat the democrats? Too bad they're in on it too!
Wyatt Reed
sorry to break it to you. But this is called a free and open discussion. If you'd like, you can go back to le faggit for your daily dose of authoritarian censorship.
Daniel Sanchez
die for israel
"islam is barbaric and wrong and israel has a right to exist"